Gay Erotic Stories

Big Bruce The BIG Beefy Blue Bull

by BigBruce
06 Oct 2003


Dick Jackson walked around the conference table smoking his cigarette, he was a middle aged man, a millionaire and a shrewd businessman, he looked at his board of directors, they were staring at him, he was wearing nothing but his white shorts with dollar signs all over them in black, that and his night gown, he had two sluts on either side of him hanging on his arms caressing his chest.

"WWF is still tops in the ratings, we need to push a new product, something bigger, something new, something sexual, something that will increase ratings and make Wrestle-Core the number one wrestling federation in Television history."

The directors murmured amongst themselves, they were all dressed in corporate clothing but their employer's eccentric behaviour didn't cloud their thirst for money.

"We could have a program about lesbian wrestlers." One director spoke out.

"Nah, I had something different in mind," Dirk flipped a switch on a remote control he had in his gown, a hologram of an island showed up on the table where the directors sat.

"Gentlemen, I give you Wrestle Island, One wrestler will face dozens of different wrestlers, except we won't target the usual market, we're targeting the bisexual, homosexual and women's market, there's a lot of untapped potential there. We'll recruit a straight heterosexual man and force him to fight the dirtiest wrestlers alive. He'll have food, a shelter to sleep and even a gym to keep him in shape, but he has to get through all the wrestlers in the island until he can leave. He has to defeat every one of them; if he loses he'll have to have a rematch. I want a real tough muscleman for this, someone with big tits and balls. "

"Where are we going to find someone like that?" Another director asked.

"My nephew goes to gym, he'll find someone there, someone like the British Bulldog or Ken Shamrock. Then we'll recruit our wrestling force via the internets gay wrestling sites, there are hundreds of guys there that would love to wrestle for a show like this, we even had our top scientists working on some new breeds of wrestlers." Dirk flipped another switch, this time a window opened up on the side of the room revealing large tanks with humanoids floating inside. One man was totally blue with white hair, large and muscular, another was average male size but had dozens of tentacle penis's protruding from his crotch with massive testicles. More men were inside tanks were being genetically enhanced and manipulated.

"What's that?" enquired the first director pointing to a large container with some goo floating at the bottom.

"That should be full by the time the wrestle war is over, in order to win the wrestler has to squeeze the cum out of our reluctant hero's balls. For our hero to win he just has to beat up his opponent, if he's straight he won't want to touch another guys genitals."

Dirks Nephew Chuck Wheeler sat at his bench in the gym, he had the perfect guy in mind for his uncles new show. Chuck was the first to volunteer to be the star wrestler to take on the straight guy. He was about 105 kg, average height, black hair, he had muscle but it was covered in flab and fat. He was a strong guy but no where near as strong as Bruce Hutchinson, the NYPD policemen he was watching on the other side of the gym training his chest on the bench press, he was lifting over 100 kg. Chuck could only do 80 kg. Bruce was perfect, he fitted the description, he wasn't a great good-looking guy, he had a rough tough face with a thick neck and rugged thick cheeks and chin good looks.

He was barrel-chested and had powerful looking arms. He was must've weighed about 115 kg. He had legs just like a rugby players and had big thick thighs and a firm stomach, but no six-pack. He was wearing a blue pair of rugby shorts showing his awesome powerful legs and a gray vest showing his hanging protruding set of boobs. Chuck wanted him, he wanted to squeeze his big thick muscles, he wanted to milk the muscleman and beat him into orgasm. He followed the beefy muscleman into the change rooms where he watched Bruce strip to go into the shower, when he removed his shorts Chuck stared in amazement at Bruce's genitals, they were among the largest he had ever seen, His testicles must have been the size of jumbo eggs, 6 cm long as opposed to 4 cm, and 4 cm wide as opposed to 2 cm thick. The penis was also in proportion, his huge gentiles hung like a big sack of potatoes waving as he walked to the showers. Chuck stared but Bruce didn't notice the fat slug staring at his well-endowed equipment. Chuck got up and walked to him, he grabbed the rugby shorts from Bruce's sports bag and walked over to the shower.

"Hey muscleman, you should take these", Bruce turned around to face Chuck who threw him his shorts and snarled, you're gonna need them!"

"What?" Bruce said as the shower door closed in front of him and a trap door opened under his feet swallowing him into another chamber. He found himself inside some sort of giant test tube, he could see a couple of smartly dressed corporate clothed people watching him through the glass, he quickly slipped his shorts on, they barely fitted, they hugged his muscular powerful body, without underwear his balls hung, his shorts were so thin like spandex that his balls hung and protruded prominently, it almost felt as if he wore nothing. He felt sleepy as the chamber filled with gas knocking him out, Money Man or Dirk Jackson saddled over him and admired this muscleman, he eyed the huge chest and beefy balls.

"Perfect, let the games begin."

Bruce woke up, he found himself lying on the beach wearing nothing but his navy blue tight rugby shorts.

"Where am I?" he asked as he picked himself up studying his surroundings. "You're on Wrestle Island Muscleman."

Bruce turned around and found himself face to face with Money Man, Money man was surrounded by his two sluts on each side as well as two wrestlers, Chuck or Rhino Boy wore a black pair of briefs and another black guy who was muscular and bald wore a red Speedo, he wasn't as big or thick as Bruce but more ripped and cut, his bulge was as big as Bruce's, Chucks was almost as big. Another man was standing next to Bruce, a fat overweight man who looked like a farmer, his chest was pure flab and he had a huge stomach, he wore farmer's overalls.

"Bruce, my boy, if you ever want to get off this Island you have to fight your way off, by the way we took the liberty of shaving you."

Bruce always had short brush cut hair but he looked down his shorts and found his pelvic area had been shaved clean as well as his chest and legs.

"What do you want from me, how dare you hold me against my will, who are you?"

"I want you to wrestle, that's all," Money Man said as he raised his hand and then lowered it."

Potato Sac, the farmer started to move his hands all over his body in a series of sexual movements, he began to grip and pull his own fat wobbly tits, Bruce stared puzzled as he watched this weird fat man, his chest began to pulsate and began spraying milk like a shower over Bruce.

Bruce felt extremely weak, his legs buckled and he fell to his knees as more cum - milk shot out of Potato sacs nipples, Bruce looked up at Money Man as he slumped over, "feel so weak, muscles feel like jelly, what?" Bruce said as he was covered in the slime.

"It's a cum which all your wrestling opponents make in their bodies, we genetically created it to make you weak, it gives our guys an advantage over you, watch your back muscleman, my men are everywhere on this jungle island, remember, you beat them all, you are a free man, otherwise you and your big beefy body is all mine to do with as I please."

Moneyman walked away with his associates as he left Bruce covered in the man milk on the beach. This was the beginning of Wrestle-Core's Wrestle Island and Bruce was the wrestling star.

