Gay Erotic Stories

Orlando Bloom's Hot Afternoon

by Hardtales
25 Feb 2004

Celebrity Fantasy

This is fantasy fiction intended for an audience of gay males over the age of 18. It contains detailed description of homosexual activity and if you find this offensive you should not read on. The central character is the movie star Orlando Bloom. This story in no way reflects the true sexual preferences of Orlando and should not, in any way be taken as a true representation of any activity that he has ever performed. ORLANDO BLOOM'S HOT AFTERNOON

Orlando Bloom had never seen a man who aroused him in such a way. It was quite unexpected as well. The last thing on his mind as he walked across the car park in the afternoon heat was men and sex. In fact he was more concerned about the fact that he had just signed a contract for a movie that would inevitably require him to appear in some pretty scorching sex scenes. The idea of simulating intercourse with a woman was not a pleasant one.

He approached his car, the sun warming his hair and his tight white tee shirt and jeans making him uncomfortable. He wanted to get back to his flat and strip down and relax. As he held up his key fob to de-activate the alarm and unlock the doors a man climbed out of the car that had just drawn up alongside. He looked, and then looked again and suddenly he was confronted with such an overwhelmingly beautiful sight that he took a deep gulp and felt his legs weaken noticeably.

He noticed, first the man's face. He was young, maybe 22 or so, but with utterly handsome features, deep blue eyes with long lashes. His hair was dark, almost black and he had the lightest stubble on his face. As if this were not enough the man was wearing a vest. It was a tight white one that showed his developed tanned and lightly haired arms and broad shoulders. As he stood the fabric stretched across his pectorals clearly showing the firmness of his nipples. As if all of this was not enough, as if this vision were not in itself the stuff that Orlando's masturbation fantasies were made of, there was more. Over the top of the lowish neckline of the vest was dark hair. Not thick hair, but curls that indicated a light coating of his pectorals. Now if there was one thing that transformed an object of desire into one of lust it was a hairy chest. A shock of desire surged through every inch of Orlando.

Joe was not really sure why he had driven into the city that afternoon. There were things that he wanted to buy but the thought of the bustle in the stores did not appeal to him. He felt horny today but had resisted the temptation to release his frustration this morning. He had a lucky feeling about today and did not want to waste an ounce of his pent up sexual energy. Since he had split from his boyfriend he had been celibate but his ever-aching crotch now told him that he was ready for adventure. Last night he had enjoyed surfing the net for pictures of Orlando Bloom who was his current object of desire. As he drove, visions of Orlando's shirtless chest sent surges of blood to his cock. It felt good being hard as he drove. The blast of air coming through the window cooled his naked arms. He felt good and he knew that he looked good.

He had to drive to the roof of the car park but found a space next to a smart sports car. He closed the windows, made sure his credit card was in the back pocket of his jeans and climbed out. Orlando Bloom had been on his mind all morning so that when he saw that the man approaching him bore a striking resemblance he assumed that his imagination was playing erotic games. The man did look so much like him though. There was dark curly hair, a 'to die for' face of exquisite masculine beauty and a perfectly sculpted body clad in white cotton and denim. He looked again. It couldn't be? Could it?

The eyes of the two men met. Both felt a similar wave of desire. Both felt a tightening in their jeans as their blood rushed to its target. Orlando's eyes wandered from face down to the upper visible part of the man's chest. The car blocked any view of him below the chest but there was more than enough to look at. He froze. Joe now knew, beyond any doubt, that this was, indeed Orlando. The man, who only last night, had inspired him to shoot long hot streams of sperm across his furry chest. He smiled and the smile was returned. He wanted to speak, to make absolutely sure. It would, at least, fuel future solo sessions and he could boast to fellow gay Orlando-fanciers that he had actually exchanged words with him.

'Hi, I think I recognise you...'

'Oh God! A few people gave me looks today but nobody actually said anything.'

'Oh! Look, I'm sorry.'

Orlando never minded being 'recognised' and he certainly didn't object to this man accosting him. Here was the man that would provide him with the wildest of fantasies as soon as he got home so any chance of extending the encounter was very welcome.

'Not at all! I take it as a compliment.' His eyes scanned the vest-clad body again. The image so intoxicated him that he had to pass a comment. 'You look a lot cooler than me in that. I think I'll slip one on when I get back though its far to hot for any kind of shirt really!' He hoped that he was not overstepping the mark.

Joe was rendered speechless for a moment. Orlando Bloom was talking to him about being bare-chested. He thought of this stunning man entering his home and pulling the tee shirt over his head. He had to comment.

'Well I wouldn't wear this but you can't go round the stores bare-chested, can you.'

'Don't see why not.' Orlando really didn't see why this man should be forced to wear anything if he didn't want to. 'You don't look like you have anything to be ashamed of.' He bit his lip. He had gone too far.

'Thanks!' Joe said. 'I try to keep myself fit.' He sensed something. Wasn't it strange that this movie star, up their on the roof of a car park, was talking to him about being shirtless?'

'Yeah, I can see that. It's paying off as well from what I can see.' Orlando was now bulging obscenely in his jeans. His long fat cock was reaching across his hip. He was transfixed. He wanted this moment to continue for as long as possible even though his throat was now dry and his legs rapidly turning to jelly.

Joe's eyes wandered over the tee shirt. He was fascinated by the way that it molded itself over Orlando's pectorals and the way in which the large nipples made bulges. And they appeared to be firm and erect. Last night he had imagined himself licking on them and nibbling them with his teeth. Now they were a car's width away, with only thin cotton hiding them.

