Marine CREED is back and looking pretty fricking hot tbh! This 21 year old man machine is built like a true heterosexual male; muscles, attitude and a size 10 cock! JEEZ! Today CREED is not only getting his mammoth cock sucked but lifting his legs over his head to get some of the best rimming skills this side of the coast and the expression on CREED's face Priceless! This would be Creed's 4th movie and he's become pretty comfortable with me and speaks his mind. A very open minded Gen Z straight man, he has agreed to flip the script and allow me to eat his ass! Yum Yum was that ass delicious. The expressions on his face with his eyes going to the back of his head only made the task easier for me because I knew he was enjoying it. The blowjob, I can safely say, was not typical and I say that lightly! As you know Creed has a 10 inch cock, literally.
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