Dirk watched the latest show, the ratings were great, people loved the Blue Bull even though Bruce was fighting for his life, he had beaten every opponent he had so far, Dirk was displeased, Bruce had succeeded in beating up every opponent without even having been slightly rattled by the strongest opponent he faced so far. In the new footage Moneyman was viewing, Bruce was walking on the beach training and doing push ups when Tommy Balls attacked him out of the jungle forest, Tommy wasn't as big or as strong but far faster and agile, yet Bruce floored him in seconds and forced him to submit.

"Time to test the testicles."

Bruce was doing push up on the beach, his massive thick chest heaving, bulking, his big thick arms straining while his powerful built huge thighs slapped together made a very muscular site, all he wore was his blue tight rugby shorts the only thing he had to wear besides a gray or black vest, he wore the black one. He got up from the sand and heard a yell from the forest, it sounded as if someone was hurt or under attack, he knew better than to fall into a trap, but he was enjoying the fighting, he enjoyed wrestling since childhood or any contact sports where you played rough. He ran into the forest into a sand laid walk way. He expected a trap, he walked carefully, and suddenly he heard another yell, only this time an aggressive attacking yell. He turned to face it; it was the man who trapped him in the gym, Chuck Wheeler or Rhino Boy. Bruce studied Rhino Boy, he was the same height but not near as macho or muscular as he, he had muscles but covered in fat and flab and a podgy stomach. He had black short curly hair and a podgy fat face. He jumped at Bruce but Bruce ducked and turned, hands up by his chest ready, he punched Rhino Boy several times in the stomach and face.

He was beating Rhino Boy up as if Rhino Boy were nothing more than a boxing bag. Rhino boy got in a few punches but hardly had any effect. Bruce put Rhino boy through a camel clutch and then finished him off in a figure four, Rhino Boy cried out in pain for mercy signaling his surrender. Bruce let go but was amazed to see Rhino Boy struggle to his feet and face him. There was still fight in him but something caught Bruce's eye, he noticed Rhino Boy grinning, he saw a definite hard one in Rhino Boys black tight briefs. Rhino Boy lifted his arms weakly, he was challenging Bruce to a test of strength, a challenge he couldn't win, Bruce accepted his challenge, he positioned his legs wide apart for anchoring, slapped his hands against Rhino Boys, just as he did Rhino Boy kicked his leg out in-between Bruce's giant thick legs smashing into his testicles, the blow was so hard and powerful it lifted the beefy muscleman several centimetres into the air.

Bruce winced and groaned in pain, he clasped his hands over his privates and bent his knees in the classic post low blow pose. His eyes shut from agony coping with the immense pain he felt between his legs, he didn't see Rhino Boy bend over in front of him, wrap his arms around Bruce's legs, lifted him up, split his legs wide apart and bought his eggs crashing down as hard and as fast as he could on his right bent knee. Bruce jumped back again in massive testicular agony, he struggle and staggered as he walked his big thighs rubbing together as he walked. Rhino Boy was enjoying himself, watching the muscle stud struggle with the pain in his scrotum. Rhino Boy was far from finished, he gave Bruce five more inverted atomic drops, Bruce was lying on the ground on his back, clutching his beaten jewels.

His eyes closed from pain, Rhino Boy slapped the big mans hands from his crotch and then lifted his foot as high as he could he smashed it into Bruce's balls crushing them, Bruce flipped over shouting yelling in pain, he lay on his chest, he was convulsing his lower body as if in orgasm, he was holding his balls again, Rhino Boy grabbed his ankles and lifted his legs up exposing his vulnerable seat of masculinity, he kicked Bruce in the balls again, not once, not twice but five times until Bruce dug his head in his massive helpless arms. Rhino Boy flipped Bruce back on his back and had him spread out. He sat on top of the muscle man. He spread his legs on either side of Bruce's stomach, he put his hands on Bruce's huge biceps and slowly moved them to his chest where he began squeezing Bruce's tits, he squeezed and pulled, Bruce was in agony not only in his balls but in his boobs too. He was to weak and helpless to do anything to stop Rhino Boy, his arms trapped between his side and Rhino Boys legs, he couldn't move, before long Rhino Boy had Bruce's nipples from rock hard to cotton soft. He finally milked Bruce's nipples, milk flowed from Bruce's tits like small river, when he was finished he turned his attention back to the beef studs nuts. Rhino Boy stood up and watched Bruce crawl weakly away. He kicked Bruce again between the legs from behind; Bruce slumped over, massive amounts of milk pouring from his big butch boobs. Rhino Boy then grabbed Bruce's balls in his right had, pull him back and squeezed as hard as he could.

"Let go of your load muscleman!"

"No, my nuts!!!!!!!!!!! My balls!!!!!!!!!!!!! My eggs!!!!!!!!!!!

AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH, my balls, my balls."

Rhino Boy kept squeezing harder and harder, pulling twisting, squeezing and jerking, "I said let go!"

Bruce refused to surrender his load, despite the massive pain his nuts felt. Rhino Boy let go his grip, he picked Bruce up and punched his nuts several times, kicked and karate chopped them more, gave him several more inverted atomic drops and then grabbed him by the balls again.

"Now muscleman, your balls are mine, let go your load!"

"Balls, feel so weak, muscles like jelly, AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH, my nuts!!!!!!!!! My balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rhino Boy kept squeezing for about fifteen minutes until Big Bruce the Blue Bull shot out his man juice, his tight shorts filling up with the seamen, it started to build up as it couldn't escape his tights, Rhino Boy was still squeezing until after three minutes he let go as Bruce passed out from testicular pain. Bruce woke up, he was suspended in air, spread out like in an x shape, his arms held up in chains and his legs split apart in chains as well, he saw he was dry, all the seamen was taken out of his tights, his boobs and balls were still weak and sensitive, pain was still throbbing in them. He felt weak. Rhino Boy walked up to him,

"Ah, awake finally, I see you recover quickly, your balls are fully loaded again in a matter of hours, time to milk you again!" Rhino Boy said as he began kneeing the helpless restrained weak muscleman in the nuts repeatedly. After kneeing Bruce ten times, Rhino Boy faced the muscleman, his head hung he was so tired he couldn't even shout in pain, he was barely conscious, the pain was extremely great. Rhino Boy placed one hand on his own balls and used the other to pull out his penis, he began wanking and orgasming, he squirted out a massive load over Bruce, showering him in seamen and cum. When he finished he rubbed it into the muscleman's chest and then put his penis into Bruce's pants excreting another load. Bruce could feel his nuts absorbing the cum as well as his chest, this is why he could be lactated and milked so much, the genetically engineered cum was designed to absorb itself into his nuts and boobs, producing man milk and juice in his own body.