'You look fit as well.' He took a chance. He feared he would regret it but what did he have to lose? 'You fill that tee shirt really well.' An embarrassed smile flashed across his face but it was too late. Orlando's eyebrows were raised.

'I'm not exactly Mr. Universe,' the movie star chuckled as he wondered just where this conversation was heading. 'But it's all pretty firm.' And as he said that his hand smoothed over his flat stomach and up over his pectorals lingering over his nipples for a second. He noticed that the other man's eyes followed his hand. Could it really be this easy? Was this really heading the way that he thought?

'Then why wear something that covers it up?' Joe was getting increasingly daring but the situation seemed to banish irrational thoughts from his head. Or were they irrational? He didn't know.

'Well I can't whip off my tee shirt on the roof of a car park, can I?' Orlando asked laughing and wondering. He was very tempted to drag it over his head.

'A lot of men are going without shirts today.'

'You have a vest on!'

'Yeah, but it's not a shirt!' He wondered what Orlando's reaction would be if he slipped out of it. The thought of being bare-chested in front Orlando Bloom was driving him almost crazy.

'True! It shows plenty but still hides a lot.' Orlando's eyes traced over the naked upper arms, the thin straps over the shoulders, the hair visibly peaking from his armpits and the tempting fur on his upper chest. 'I suppose I could take this off', he smiled as Joe looked on. He pulled the white cotton from the waist of his jeans and for a second flashed some firm tanned flesh, a glimpse of his trail and his navel.

Joe was wide-eyed. His mouth opened as if to speak and his hard cock lurched. It lasted just a second before Orlando let the shirt drop again. The signals that Joe gave were unmistakable. He wanted Orlando very badly. Orlando stepped forward placing his arms on the hot roof of his car.

'Maybe I'll wait 'til I get home. I'll look forward to that. I'll strip off my shirt as soon as I walk through the door. I can strip everything off at home.' He was aware that the side of the car was pressing against his cock.

'Everything?' Joe now knew that his instincts were proving correct, unless this was a cruel tease.

'Yeah, everything! I'm really uncomfortable now. Everything seems really tight.' He pressed his bulge against the car door. 'Do you ever get that feeling?'

'I know exactly what you mean.' Joe stepped forward and his own cock pushed against Orlando's car. 'I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life.' He raised an eyebrow at Orlando. 'I want to go home and get naked as well.'

'Expose that hairy chest?' As he spoke those words, 'hairy' and 'chest', gazing at this beautiful man, he imagined himself floating off the ground. Images of the man, walking around shirtless raced through his mind like comets.

'Some people don't like hairy chests.' He imagined Orlando worshipping his body, running his fingers up through the line of hair that reached from his crotch to his collarbone.

'Don't they? Can't imagine it myself!' He smiled and stared Joe in the eye. 'I reckon some people would get really aroused at the thought of you walking around without a shirt.'

They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before Orlando spoke.

'So it looks like we are both going to go home and bare our chests alone. Both of us will be at home, shirtless and nobody to see us. Shame! I'm going to go home and lie on my bed without a shirt. I'll probably be completely naked.'

'And you'll just lie there?' Joe now knew that his dreams could very well come true.

'Yeah, just lie there and dream. Run my hands over my body and wish that I wasn't alone. Run my hands all over my body. Some parts of my body need really special attention.' He deliberately licked his lips.

Joe smiled and his eyes were half closed. 'Shame to waste it all on a wank.' He almost couldn't believe what he had just said to Orlando Bloom but he was beyond caution.

'Only one wank? The way I'm feeling I'll be wanking all night!' His eyes were fixed upon the exposed upper part of Joe's chest. 'What a fucking waste! Wank after wank after wank'

'Yeah' Joe answered, 'sometimes you get so fucking horny that you want to cum again and again and it's such a waste.'

'What's your name?'


'Is your cock hard Joe?'

'Yeah! Fucking rigid!'

'I'm rubbing mine against the car door.' And as he said that Orlando gave a visible thrust.'

'So am I!' Joe did the same.

'You are not going to cum against my car are you?'

'I might have to!'

The teasing had gone on long enough. It was now time to take things further and Orlando decided to do just that.

'If you do I'll make you wipe the cum off with your vest.'

'But all of the cum will be inside my jeans.'

'Well I'll make you wipe the inside of your jeans clean with your vest.' The thought made his cock lurch.

'Can't you think of anything better to clean me up with?' Joe was harder than he had been in his entire life.

'Yeah, plenty of things.' Orlando licked his lips in a very obvious way. He looked at Joe for a while and then said:

'You know the Quayside Apartments?'

'Sure' Joe knew where they were. He had dreams of living there.

'I'm at apartment 1102. Are you still thinking of shopping?' He looked at Joe quizzically.

'No. No shopping. I've changed my mind. 1102 you said?'

'Yeah! 1102. I'll be there in less than ten minutes.' Orlando smiled and then without another word he climbed into his car, started the engine and without looking at Joe he drove down the car park ramp.

Joe almost couldn't believe what had happened over the last few minutes. Had he really been having a conversation about naked chests, erections, and cum with Orlando Bloom? Had he really been invited back to his apartment? Was this really going to end with sex? He climbed into his car, his jeans stiff with his erection, and took off towards Quayside. He wasn't concentrating on his driving. All that filled his head was an image of Orlando Bloom. This was going to happen. It was incredible.

Orlando reached the eleventh floor and was wondering whether gorgeous Joe would turn up. Surely he would! Please! He had never ever desired a man as much. It had all happened so easily, so quickly, so unbelievably. He wanted that stunning man and the attraction was clearly mutual. What preparations should he make? He considered his clothing. Should he peel off his tee shirt so that Joe would see his shirtless tanned body as soon as he answered the door? Should he strip down to his obscenely bulging CK’s? Should he present this beautiful man with an image of him that demanded immediate sex. Should he reveal almost every secret oh his body at the opening of the door? He even toyed with the idea of being completely naked and presenting his impressive cock for Joe's worship? No! He knew the erotic intensity of discovering a man's body, of tempting and teasing and if Joe wanted him as much as he thought he would relish the opportunity of exploration. He swallowed hard at the thought of investigating the flesh beneath Joe's vest. He would remain dressed. Jo would be here soon. Wouldn't he?

Although Joe had left the car park almost immediately after Orlando he hadn't been quite sure as to which street to take and had driven round for about ten minutes in ever increasingly difficult circles. He was so desperate to find Quayside that he almost caused an accident when he took a right turn at the last moment. He was constantly aware of his hardness and kept glancing down at the long bulge that was uncomfortably constrained by denim. He imagined finding the apartment and Orlando opening the door and smiling. Would he be stripped to the waist revealing the object of last night's wank fantasy? Would Orlando's naked chest present him with an immediate target for his hands and mouth? Somehow he hoped that he would still be wearing that white tee shirt. His mind raced with thoughts of his favourite sex acts but he had no idea as to what Orlando's preferences were. It hardly seemed to matter right now.

At last Joe found Quayside and pulled into a parking space. It was far plusher than he had imagined. As he got out of the car the intense heat of the sun hit his shoulders. He was both exhilarated and nervous and only too aware that he had no way of disguising the way that his jeans fitted closely around his erection. He could remember no occasion on which he had felt so horny. The foyer was cool and he looked for some direction but the concierge called him.

'Can I help you sir?'

'Err, yeah, thanks. Apartment 1102 please.' The concierge picked up a phone 'Could I have your name sir?'

Joe wondered what the concierge would think as a vest clad and somewhat excited young man asked for Orlando Bloom's apartment.

'Just Joe. I am expected.' He hoped now that this was not some sick hoax on the movie star's part but his fears lasted only a few seconds as the concierge spoke.

'Thanks sir. Take the lift on the left to the eleventh floor.'

Joe smiled at the man and walked to the lift on legs that felt like lead. He was about to visit Orlando Bloom. He was about to have sex with him!

The moment that the intercom buzzed Orlando knew that it was only a matter of seconds before he opened the door to Joe. He looked in the ceiling high mirror and finally decided to leave his tee shirt on. The bulge in his jeans seemed more pronounced than ever and he ruffled his thick dark curly hair. That lift seemed to be taking an eternity. It was the longest wait of his life.

The lift doors slid open and Joe walked into a hallway. 1102 was directly ahead. He feared that this was a dream and willed himself not to awake as he pressed the buzzer beside the door.

Orlando opened the door wide and they faced each other. Their breath was taken away. Out of the intense light of a summer sun both men looked even more beautiful. There was now light and shade on their features. For the first time Orlando saw how tapered Joe's torso was, how developed were his biceps. He smiled. He eyes wandered down to the faded denim at his crotch and his eyes widened when he saw just how well hung this man appeared to me. He could swear that he could make out the definition of his cock head.

'I still have my shirt on Joe.'

'I'll remove it myself.' 'If I decide to let you.' Orlando winked seductively. He stood aside so that Joe could enter the apartment. It was huge, with an open plan feeling, very stylish but with a real eye for comfort. Along one wall huge windows gave way to a terrace. So this was a movie star's apartment! Orlando closed the door and followed Joe into the main area. He could now admire the man's legs and his firm small arse. This man seemed to be made for him. They stood face to face for a few seconds and Joe's eyes fixed first on the impressions that the man's nipples made in his tee shirt, and then on the unmistakable shape of a large and hard cock.

'Can I get you anything Joe? A drink maybe?'

'I have everything I can imagine ever wanting thanks. Afterwards maybe...'

'Afterwards? After what Joe? What is it that you want to do?' 'Anything that you dream of Orlando. I am very versatile.' This was said in a loud whisper. His entire repertoire of sexual skills rushed through his mind.

'I want to make love with you Joe. I want to make you cum over and over again. I'm going to...'

And at that he stepped forward, reaching out his arms and laying his hands on Joe's shoulders, feeling their strength and heat and the thin band of cotton vest. The first contact was made. Joe let out a gasp as he felt the hands and he looked deep into Orlando's eyes. They were almost crazed with lust. Orlando stepped closer and now rubbed his right hand on Joe's cheek, his thumb grazing the man's lips. He moved forward again so that their chests were touching. They exchanged their body heat as Orlando's tongue ran across Joe's lips and quickly but gently entered his warm moist mouth. As their tongues met and played Joe's hands rested on Orlando's upper arms squeezing the firm flesh through the cotton of his tee shirt and then wandering downwards until he felt his warm skin. His biceps were firm and there was more strength than he had imagined. As he stroked he pushed his tongue deeper into the movie star's mouth and their saliva mingled. Like Joe, Orlando was feeling the man's naked arm, the pronounced muscles in his upper arms and thrilled at the potential of such power employed in the act of sex. He pulled his tongue from Joe's mouth leaving a little trickle of saliva as he started to lick across his slightly stubbled chin.