Rhino Boy then kicked Bruce in the nuts from behind and in front, after a couple of kicks Rhino boy released the battered and beaten muscle boy. He watched as Bruce fell to the ground clasping his crotch, his bum convulsing in orgasms, his massive but weak arms stuck next to his body, his huge thick legs bent, his big bulging balls pulsating in pain. Rhino Boy grabbed a handful of tit in one hand and Bruce's beaten balls in another and picked him up, "Aaaaarrrgghhhh, not the nuts, not the balls!!!!!!!!!" Rhino Boy let go of his tits but dragged Bruce by his crotch crushing itself against the thick branch, and his legs spread out on either side of it. His big built arms were free but they were beaten and bruised by Rhino Boy he could barely move them. He drifted for a day in the water until he couldn't retain his load anymore, he ejaculated some pre cum but managed to drag himself off the log as he came to shore. He untied the ropes and weights to his ankles and lay on the shore and slept and rested. When he awoke he found himself healed, the seamen not only made him weak and refilled him with more juice but it healed any bruises and cuts. Bruce found his strength restored and felt strong and powerful, still no one had ever managed to hurt him like Rhino Boy and force him to orgasm. Bruce found his way back to his small house on the beach and began training, he new Rhino Boy would be back, he didn't know that there would be other wrestlers just as bad out on the island, waiting for a chance to get their hands on his balls. After days of recovering and building up his powerful massive body Bruce had just finished off his training at gym when he saw another guy standing at the door, this guy was almost as big as Bruce but had a fattish face and masculine build, he had red hair and wore a semi transparent red Speedo. Bruce could see that this guy's balls pulsated like a balloon inflating and deflating, he had huge balls and a powerful looking uncut tool.

"Bruce, I'm Wedgie Screw-Tim, and I'm going to give you a wedgie that will force orgasm you!"

Wedgie lunched at Bruce, Bruce responded with a right hook and then a left, Wedgie was sent barrowing out the gym, Bruce followed and began beating Wedgie up, Wedgie was surprised, he couldn't get a single shot in, he couldn't find a single opening for a low blow either. Bruce was being extra careful this time. Wedgie managed to get in some chest chops and noticed Bruce's tits were sensitive, they carried man juice but Bruce looked past the pain, he picked Wedgie up and gorilla pressed him. After he dropped Wedgie he came up from behind and gave him a bear hug. Wedgie felt the air slipping from him, his own big powerful arms stuck next to him but he managed to wriggle his right hand loose and grab Bruce's massive balls in his hands, before Bruce could react, Wedgie pulled, twisited and squeeze Bruce's nuts as hard as he could.

" Aaaarrrggghhhh, my nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Bruce let go his bear hug and Wedgie gave a mule kick to Bruce's groin. Bruce arched his back and clasped his nuts. He stood struck in pain as Wedgie grabbed him around the legs and gave in five inverted atomic drops.

To his amazement Bruce was still standing, Bruce was trying has hard as he could not to loose his load. Each low blow weakened his resistance. Wedgie began his trademark move, he came up from behind Bruce, pulled Bruce's arms away from his crotch, gripped Bruce's tights by the bottom front part on each leg and pulled them up, he then placed his thumbs on Bruce's eggs and forced them down against the pressure of the rest of his hands forcing up the balls via the tights. Bruce could feel himself weakening, his balls were the source of his strength. He tried pulling Wedgies hands off but no effect. He was too weak. His chest and arms that could bench press over a hundred kilograms couldn't budge the crotching scrutumising hold Wedgie had on him.

As Wedgie held him in this position for five agonizing minutes Wedgie let go and quickly grabbed Bruce's balls and squeezed as hard as he could. Bruce refused to surrender his load, Wedgie squeezed until he realized he had to take a more aggressive approach, he let go, kicked Bruce in the nuts from behind. Bruce fell to the ground. Wedgie flipped him over so his back was facing the ground. He grabbed Bruce's ankles, held up his legs, pried them apart, lifted his right leg as high as he could and bought it crashing down on Bruce's nuts. Bruce's legs went wild as 110 kg's force crushed his eggs. He went into orgasimic mode fighting hard not to let go his load. Wedgie was furious, he reached into his tights and pulled out a chain, he wrapped Bruce's nuts around in them, the pulled out a pair of thongs and placed Bruce's nuts into the thongs, he began squeezing, then harder and harder, each moment Bruce was shouting in agony moaning about his nuts and tits being weak and sore.

Wedgie let go, he knew soon Bruce would let his load go, he just had to force the issue more. Wedgie pinned Bruce down by lying on top of him. He placed his hands on Bruces chest and griped a boob in each hand, he squeezed hard until milk poured and flowed from Bruce's nipples, still holding Bruce's tits, Wedgie began kneeing him in the crotch a few times, then placed his own pulsating groin over Bruce's. Bruce felt Wedgies balls pressed against his own. The were squeezing his balls, his own balls were so weak they couldn't hold up against Wedgies, Wedgies were pulsating so not only were they crushing his but beating it like a punching bag.

Eventually Wedgie's uncut 17-inch tool stiffened and began drilling into Bruce's busted balls. After a satisfying orgasm Wedgie got up picking Bruce up by the tits and began his trademark move again, he started to wedgie Bruce by the tights, after a long grueling session, he began squeezing, Bruce couldn't hold his load in, Wedgies cum only added to his already overloaded nuts, Bruce's balls gave in, the head of his penis stuck out his tights and sprayed litres of cum and seamen over is his chest. Wedgie rubbed it in and then squeezed Bruce's tits again, as more litres of man juice flowed from his nipples, Wedgie opened up Bruce's shorts and allowed it all to flow into his tights and scrotum where his balls absorbed it all instantly forcing them to grow even larger then their already jumbo egg size. Bruce still stood motionless, Wedgie let go, stepped back and kicked Bruce in to crotch as hard has he could, Bruce fell to the ground in a series of orgasms,, and again the milk was reabsorbed into his nuts which were in so much pain and agony that Bruce must have had five powerful pleasurable and painful orgasms, Wedgie watched satisfied with his handiwork and then left the meaty man to fight to retain control of his manhood, the seat of his masculinity violated and busted!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce was busy with dumbbell arm curls, his huge biceps ripping with power; he had fully recovered from Wedgie Screwtims vicious testicle assault. He was building himself up getting bigger and into shape for the next match, he knew his only vulnerability was his huge balls and he didn't have a cup to protect them unlike all his opponents but he had won all ten matches since his defeat at Wedgies hand, he had not seen Wedgie or Rhino Boy since they had beaten him up. He got up from finishing his set and checked himself out in the mirror, his huge chest sticking out and his arms ripped, he saw his striking bulge through his tracksuit pants and saw how his big huge thick legs rubbing together pushed his balls even further out exposing them more than the average person. He heard the ring bells and walked outside, no one was there to greet him or attack him. After tacking his supplements and drinking loads of water he decided to take a walk and explore the island to see if there was any way off the giant wrestling ring. He stripped to his blue rugby shorts and gray vest and began his long walk. He kept drinking water along the way and found a empty rock cavern where he though he would take a piss, he was aching to relieve himself and entered the cavern, it wasn't very big, about a few meters long and wide and about 5 meters high. He pulled the front part of his tight shorts down, it hugged his body it took some effort to pull under his genitals and as he was about to piss he heard a voice from behind, "Need to take a leek muscleman?"