They pressed closer and their erect cocks met through two layers of denim. 'Ooooh... Fuck!' The word left Joe's lips with a hiss as he felt his engorged head rubbing against Orlando's.

Suddenly their piercing wild eyes met. There was a burning intensity as both men's lips parted slightly and they pressed again. Orlando took a sharp intake of breath.

'Fuck! You are big!' He gyrated his shaft against Joe's firmly.

'Yeah! Do you like big cocks?'

'Mmmm. How big? Tell me. I want to hear you tell me.'

'Nine inches! Is that big enough for you?' He ground his cock against Orlando again as he licked his neck.

'Nine...fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!' He ran his hands through Joe's very dark hair.

'You're a big boy as well Orlando. I can feel it all pressing against me. It's making me really moist down there. You like nice moist cocks?' He licked his neck again.

They were now firmly pressed together with their hips moving from side to side, the motion sending surges of lust into each other's cocks. There was no rush to touch or remove clothing. Both men were wallowing in this utterly erotic experience. Both could have exploded there and then but this was far too good to hurry. They both wanted to go on a voyage of discovery of each other's bodies.

Joe licked at Orlando's ear lobe and then started whispering to him.

'You know what I did last night? What I did when I was on my own, on my bed?'

'Tell me!' Orlando's hands moved from Joe's shoulders to his naked shoulder blades feeling the low neckline of the vest.

Joe started to push his hands up under the sleeves of Orlando's tee shirt, pushing the white cotton further and further towards his shoulders. 'I imagined that I was with you. I had looked at pictures of you, your chest, your face and I couldn't stop thinking about you.' He chewed gently on Orlando's earlobe. 'You had made me so fucking horny. So fucking hard.'

Orlando's hands moved further down Joe's back now, beneath the vest, and massaged his smooth muscled back. Their cocks still pressed together. 'Did you wank over me Joe? Tell me what you did.'

'Yeah, I wanked over you. I had a long firm wank thinking about you. I made so much fucking cum all over my chest.' His hands were now firmly on the movie star's shoulders, tight beneath the cotton sleeves that were now pulled back exposing his upper arms completely. He licked the flesh of Orlando's shoulder.

'What were you imagining when you shot?' His hands massaged Joe's head feeling the thick hair in his fingers as his hands pushed further down the hot flesh oh his broad tapering back.

'I was fucking you!'

'Oh shit! Fucking me! Yes... How were you fucking me?'

'You were on your back so I could see your lovely face and your chest.' He pressed his cock harder. 'Your legs were high and wide and I was fucking you with this!' And at that point he pulled away and then pressed his cock firmly against Orlando's bulge.

Orlando could hardly speak now but managed to growl: 'Were you fucking me all the way? Was the whole nine inches inside me? Were you fucking me hard?'

'Yeah. I always go in deep and hard.' He licked Orlando's lips again and plunged his tongue into the open mouth. This time the kiss was more urgent and passionate as his hands moved over the man's half exposed shoulders and he hooked his fingers into the armpits feeling the warmth of the soft hair.

Orlando now needed to see more of the fabulous body that he was embracing. He removed his hands from beneath the vest and with his hands on the shoulders, and his cock still pressed against Joe's he arched backwards so that he could see more. The hair that emerged from above the man's neckline was like dark silk against the tanned skin. The deep low-scooped armholes exposed expanses of the sides of his body and these were his next targets. Slowly he stroked his hands over the sides of the cotton-covered pectorals and onto the exposed flesh. It was so firm and sculpted. Looking into Joe's eyes he moved upwards into the dark recesses of his pits and felt at last the think moist hair that curled so luxuriantly.

'Fuck! You are beautiful Joe!' He massaged the man's pits.

'So are you, and you were so fucking beautiful when I imagined you coming last night. You were throwing your arms back and your beautiful face was wild as I pumped my load into you.'

Orlando pushed his hands further beneath Joe's arms feeling his natural heat. He pushed his tongue against his mouth once more. Their tongues dances briefly before they embarked upon a deep, wet and passionate kiss. Their bulging cocks pressed against each other ever harder as their saliva mingled and they reached ever-higher plains of lust.

Their mouths parted and Orlando looked longingly at Joe through half closed eyes. His next target was that hairy muscled young chest. His hands moved through the big armholes of the vest and at last made contact with the hunk's pecs. Though they were not over-muscled, they were defined and very firm. The silky dark hair felt wonderful under his fingers. He pushed across the pecs, stretching the vest and finally his hands met with Joe's rigid nipples. The dark haired beauty took a sharp breath as the fingertips at first stroked and then gently squeezed his nipples. Orlando sensed his pleasure and looked him in the eyes as he rubbed and pinched harder.

'Like that my beautiful man?'

'Fuck yeah! You can do it harder.'

Orlando now applied pressure on the nipples as Joe un-tucked his vest from the waist of his jeans and pulled it up over his flat hard furry washboard abdominals. Orlando looked down and almost drooled as he saw the thick trail that pushed up from the jeans, over his navel and onwards under the vest. All seemed so perfectly formed. This was the man that Orlando had always dreamt of.