Bruce pulled up his shorts and turned around to face Rhino Boy, before he could rush Rhino Boy Rhino Boy had stepped back and a huge metal door slammed in front of him blocking Bruce's escape. He banged on the door and then turned to face the rocky climb to escape but as he was about to climb dozens of mean walked on the upper ledge looking down and surrounding Bruce. Bruce knew he was out muscled and outnumbered, some of them were guys he beat and others he had never seen before, both Wedgie and Rhino Boy were there as well. Bruce didn't see anyone as big as him except one guy who fitted a similar description to him but wore a tight military green Speedo with giant genitals.

Each wrestler introduced themselves, one by the name of Cockpit, a coloured man only wore a g-string which covered his penis but his balls hung freely. He had no teeth and a evil smile. Bruce couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a naked man with ten times 20 to 30 metre long penis like tentacles and two huge water melon size balls, he could see litres of seamen through the guys "melons," they were to big to be called nuts. After Bruce heard each one laughing and grinning introducing themselves, each pulled down their tights or briefs aiming their tools at Bruce. Bruce thought they were going to piss over him but his eyes widened as he realized what they were really going to do. Each began wanking and orgasming shooting their massive cum loads all over Bruce, Octoc-Crotch the one with multiple penis's shot all ten of his penis's at Bruce.

Each load shot at Bruce like a hose pipe shooting water, until the cavern began filling up with so much cum and goo that Bruce was covered up to just below his shorts, the massive amount weakened him so much that he could barely move in the thick goo. His legs were stuck and his muscles slack. Wedgie Screwtim jumped into the pool of Seamen and easily walked over to Bruce, the cum had no bad effects on him. He gently pulled the front of Bruce's shorts down and places a ball ring behind his giant balls, then another smaller tighter ring around the top of his penis and pulled his shorts up again but brutally so that Bruce felt his balls were at their mercy again.

Wedgie giggled as he climbed out, he turned and rubbed the cum off him as the gang began firing their loads at Bruce again until the muscle man was covered up to his nipples. They left him there to float weakly in the cum pool, he tried to climb out a few times but kept slipping back in, he had to wait a whole day for the cum to dry up, even worse his body absorbed so much he must have put on 5 kilograms of cum in his balls and chest. He was dying to piss but couldn't because of the ball rings around the tip of his penis, he couldn't remove it and his balls were overloaded with cum and piss, soon they would explode with cum. His chest was even wobblier then ever and he battled to walk without feeing either his boobs or his balls sagging down with cum. Bruce regained his strength after a hot shower but after trying for a day he couldn't remove the rings, they were to tight and he had nothing to pry them off with. He was outside smashing the boxing bag trying to ignore the overpowering pain in his penis as he was dying to piss and he couldn't stop drinking water, which made it even worse. Bruce was sweating heavily and all he wore was his shorts, as he punched the bag he saw a shadow of someone from behind him, it was Private Parts, the military wrestler who was slightly smaller than Bruce and only wore green Speedos. His arms were folded and he grinned as he saw Bruce struggling to even stand, as his balls were twice the size as usual.

Bruce heard a noise behind and saw another guy come up, Cockpit, the coloured guy whose balls hung lose under the penis g-string.

"C'mon muscle boy, let us have our way with you, it will be a lot less painfull" Bruce didn't wait to talk, he rushed Private Parts and punched him aside as he kicked Cockpit in the nuts, the kick was so hard and powerful that it lifted Cockpit up and the air and broke his load, it squirted all over his chest and he fell back on the ground groaning holding his nuts in pain. Bruce grabbed Private Parts by the hair lifted him up and the two exchanged blows and punches. Bruce ignored his aching balls, none of his opponents had even tried to low blow his exposed and vulnerable balls but they were stretching in size overloaded and he battled to fight his urge to piss and orgasm. He concentrated on his fight and bear hugged Private Parts who returned the hug, Bruce felt his balls rub against Private's and the two were locked in a battle of the bulges.

Private Parts got angry, he broke his hold, shoved both his big powerful arms in-between his body and Bruce's and broke Bruce's hold, before Bruce could react, Private Parts dived down and wrapped his arms around Bruce's legs, lifting him up and giving him the fastest most devastating inverted atomic drop he had ever felt. Bruce fell back onto his back rolling on the ground, he could feel his huge testicles flattened and squashed on Private Part's knee, they were still squashed and out of shape, he rolled viciously and convulsed, his hands clasping his busted balls and his face distorted in pain, this was the worst single low blow he ever felt, if he had not been wearing the ball rings he would have instantly lost his load, even without all the extra load, he felt so weak and helpless his only though on his mind was the pain in his balls. Private Parts was about to show Bruce how viscous a man he was, he grabbed Bruce's ankles, pulled his legs back as he shoved his foot between his legs and pushed forward. Bruce screamed in agony as Private crushed his nuts as hard as he could. Private held his ground for 5 minutes crushing Bruce's balls until he changed position. He held Bruce's legs up and then jumped up into the air his foot landing on Bruce's nuts while he still held his legs up and kept crushing Bruce's balls, as he impacted Bruce's balls Bruce screamed in agony even more.

Private Parts lifted up the beaten muscle boy and inverted atomic dropped him three more times, then punched his nuts with his fists a few more times until Bruce was no match for him. Private parts was happy with the result, he motioned for the now recovered Cockpit to come over and have his turn. Cockpit placed Bruce out on the ground in an x shape on his back. He sat on top of Bruce with his back facing Bruce's head. He lifted one of Bruce's legs with his right arms and began pounding and punching Bruce's balls with a clenched fist. Bruce's big arms bought his hands over his face as he yelled in agony, too weak to fight back, Bruce arced his back and began trying to move as he felt his control slip totally, he went mad but failed to do anything, he was on the verge of passing out as after ten minutes of crotch torture Private Parts removed the rings and gave one final powerful punch force orgasming Bruce to shoot his load. Bruce orgasmed for over 20 minutes, his load slowly cumming out of his battered and bruised balls, after 20 minutes Bruce found his balls were still overloaded but both wrestlers had left after witnessing his load loss. He crawled over to his hut to sleep and recover and fell asleep on his bed but even in his sleep his balls ached and pulsated with cum production, in his sleep he jerked himself five times, his shorts and bed were soaked with cum but his balls and chest were still full and Private Parts had placed the ball ring back under his balls to make sure Bruce would feel the maximum effect of low blows to cum.

Bruce woke up in the center of a proper wrestling ring on the beach, his nuts had fully regenerated and his chest was feeling tight and full of milk, his nuts heavy with cum and his big huge bulging muscles full of power and raw strength. His shorts were washed and found the ball ring was still attached to his manhood but he couldn't remove it without seriously hurting his genitals. He could feel his bulge between his legs every step he took. He was in top condition and he felt great. He didn't see any spectators, only cameras, he saw a black man in the corner wearing only a pair of red Speedos and another in the other corner wearing yellow ones, they looked like brothers and he recognized them as two of the guys from the group that cummed him down a while back. Neither was as big as him but they were muscular and mean looking. Nutcracker the red clad black wrestler jumped on Bruce but Bruce punched him away, Eggbeater his slightly smaller brother was obeying a tag team rule except Bruce had no partner.