'So fucking beautiful.' He squeezed the nipples harder.

'You're the most beautiful man in the world mate.' Joe was absolutely sincere.

Their faces met again with a brief darting kiss and then Joe pushed Orlando's hands from his nipples, stepped back and slowly pulled up his vest revealing, for the first time his perfectly proportioned chest and nipples. Orlando's eyes were everywhere. He feasted on that trail that reached the bottom of Joe's pectorals and then fanned out in silky glory over his upper chest in youthful manliness. The nipples were erect and stood proud and as the vest came over his head, ruffling his hair. His armpits were displayed fully. Now standing stripped to the waist Joe held out the vest and rubbed it gently on Orlando's face. His lover felt the warmth of Joe's body in the fabric. He let it fall to the floor as his hands made contact with Joe's pectorals and felt their heat and strength as he massaged them ensuring that he firmly caressed the ever erect nipples. He ran his hands down over the trail and abs and then gripped Joe's slim firm waist and bent forward finally able to press his lips to the chest. He kissed the man's sternum firmly and wetly leaving a little pool of saliva in the hair and then licked across the right muscle until he could dart his tongue across the nipple. Joe's knees almost buckled at this. He loved having his nipples licked and sucked and to have it done by the perfect lips of Orlando Bloom was almost too amazing to be true. Orlando's lips closed around the nipple and he flicked his tongue quickly across the rigidity before starting to nibble gently with his teeth.

Joe pressed the curly haired head against his chest, urging the teeth to press into him. It was clear that in Orlando he had an experienced lover who sensed exactly what he liked.

'Oh shit! Shit! That's so fucking, fucking good!' He was breathless and urgent as Orlando's hand rubbed roughly over his chest and found the other nipple that he massaged and tweaked. He really worked on that nipple as the groans and curses of Joe urged him on. His hands pulled and tugged, massaged and luxuriated in the light furry covering of that chest. His saliva coated and matted the hair on to the chest as his own cock throbbed in a way that he could not ever remember happening before.

As much as he wanted Orlando's worship of his chest to continue, Joe wanted to discover his lover's body now. After all he had spent the previous night fantasising about the man who was now chewing his nipple. He pulled Orlando's head off his chest and gave him a deep and lusty kiss before starting to pull at the warm, and now slightly sweat moistened tee shirt that covered one of the world's most lusted after bodies. As he smiled into Orlando's eyes he pulled the shirt from the waistband.

'I want to get my hands on you. You fucking beautiful bastard.' He pulled up the shirt and for the first time his hands came into contact with the smooth firm flesh beneath. His cock lurched in his jeans as felt Orlando Bloom's body. The skin was so soft and the touch made Orlando quiver.

'Oh shit, yes! Even better than I fucking imagined possible.' He looked downwards, seeing the definition of Orlando's very generous cock and pushed his hands firmly up the torso dragging the tee shirt with them. It was all so tanned, smooth and without an ounce of surplus fat, and there, to the left and just below his navel was that sexy little tattoo. He moved his hands sideways as well, feeling the entire body. But he had two immediate targets. He wanted Orlando Bloom's nipples. He felt his fingertips graze the super-sensitive points and the sensation thrust through his lover like electricity. They were firm, just as he had imagined, and a look at Orlando's half closed eyes told him just how much he loved this. He rubbed his hands across them and then circled his fingers around the peaks as he listened to the man's breathless moans and whispered obscenities. He tweaked them gently and then more firmly. Last night, in his long and satisfying wank session he had licked and sucked them and now it was all to come true.

'Yeah! Lets get this fucking shirt off you mate. I want that fucking body!'

'Pull it off me Joe. It's all yours. Anything that you want.'

Joe needed no more encouragement. He gripped the bottom hem of the garment and in a single aggressive motion he pulled it up over Orlando's head, ruffling his hair and leaving him naked from the waist upwards. The object of so many of his masturbation sessions was now his. He smelt the warmth of the perfect smooth body and threw the shirt down as he surveyed Orlando's body. The waist was slim and the chest broader than he imagined. It was defined but not overly so and the proud nipples tempted him more than he believed possible. He places the palm of a hand on each one and kneaded them firmly in circular motions as he moved forwards. He kissed Orlando again, gently at first, pushing his tongue into the hot mouth slowly before licking down the light stubble of his chin and neck. His fingers now played with the nipples squeezing and twisting with greater and greater urgency.

'Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Get your mouth on my fucking nipples.'

There was a large white leather sofa behind Orlando and Joe pushed him towards it by his nipples. When he was close enough he pushed the man onto it. Orlando felt the cool leather on his sweat moistened back and he sat there, arms wide and eyes crazy. The shirtless Joe parted his legs and got between then and placed the very tip of his tongue near a nipple. He started to stroke and lick in circles around the target getting closer and closer as the man beneath him squirmed and groaned. The tongue hit the very tip of the nipple and started to bathe it with saliva while his fingers paid attention to the other one. As the tongue played Orlando thrust his entire body upwards to meet the assault, and when Joe's teeth started to nibble he yelled, no he screamed!

'Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Uhhhh yessssssssssssssssss. Eat my fucking tits!'

He gripped Joe's head and pressed it onto his chest as teeth and tongue and lips became more and more aggressive. It was time to treat the other nipples now and the man left a trail of his saliva on Orlando's chest as he homed in on the other target, replacing his fingers on the now wet nipple. It went on and on, complete nipple worship with the worshipper humping the bulge of his nine-inch cock against the edge of the sofa.

He looked up at Orlando who appeared to have drifted off into heaven. His fingers closed around the nipples. He gripped them with all of his strength and tugged.

'Shitttttttttttttt! Yessssssssssssssssssssss!'

'You beautiful, horny fucker! Wait 'til I eat that cock! Before I go down there do you have any more nice sensitive places up here?' Orlando grinned lustfully at Joe and placed his hands behind his head.

'What do you think?'

Joe gazed at the two open armpits and their soft dark hair.

'You like having a tongue in your pits?' The answer didn't have to be spoken.

Joe placed his hands on the backs of Orlando's arms and licked over his pectoral and towards the depth of his right armpit, licking into the warmth gently and delicately finally feeling the hair on his tongue. He bathed it in his saliva and proceeded to lap the flesh in circles, occasionally tugging the hair with his teeth before finding the epicentre and applying firm pressure. Orlando threw his head back as his entire body shuddered with desire. The mouth now made more saliva and drooled it into the cavity so that it was awash. The hair was soaked now and he pressed it, matting it against the skin. He lifted his head and looked in lust at the wetness. It was the turn of the left pit now. His hand moved into the right one and his tongue trailed across the topmost part of the chest before diving into the still only moist pit. This time Orlando pressed his face into it hard and urged him on, pleading for aggression. And aggression is what he got. Joe gripped the hair in his teeth and pulled with all his strength, almost lifting his lover clear of the back of the sofa. The man howled in pleasure as, simultaneously, Joe worked the nipples firmly.

'Fuck! FUCK! You are fucking incredible!'

'You make me so fucking horny mate. I fucking want your fucking body so fucking much. Wait 'til you feel my tongue in that tight arse!'

Joe now started to trace his mouth and hands back down Orlando's chest and stomach. He licked at his navel, and across the cute tattoo and then, at last his hand stroked over the bulging cylinder of cock that the denim was encasing. It was completely rigid and the shape of the head could be clearly made out. Joe reckoned it to be about eight inches in length. Gently his fingers teased and stroked the bulge as he looked up into the movie star's liquid, pleading eyes. Then he did what he loved to do to his own bulge when he wore jeans. He applied pressure to the shaft with the heel of his hand. He moved up and down the length, applying firmer pressure over the engorged head and that made the amazingly beautiful man thrust his crotch upwards to meet it. Now his face met the denim. He kissed the head and then started to nibble on it, loving the taste of the warm denim as he licked and moistened it. His teeth close around the shape of the head and he bit gently. Orlando was begging for release. His cock was strained almost to the level of pain within the tight clothes though one thing was obvious; he was naked beneath the denim.

Joe looked into his lover's eyes and then at the still wet nipples and pits as he started to unbuckle the heavy leather belt. The copper rivet at the top was next and under the considerable strain imposed by the erection his zipper opened slightly. The sight that met him, of dark curly pubic hair sent an ooze of moistness to his own cock. He, Joe, was about to work Orlando Bloom's cock. It was his wildest fantasy come true. Before he went further he took a look at Orlando. The hair was now ruffled and his eyes were wide and wild. His mouth opened and closed in anticipation of the ecstasy to come. His arms were still spread and the pit hair still wet, as were the large solid nipples. A trickle of sweat ran down his smooth sternum.

'Go on...'

Joe pulled the zipper down with difficulty; such was the size and solidity of what was hidden within. The very dark pubic fuzz became a forest and there, there was the root of a fat cock. He pulled the zipper right down, and with hand shaking slightly he placed his hand inside and onto the shaft. Orlando let out a long low growl and bucked his hips. Joe was entranced by the heat and rigidity of that long fat weapon. He could feel the engorged veins pulsing with blood. He wrapped his fingers his fingers around it and, looking at Orlando's face he wanked it gently.

'Oh Jesus fucking hell. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!' Orlando thrust his hips upwards.

'I don't want to make you come yet mate.' But he didn't stop the wanking. In fact he moved his hands further up the shaft until his fingers came into contact with the head. Orlando's body shuddered. The fingers closed around the large head and grazed the slit.

'Oh fucking hell! Fucking hell!!!'

It was wet with his thick precum. He had been oozing since the first moment that Joe had entered the apartment. Its stickiness covered the head and made the inside of the jeans wet. Joe pressed his finger against the slit making his lover hiss with pleasure and scooped some up on his fingertip. He pulled his hand free and put the finger to his mouth. Orlando watched, enslaved, as he placed it between his lips and sucked it clean.

'That's so fucking good. I'm going to suck it all right of you.'

'Yessssss, suck my fucking cock, PLEEEEEASE!'

'Lets get these fucking jeans off you then'.

Joe gripped Orlando's trainers and pulled them off, then gripping the waistband of the jeans he started to pull them down as the beautiful actor lifted his body. His cock sprang free!

From its nest of thick dark curls it stood proud. A full rigid eight inches long with throbbing veins and a head shining with his precum. It was the most tempting cock that Joe had ever seen. Beneath it his bollocks were heavy and full. Joe continued to drag the jeans until they were off and then he sat back on his haunches and gazed at his conquest. His own shirtless body now glistened with the sweat of summer and lust as he drooled over the sight. Orlando was now sweat wet, his cock huge and begging, and his legs sculpted, tanned and silkily hairy.

'You fucking beautiful bastard!'