Nutcracker and Bruce brawled in the ring but Nutcracker wasn't a match for his opponent, Bruce couldn't help but notice and in some positions feel Nutcrackers huge swelling genitals, they were every bit as big as his. Bruce was tired of fighting these gay guys and kneed Nutcracker in the nuts big time. Nutcracker fell to the ground groaning clasping his nuts losing control of his load. He orgasmed and lay on the ground crying. Eggbeater jumped in and received the same punishment, both black guys lay sprawled out next to each other holding their manhood.. Bruce grabbed their necks in each hand and began choking them, "I am sick of your twisted games!" Bruce pulled them up and head butted each one. He concentrated his efforts to beat up Eggbeater and began punching him in a ring corner. Nutcracker pulled out a pair of knuckle busters and a real nutcracker and egg lifter. As Bruce pounded Eggbeater he didn't notice Nutcracker behind him.

"Oh muscleman? Forget something?"

As Bruce turned Nutcracker shoved the nutcracker between his legs and crunched his nuts as hard as he could, totally destroying Bruce's strength and sending his manhood into total testcliar torture. Nutcracker stood over the muscle stud and grabbed his ankles lifting him over on his back and splitting his legs apart exposing his huge nuts. Nutcracker jumped off the post as high as he could and gave a landing head butt in Bruce's nuts. Bruce jerked violently round the ring holding his nuts for dear life screaming in agony but the sexual chocolate tag team weren't finished retaliating for their low blow. As Bruce crawled to a corner, both brothers were outside of the ring, each stood on either side of a ring post and grabbed one of Bruce's ankles, they gently pulled him over until his crotch was just short of touching the ring post.

"This should teach you to think twice before low blowing a bunch of crotches like us!" Nutcracker hissed as he and Eggbeater pulled Bruce crotching his balls on the ring post and squeezing the cum out of him. Bruce lay on his chest feeling his balls pressed and crushed against the ring post. Each brother had placed a leg against the ring to pull as hard as they could. Bruce tried to do push up to cope with the pain but his chest was so tense his nipples erupted in a burst of milk. He dug his head in his right huge arm and he tried to cope with the pain. He couldn't even hold his balls they were being flattened against the ring post. Two huge powerful testicles squashed and pulverized against the pole, "My nuts! My Eggs!....My balls....aaarrgghhhh, my balls, my balls, aaaarrrggghhhh, my nuts, my testicles, my balls....aaaaaarrrrggghhh."

Bruce couldn't hold his load much longer, it burst out from his shorts and in-between his big beefy chest and the floor Bruce lay once again drenched in his man milk while the two merciless wrestlers didn't stop crotching him until they were satisfied he was almost milked. The let him go but they weren't finished with him. They positioned the muscle man standing up against a ring post. Eggbeater placed Bruce's arms over the top ropes and trapped his legs in the middle so Bruce was spread out in an awkward exposing position, his head slumped and barely able to lift it. Nutcracker reached down and grabbed Bruce's nuts in his hand, he noticed Bruce's balls were still full with cum. Nutcracker and Eggbeater each grabbed one of Bruce's huge testicles and began squeezing.

When Bruce was finished cumming his nuts were barely full. both Nutcracker and Eggbeater took turns to give Bruce a shattered dreams, they left him tangled and trapped in the ropes, his balls hanging and his chest sagging, his head dropped barely able to stay conscious with the pain between his legs, he didn't know that the next two low blows were each just as painful as all the torture he received in the last hour put together. First Eggbeater ran from the opposite ring post and kicked Bruce as hard as he could in the groin, then Nutcracker, each kick forced cum to burst from Bruce's shaft, his nuts were empty, his chest leaking. Bruce was beaten and battered, his nuts was screaming in agony, he fell out the ropes and gave a final orgasm on the ground releasing his final load until he orgasmed to sleep, "MY BALLS!! MY NUTS! MY EGGS!


The two black crotchers placed the sleeping Bruce back in the ropes as if they were going to give him another shattered dreams, they spread out his large masculine beefy frame, placed his big legs in the ropes and hung his arms, they striped him of his shorts before and shaved his manhood clean and placed his shorts back on but also placed a suction pipe on his penis and attached it to a vacuum cleaner. At first as he woke up he felt a powerful sense of pleasure pour through his battered penis, the wind was blowing into his manhood but they switched it to overload and Bruce’s manhood blew up like a balloon, his penis suddenly became thicker and his balls began to expand very largely. His convulsed but was still caught and tangled in the ropes. Eggbeater and Nutcracker each squeezed a testicle and crush it in both hands and switched the vacuum to suck and not blow, litres of Bruce’s man milk spat out of his penis, the sensation was beyond anything he felt before between his legs, again he passed out from excruciating pain and the two black wrestlers left him to groan in agony tangled in the ropes legs spread wide apart.

Money Man looked at the tank and noticed the liquid amount of Bruce's cum and his special amino acids combined for his cum clone wee still to low, he needed two more litres of Bruce's man milk, that would be two matches as so far he managed to get the 5 litres from Bruce's previous defeats. In the last two months since Bruce fought Eggbeater and Nutcracker Bruce won more than ten matches since evn against Private Parts, Wedgie, Rhino Boy and the tag team Eggbeater and Nut cracker, he won his rematch, suffered a few low blows but was ready for his opponents and Moneyman was going to lose if Bruce beat all his opponents. He still intended Rhino Boy and Wedgie to have another go at Bruce, they would extract the most cum but they had to hone the low blows skills first. He looked over the latest profiles of wrestlers submitted and found he should pair Bruce against 3 wrestlers this time so he would definitely get the cum he needed to create the clone to fight Bruce in a ultimate cum match.

After Bruce had just finished beating up Rhino Boy he was confident he would soon be off the island. He was again training in the gym, pumping his already bulging muscles. He just finished training his beefed up chest, his tits hung like two sacks full of water, some guys though he needed a bra his boobs were so big. He wiped the sweat from his chest with his vest and took of his black shorts, he showered but as he was showering the shower doors shut and locked, Bruce with all his powerful brute strength could not open them, a blue pair of wrestling briefs fell from an opening in the roof but was to high for Bruce to reach, he slipped them on just in case he fell through another trap door. As he finished putting on the blue briefs, he noticed they were made from lycra but in the wrestling brief cut and hugged his balls and body just a snug and tight as his shorts. He felt strangely weak and saw that the shower wasn't pouring water but cum instead, he was being hosed down with other men’s season again. His big pumped up muscles lost their strength and he saw the hole in the ground close.

The shower chamber was filling up with cum quickly, as the level reached his crotch area and soaked his testicles he lost almost all of his strength, the seaman must have been from another strong wrestler or many to be able to effect him like that, usually only one wrestlers cum made him weaker but not this weak, he guessed Money man must have combined all his wrestlers man milk to make a very potent seaman formulae to weaken him this badly. He felt his testicles, they were much, much larger, they were now about 50% bigger than before and he still wore the cock ring which if he removed would totally squash and crush his testicles beyond pain. The cum had reached his chest and his nipples were absorbing the cum as well until his body, his tits and testicles were saturated in cum.

Bruce realised he was being tortured. He saw some kind of snake like penis creatures swim in the cum around him, they wound around him and tangled him up, binding his thick powerful arms to his side and squeezed him. One started to sucked his left tit 's nipple and he other his right. A third wriggled its way into his briefs and wrapped itself around his genitals. As the two tit worms sucked his chest fluids, the other crushed and squeezed his balls. He couldn't pull them off as his arms were still bound by the cum worms, the creatures started discharging electric pulses into his tits and testes. Each pulse intensified more and more causing Bruce to convulse and yell in agony. As the worms filled themselves up with his man juices they gave in an overload of suction and squeezing combined with a electric discharge overloading his testicles with pain, it was so overwhelming that Bruce broke the hold and clasped his crotch. The worms swam away and returned to Moneyman and relinquished Bruce's juices they forced out of his body to him. He found that they only extracted a litre and he needed one more. The new wrestlers would do it but Bruce's pain threshold was growing stronger and it was getting harder to force him to orgasm. Bruce would need to go through far more harsher and painful low blows and crotching to get him to loose his load.

Bruce recovered overnight from his testicle torture. He slept with an ice pack on his crotch. The next day Bruce was fine, he noticed that after he had been milked by the worms his balls and tits were full again from the cum in the shower. He chose to bath outside in the river now. He felt strong and invigorated. In the passing weeks he fought more of Moneyman's wrestlers. He had gone against wrestlers like Nick Nads, Corporal Crotch, and Tommy Balls, he won all his matches and their low blows were painful but he could still fight on even when his balls ached, he had to be hurt much more to immobilise him. Bruce was busy fighting a new wrestler by the name of Scotch Crotch. A young scottish wrestler who wore a kilt. He was a bit older than Bruce, big and beefy, not as big as Bruce but he had a bigger stomach and hard knees. He was also gay and his hard on showed through his kilt, when he and Bruce bear hugged each other and Bruce squeezed him he felt his opponents penis poking his crotch. Bruce and Scotch Crotch had a mercy, Bruce proved his superior strength by forcing his opponent on his knees and pushing him down with is foot. Scotch Crotch felt Bruce’s foot on his throat choking him.

Bruce let go after a while. He walked around adjusting his briefs pulling them up and his balls with them, Scotch noticed Bruce’s balls wobbling but his legs were so big his nuts were pushed out in from of his legs, which exposed them more. Scotch got up ramming Bruce in the midsection showing him against a ring post, he pounded Bruce in the stomach, Bruce felt the wind go out of him. He struggled up and delivered a few powerful blows to Scotch who backed off. Bruce came forward and the two tore into each other fiery, Bruce pounded Scotch relentlessly. He rammed Scotch against a post, as he did he tripped backwards and fell flat on his back, his arms and legs spread out wide on the ground, Scotch tripped forward and as he did he head butted Bruce in the balls, the blow was so powerful it sent Bruce convulsing in pain, he clasped his groin in agony as he moaned. Scotch saw he had the advantage, he charged Bruce into the corner and spread his legs wide apart and hung his arms on the lower ropes. He called for his friend Tarzan a spectator to come and help him, Tarzan rushed into the ring, ran from the opposite end of the ring and did a baseball slide into Bruce's exposed bulging balls. His foot smashing and crushing into Bruce’s manhood.

Bruce yelled again as he fell to his side holding his balls for dear life. Scotch was laughing he was pleased to see Bruce in agony. He picked Bruce up and gave him a big inverted atomic drop. Bruce staggered back as Tarzan kicked him in the balls from behind, Scotch then punched Bruce hard in his balls followed by another punch from Tarzan. Bruce felt his load forcing to the surface. Tarzan picked Bruce up and dropped him crotch first in the top ring ropes. Bruce's muscles flexed him pain as the rope crushed into his balls, Tarzan and Scotch each began waving the ropes making Bruce go up and down violently on the ropes causing a series of testicular convulsions to shoot out of his balls into his chest. , they waved the rope so high that Bruce flew off and onto Scotch's knee crotch first in a another big atomic drop. Bruce lay on the ground holding his balls desperately fighting the urge to orgasm.

Tarzan gave him several wheelbarrow kicks to the groin. Scotch grabbed his ankles and pride his legs apart teasing Bruce by putting his foot on Bruce's balls rubbing them slightly. Bruce held up his arms waving them trying to beg Scotch not to bust his already beaten up balls. Scotch rubbed them and pressed down more and them more and more until he put all of his weight onto Bruce's balls standing on them! Over 100 kg of muscle stood on Big Bruce's balls. Bruce exerted all of his willpower and strength to keep his erect penis from losing a load that was screaming to get out as his balls pulsated in pain. Scotch propped Bruce in the corner placing him as they would for a shattered dreams, he grabbed Bruce’s balls and yanked at them hard, Bruce groaned at the hard solid grip he had. Bruce head butted him and managed to get out of the ropes as Tarzan charged him. Bruce pushed him away and beat both men up even though his aching manhood had been battered so badly. He placed Tarzan on top of Scotch and climbed up the corner post hoping to jump off and crush both men.

As he stood up a third person from behind grabbed his legs and split them apart. Bruce fell, crotch first on the ring post. His nuts were crushed between his body weight between his groin and the pole. He let out a scream of pain as he fell down on the ring floor, he looked out the ring and saw MilkMan, a wrestler he beat up before buffed up from steroids grab his legs again and posted his crotch against the ring post. Milkman laughed as he put his foot on the ring post and pulled Bruce’s legs crushing his balls against the pole, he continued for a long time until Tarzan got up with Scotch. They propped him up for a shattered dreams and after each wrestler gave him one they bear hugged him and poked his crotch with their peckers. Bruce stood weakly in the corner as each wrestler took turns in punching his balls 10 times until Scotch was last punching his nuts until Bruce as close to cumming Milkman pulled Bruce’s genitals hard by his cockring and shoved them in his mouth, sloshing Bruce's balls inside his mouth and them crushing them Bruce let ot his full load, Milkman was overwhelmed and let go as litres of manmilk poured out of Bruce's penis, his balls pulsating vibrantly. He fell out of the tangled ropes and passed into sleep as he felt Scotches foot cum crashing down on his nuts forcing the last of his load out.

Bruce had finished fighting Nick Nads, the eager teenager didn't stand a chance against the mighty muscleman he faced, Nick was 75 kg, tough and strong but he was no where near as big as Bruce. Nick wore orange shorts and had a massive bulge which rivalled even Bruce’s but his arms, chest and legs were ot even half the size of Bruce's. Bruce bear hugged, slapped, punched and gorilla pressed Nick effortlessly, Nick was strong, defined and good looking for his age, he managed to get a few punches in, he even had his friend Electric eggs, another teenager mutant who could shoot electric bolts from his hands join him but even together they were not strong enough to take out Bruce. Electric eggs wore like Bruce a blue lycra pair of shorts only his was bright light blue not navy blue. Bruce had both guys in his big bulging arms, they couldn't break free of the arm locks and fell unconscious very quickly. Bruce let them fall down hard to the ground, he was on his way to the mansion Moneyman had on the Island, he was going to face Moneyman and put an end to his exile on the Island. He walked up the mountainous path and Moneyman sent several wrestlers to stop Bruce, but Bruce pounded them aside, he was unstoppable and seemingly invincible.