He knelt now, pushing the firm thighs apart and leant forward so that his lips were an inch from the end of the cock. He blew gently on it sensing the surge of lust running through it. It was craving release but he wanted to savour this forever. He knew that he could make this man cum and cum over and over again' but not yet. He darted his tongue onto the slit and Orlando took a sharp intake of breath followed by a growl and Joe, at last, was tasting the cock he desired more than any other in the world. The precum oozed more and he drove his tongue into the slit lapping it up, taking it into his mouth, and then going back for more. Now he was stabbing his tongue into the slit as he closed his lips firmly around the base of the head and his fingers embraced the cock shaft.

Orlando writhed and thrust his naked hips upwards as Joe blew his cock. He leant forward and wanted to keep the vision of his cock head between those lips in his mind forever. He placed his hands on Joe's head urging him on as the blue eyes peered upwards into the movie star's face as the precum welled up on his tongue.

Joe started to alternate between slathering his tongue over the head and sucking it firmly and slowly wanking the shaft, twisting it in his fingers. He could hear Orlando's breathing getting heavier and his low deep moans of thanks. He would push the head into the corner of his mouth and then the other, sometimes letting it free for a moment to admire head dripping with a mix of precum juice and his saliva but as he did firm hands would press his lips back into contact. The sucking became deeper as centimetre by centimetre he let the big and fat shaft slip further into him. Orlando was big but Joe knew he could deep throat him with ease. As the cock slid into him he used his tongue and teeth to tease it, wanting to feel it deep within his throat and have Orlando's thick dark bush in his nostrils. He could feel every pulse of blood and every throbbing vein. The seemingly endless stream of precum lubricated him and the taste intoxicated him.

Orlando took control now, gripping Joe's head and pushing him further. Few things in life were more pleasurable to him than feeling his hardness gripped by a tight throat and the feeling of his curly hair on a hot sucker's nose. 'Fuck! Take it all. Swallow my fucking cock all the way. Fuckkkkkk! Yesssssss'

Joe swallowed the entire 8 inches and without gagging allowed his muscles to relax and then grip the invader. It wasn't to last long because Joe pulled his head almost completely off his cock and then forced it back down harder. He gagged momentarily but regained control before it was done again, and again, with increasing pace. Orlando was not so much receiving a blowjob but giving a face fuck. And it was so good. So very good.

The room was filled with the sound of cock sliding in and out of wet mouth and Orlando's breathing and moaning. Joe's face was slamming down onto him now and at one thrust Orlando held his head firmly in place, right at the root, for what seemed like an eternity of heaven. Joe now reached up and stroked his lover's moist chest until he found the nipples, which he massaged and tweaked. Never had he eaten a cock as beautiful as his life. 'That feels so fucking good.'

Joe knew how to please this man as he let the cock slip out so that only the tip was in his mouth, closed his lips tightly around the head and worked his tongue deeply into the slit as his fingers twisted the nipples. Every oozing of precum and every groan that Orlando made sent a shiver of desire through his own throbbing, still constrained cock. He wanted so much to take it out and send his lover even wilder with desire but he was far to busy in his worship. There were other targets.

Her let the cock escape his lips and a long strand of saliva and Orli's juice stretched for a full eighteen inches before it snapped and landed on the flat smooth stomach. He looked the beautiful man in the eyes as his hands gripped him below his thighs and lifted and parted them. Orli's beautiful eyes were wild with wanting now as Joe went back down and started to lick his full heavy balls. He ran his tongue between them, and over them, taking first one and then both fully into his mouth as his fingers teased the cock slit, torturing it lovingly. The man beneath him lifted his legs higher, gripping his own thighs and hauling them back against his chest. He knew what he wanted next and knew that Joe was going to let him have it. Joe looked at the sculpted backs of Orli's thighs, the soft hair sweat matted to the muscle. He lick the back of the right thigh tasting the sweat before placing his tongue just beneath the balls and starting to trace it down into the deep inviting valley.

Just an hour ago he had met Orlando Bloom on the roof of a car park. Now he was about to rim him. His hands parted the arse cheeks. He could never remember feeling such firm cheeks. His tongue now started to close in on Orli's most intimate place. He blew on it gently and a long low throaty moan could be heard above him. He blew again and then let his tongue make just the slightest contact with the centre of the ring. It was enough to send a howl of delight into the hot air in the room. He did it again, and again, before starting a long slow spiralling motion over and over the hole, coating it with his spit. Orli pushed himself against the tongue begging it to enter him and Joe was ready to oblige. He lifted the thighs further and pressed his face hard against the exposed arse cheeks, formed his tongue into a point and pressed it in as far as it would go.

'Oh My Fucking God! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!' Orlando shouted so loudly that the sound must have been heard down on the street. He clenched his fists and pressed his ring firmly onto the invading tongue as he felt it probing his chute and starting a flicking pushing and fucking motion. Joe loved to eat ass and this one was so hot and demanding. Orli was writhing now, begging for more, and if this was the effect of a tongue he could only imagine the effect of something much, much larger. He withdrew his tongue for a moment and prised the hole open with his fingers, spitting hard into it, and then pushing his tongue back in making the saliva a lubricate that allowed him deeper access. Orlando was tight but seemed to open up with relative ease and the sphincter was strong and supple, ideal for clamping itself around the head of a large wet cock and it was that thought that was uppermost in Joe's mind now. He was desperate to feel his fat rigid cock gripped and sucked by that hole, to watch Orli's body sweat and writhe as he entered, and to see the contortions of ecstasy in that gorgeous face.