In his mansion Moneyman sat in his green bathing trunks, his fat overweight stomach protruding out of his gown and two sluts on either side of him as he watch the screen showing Bruce walking to the mansion.

"Time I introduced Bruce to my latest wrestlers."

Bruce made his way through a garden to a swimming pool where Moneyman was laying on a veranda smoking his cigar. " Bruce, muscleman, good to see you again, how you been?"

"Moneyman, you’re dead. You’ve stranded me on this island, had dozens of freaks low blow me, milk me dry, forced my cum out of my manhood, forced me to lactate my tits, and I can't get this cockring off my cock!"

"Cum now muscleman, do you know that you produce more than five times the amount of cum most men do in a week? Your cum is very potent and I've almost got enough to use to create my new super weapon! I only need about a litre or so from you so I need to milk you about three more times, I don't suppose your will cum willingly?

Bruce flexed as he put his big hands on his hips, his chest tense, "Never!"

A big bulge could be seen in Moneyman's green trunks, he was amazed at seeing the muscle stud up close in all his glory, his large powerful muscle complimented he large powerful bulge between his thick legs. "In that case Bruce, your balls are mine!" Before Bruce could move he felt two big arms wrap around his and held him in a stiff strong bear hug. Moneyman got up with a sly grin on his face," Bruce, BlueBull, meet the PurplePanther," Moneyman said as he aggressively grabbed Bruce's balls in his hand and slightly jerked them to let Bruce know he was in control. Bruce managed to jerk himself free of Moneyman's grip and with a surge of power he broke free of Purplepanther's grip. Bruce studied PurplePanther, he was a big muscular black man, about 105 kg, not as big as him but big, he had a purple Speedo on and was bald but had a small beard. He looked intent on doing Bruce physical harm but Bruce pounded him into the ground and turned his attention back to Moneyman, as he walked towards Moneyman another wrestler flew out of the sky and landed between him and Moneyman. He wore a glittering transparent wrapping over his whole taught muscular body, he was about 105 kg like Purplepanther and wore a white Speedo over is transparent outfit and a red cape with a O in yellow on his big muscular chest. "I am Orgasmo, if you don't back down I will be forced to make you orgasm!" Bruce got impatient and punched Orgasmo aside, he pounded on Orgasmo like he did Purple Panther. He was more than a match more either man. As he approached Moneyman , Moneyman signalled his sluts over a the house with a nod. Bruce saw the attractive sluts through the window, they flipped a switch and the garden sprinklers turned on, Bruce felt his legs covered in the substance the sprinklers sprayed began feeling week, his chest felt drained and his arms felt empty. The sprinkler system was spraying cum! Bruce fell to his knees and then crawled on all fours weakly. The sluts joined Moneyman as they laughed as they watch Bruce slump over on the ground, the sluts then went and rubbed the substance all over Bruce and even poured as much as they could down his shorts, rubbing it into his giant bulging genitals, gently massaging them.

Bruce groaned but it was pleasurable for him as the two women worked him over, he became sexually aroused, his penis became rock hard and his balls swelled up. Under the influence of the cum even a single slut was more than a match more him. One slut grabbed his ankles and pried his legs apart while the other rubbed cum into his chest, the first pulled his shorts down revealing his massive muscular pair of balls and long hard shaft. The first slut swallowed his balls and began sloshing them around in her mouth while she rubbed his member hard. Bruce knew they only wanted his milk, the pleasure in his testicles was overwhelming and he knew he couldn't hold his load much longer, he placed a foot on the first slut's tits and shoved her several metres away, he grabbed the second by her tits and forced her against the ground, he laid himself on top of her pinning her delicate arms down, he managed to sum up enough strength to deal with her.

With all the cum all over the place she managed to slip her arms free and grabbed his 'tits' and squeezed and pulled his nipples in a pec claw, Bruce could feel the juices in his chest swelling as well, so he grabbed her tits and squeezed. She yelled in pain and in anger let go her right hand, grabbed Bruce's balls, yanked, and squeezed as hard she could. Bruce yelled in agony as he balls were crushed, he squeezed her tits harder but she squeezed his big giant juicy man nuts harder. It became a contest, who could milk the other first. Bruce never let go but the pain in his nuts bacame unbearable, he squeezed her tits as hard it forced her to squeeze his manhood harder but her tits gave out as they shot milk over Bruce's tits, Bruce felt the women milk strengthen him, she let go of her grip on his balls, he struggled to is feat regaining his strength but holding his balls as he tried to cope with the pain still present in his nuts.

He groaned as his arm and chest flexed but his hands still placed firmly over his testicles. He tried turning to face Moneyman but Moneyman had a fire engine parked in the garden and pointed its giant hose pipe at Bruce, Bruce's eyes widened as he realised it wasn't going to spray water, it would be cum! Money man sprayed the cum on his chest, Bruce was pushed back as it hit his chest his arms thrown aside, Moneyman then targeted his crotch, firing at full power the cum smashed into Bruce's balls, Bruce stood still as he felt the cum pounding against his balls, he couldn't put his hands in front of his vulnerable crotch, Orgasmo had him in a bearhug from behind, after Moneyman was satisfied he had pounded Bruce's balls enough he switched off the machine and inspected Bruce's crotch, he held the Muscleman's balls firmly , "Hmm, not bad, but he needs more time to produce more cum," with that Moneyman kneed Bruce in the nuts extremely hard as Orgasmo let him go, Bruce groaned as he arced his back while grabbing his nuts in agony as Moneyman kneed him again but this time so hard that he sent him flying into the swimming pool.

Bruce tried to swim but the pool was full of cum, not water, he found a wooden plank to float in and fell asleep as his tits and testicle began absorbing more cum until his system was saturated with cum. Orgasmo and Purplepanther washed him up and placed the ripened fertile muscleman in a bed where the two sluts began sexually arousing him, he awoke strong and refreshed but with a powerful urge to jerk himself, his balls were three times there average size since he came to the island, they were larger than the biggest eggs he's ever seen and with the cum they were twice that size! Bruce knew he had to resist so he slapped both sluts aside, he got up and walked out the room, in the house he found Moneyman by an indoor swimming pool, "I'm not finished with you yet Muscleman,"

Orgasmo jumped on Bruce and then Purplepanther, Bruce fought both men, they were tough and almost had him pinned down a few times but Bruce busted them up good, he choked Orgasmo out and them bear hugged Purplepanther from behind. Purple panther felt Bruce's superior strength in his arms which binded him under his own sagging chest, he could feel Bruce's huge manhood pressing against his butt, his own big arms stuck to his side. Panther wriggled one arm free behind his back and grabbed Bruce's mighty genitals hard, he gripped them in his hand, pulled and squeezed them extremely hard, so hard that it made the slut squeeze look painless. Bruce let go his grip but Panther kept squeezing for a while, Bruce yelled and screamed in agony. Moneyman was laughing he enjoyed watching Bruce suffer in his crotch. As Panther let go Bruce slumped to the ground, one hand on a knee, the other nursing his busted balls. Panther picked Bruce up and gave him a chest-to-chest bear hug.

Bruce felt Panther’s genitals swell and press against is own, they were crushing his. Bruce was to weak from the ball bust to break free, he groaned as his balls were crushed by Panther's, as Panther let go he kneed Bruce in the groin several times and then gave him two big atomic drops! Bruce staggered into another two big inverted atomic drops from Orgasmo! Orgasmo rammed Bruce in the crotch with his shoulder and drove him into the ground, he pried Bruce’s big thick legs apart and held one in place with his one leg and another with his left arm while he began punching and pounding away with his right fist into Bruce's genitals! Bruce placed his hands on his face in agony. Orgasmo stopped but held Bruce's right leg while Panther held his left open, each took turns to stomp Bruce's swelling bulge until to Bruce's surprise Nick Nads and Electric Eggs joined them. Nick Nads jumped up as high as he could and landed square, his full 75 kgs on Bruce's balls.

Bruce yelled and shouted in agony holding his balls for dear life and he struggled to hold his load from exploding. Again his legs were held in place as Electric Eggs placed his hands firmly on Bruce’s bulge and started to cup them, Orgasmo's bulge began to pulsate, Electric Egss grabbed Bruce's balls firmly and held them up. Orgasmo's penis broke through his Speedo extremely hard and began firing a beam of energy, sexual power energy into Bruce's balls, Bruce felt his genitals surge with sexual pleasure, he was close to releasing is load until Electric Eggs sent a surge of painful electricity into his balls. Bruce groaned as the bolts intensified. The four continued to torture Bruce, they would bring him to the edge of releasing his load and then electrify his balls just enough to stop his orgasm and cause him ballistic testicular pain.

Nick Nads stopped the torture cycle by leaning his body over Bruce's. He clawed Bruce's biceps ad admired their huge size. He then looked down at Bruce's face, Bruce was awake but his eyes were barely open, he was struggling the cope with the pain between his legs. Nick kneed him in the groin while he squeezed his biceps and the again while he squeezed his tits. Nick got up and stomped his balls one last time. As the four laughed pleased with themselves Bruce struggled to stand, Orgasmo shot another beam from his penis, it stuck Bruce's chest and Bruce's tits sprayed milk out until the beam shot his balls. Bruce covered is nuts but it didn't help. He laid n the ground on his side and he strained to control the overwhelming pain building up in his balls. Orgasmo was furious, no man had ever been able to cope with that much pain in their eggs, his nipples emitted the same beams onto Bruce's nipples until Bruce's tits began lactating again his chest muscle flexing and heaving out of control.

Bruce refused to surrender his load, he repeatedly screamed, "My balls!!!!!!!!! Aarghhhhhhhh, MY NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, MY EGSS!!!!!!!!!! MY TESTICLES! !!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Orgasmo kept at it for ten minutes and then stopped drained; both he and Electric Eggs were finished and drained from torturing Bruce. Panther grabbed Bruce's balls in one hand and tit in another and proceeded to gorilla press him up, he then placed Bruce on his feet and grabbed him by his nuts shouting at him demanding he release is load as he squeezed extremely hard. Nick Nads came up behind and kicked Bruce in the crotch from behind, Bruce was close to letting his load go. Nick wrapped is arms around Bruce's from behind and held him a a slut came up and gave him a ferocious kick him the balls, then the other slut and finally Panther gave him a mega kick which sent Bruce flying up in the air it was so hard. Pre cum started to slip out of Bruce's manhood. Bruce groaned on the floor as he held his crotch.

Panther pried is legs apart again and dropped his knee on Bruce’s balls several times. As Bruce got up he gave Nick Nads a single low blow with his remaining strength send Nads into orgasm mode in extreme pain but his pain was only a small fraction of the pain between Bruce's legs. Panther knocked Bruce down again with another low blow kick, he grabbed Bruce’s balls again but this time he lifted Bruce up but only by his balls! He held Bruce upside down by the nuts squeezing away and let go and he gave Bruce some wheelbarrow kicks in the groin. He finished Bruce off with the Ball squeeze he gave given him several times earlier, he squeezed for over 15 minutes until Bruce's load shot out violently, Bruce orgasmed for another 15 minutes because he had loads of cum to release but Panther squeezed for those entire fifteen minutes forcing every drop out. When he finished the other three came around and saw the Panther standing proudly over the Bull with his foot placed firmly over Bruce's crotch leaning his body weight on his busted balls. Bruce woke up an hour later, his balls were still in incredible agony, he found himself hooked inside a transparent cylinder against a wall. He saw Moneyman, the sluts, Nads, Eggs, Orgasmo and Panther along with Rhyno Boy, Wedgie Scewtim and Private Parts watching him. His arms were held up with poles under is elbows head height against the wall while his legs were spread apart against the wall held up under his knees by other poles. There was a thick iron rode placed firmly under is balls, which they rested on, and two tin pipes attached to his nipples.

"Welcome to my Orgasmotron Muscleman. Orgasmo said as he flipped a switch a big piped grabbed Bruce between the legs and engulfed his genitals through his shorts, the nipple pipes began pumping cum into him ad his balls were already growing and swelling with cum, several beams shot his balls like Orgasmos's penis beam and the pain was overwhelming and unbearable, within minutes Bruce became a big cum pumping machine, the pain from the previous beating made milking him easy. Bruce yelled and shouted in pain struggling to break free but could not. His muscles were to weak to move. he also saw dozens of other chambers filled with other musclemen like him, no wonder they had so much cum to use on him. Guys like Lou Ferigno, Vin Diesel, wrestlers like Ken Shamrock, Dave Batista, Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Test, Mike Awesome, Dean Malenko, Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner, British Bulldog, all ball busted and hooked up to an orgasmatron milked dry!

Moneyman watched Bruce being milked inside the tube, Bruce still resisted the process but there was enough cum to now create the cum clone. Moneyman had Bruce unhooked and laid to rest his pecs and genitals while they began creating the clone. Bruce woke up restrained, he was hooked up against the wall, his arms held up like they were in the orgasmotron but a his crotch was shoved against on top a big steel pole protruding out of the wall at a 45 degree angle so his nuts were crushed against them. Moneyman pulled his head back by his hair and smirked as he watched Bruce moan and groan in pain, "Now muscleman you will watch why we have been milking you for the las few months," he said as he activated the huge chamber which was filled with over 200 litres of Bruce’s cum, Bruce saw a metal bone structure in the tanks and an electronic


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Dick Jackson walked around the conference table smoking his cigarette, he was a middle aged man, a millionaire and a shrewd businessman, he looked at his board of directors, they were staring at him, he was wearing nothing but his white shorts with dollar signs all over them in black, that and his night gown, he had two sluts on either side of him hanging on his arms caressing his chest. "WWF


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