His face was pressed hard into the valley of his arse now. His tongue buried and swirling around washing the walls just inside the ring. A string of obscenities issued from the mouth of the movie star. As he rimmed he also wanked the cock, twisting the shaft in steady motions. And still Joe's own cock was hidden, crammed in by denim and almost bursting for release.

He lifted his face from the arse and looked at the almost delirious Orlando Bloom. 'You like having your bum played with don't you mate!' He laughed.

'Do me some more you fucking beautiful bastard?'

'Like this?' Casting his eyes from the man's face to his sweat moistened chest and back to his face he tickled the hole with the middle finger of his right hand. He ran over it in circles, torturing it with desire, before pressing in to the second knuckle. The ring immediately shut tight around the invader

'Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Yesssssssssssss!' Orli through his legs high and wide, slipping down on the sofa and gripping the back of it with outstretched hands. He begged to have his arse filled by this hairy-chested beauty that he had known for such a short time. Joe obliged, forcing in his finger to its base and fucking it against the prostate hidden deep within. He watched as the world famous face reacted. As he started to finger-fuck with long steady strokes the man shut his eyes and bit his lip. Joe used his free hand to scoop up some of Orli's precum from his cock and put it to his own hungry mouth. It was so good he had to let Orli taste it and scooped up even more before pushing his fingers into the waiting mouth. As he did so he withdrew his finger and replaced it with two, opening the sphincter wider and once again pushing in to their base.

'Want my cock in there?'

'Uhhhh... shit! YES!'

'Want my long fat hard cock fucking your tight cunt?'

'Fuck! FUCK! Yes! NOW!!!!!'

'You ain't even seen my cock yet!'

'Fuck! I want to see it. Give me your cock!'

Joe withdrew his fingers and stood before the sprawled out Orli to whom he appeared so perfect. Tall, dark haired, tanned, slim but muscled, developed arms, pert hard nipples and that line of hair that spread up from his waist and fanned out over his pronounced pectorals. And the jeans bulged! Hell, they bulged. Naked beneath them Joe's cock pushed a long hard cylinder across his left hip where, at the end, was a huge patch of sticky pre-cum that had leaked through the fabric.

Joe's hands shook with desire as he started to unbuckle his belt. He looked down at the man, at the dribble of sweat that ran from his armpits and the erect throbbing leaking cock. He popped the copper rivet of his jeans and then yanked the button fly open all of the way down. His pubic hair was think and black and there, there was the root of his cock. Looking at his lover he yanked his jeans down to his hard and sculpted dark haired thighs and allowed his cock its freedom. It burst out standing stiff at an acute angle and dribbling its honey. It was indeed a full nine inches in length, and had the girth to match it. The veins throbbed and his sack was full and heavy with his juice. He pulled off his jeans and stood powerfully, legs slightly apart, and put his hands to his shaft.

'This baby wants to be inside you mate!'


'It wants to be right deep inside you with that tight little ring squeezing the cream out of it.'

'Fuck me! Fuck me! I fucking want it in me!'

'Better lube me up a little first mate. Suck the fucker good and it'll ram you into next week.' Joe was getting aggressive and he sensed that that was exactly what Orli wanted. 'Want it? Want to taste my dick?' He squeezed a gob of precum onto his fingers, reached forward so his cock was tantalisingly erect above Orli's and placed the finger at the passionate lips. It was met with a ravenous tongue that licked it clean, washed the juice around in his mouth and swallowed greedily.

'Taste good?'

'Let me have it. Please let me eat that cock.'

With one hand wanking his nine inches Joe straddled Orli's sprawling body so that his cock head was tantalisingly close to the waiting mouth. He took it in his hand and slapped it onto Orli's cheeks and then against his lips leaving a trail of precum over him. His knees rested on the sofa either side of Orli as he pressed his slit against the waiting lips. A tongue met it. It ran across the head and then drilled into the slit as his hands at last took hold of the thickness and marvelled at the sheer rigidity of it. He was rewarded with a thick gloop or pearly salted precum as he opened his lips to accommodate it. His tongue slathered round and round as he clamped his lips and twisted the veiny shaft gently but firmly. Joe felt the tongue probing him and new, at an instant, the technique of an expert and experienced sucker. He pushed in allowing the first three inches to be enveloped and the tongue within went into a frenzy of activity pushing it from side to side as he applied a terrific force of suction. Another inch slid in followed by another and another. Orli was consuming the entire monster with ease. Joe knew that a photograph of Orli, his eyes wild, and a huge cock buried in his lips with trails of saliva and precum on his chin would be worth a fortune. But this was nor porn. This was real. Orli wanted it all. His hands gripped Joe's arse cheeks and pushed him towards him and Joe obliged by pushing straight down the begging throat forcing his think black pubes into his nose. His eyes peered upwards over the flat stomach as Joe pulled out to the tip and ploughed straight in again, into the clenching throat. Not only could Orli deep-throat nine inches his throat could take a fucking. Joe thrust again and was astonished at the ease with which the mouth accepted the attack. With every stroke Orlando's tongue stroked the throbbing vein that ran the length of the cock and bathed the head before sucking it deep, deep within him again.

One thing was certain and that was that to orgasm that way would be a truly remarkable experience, but one that could wait. For his first cum Joe wanted a different, tighter, more intimate place. He wanted to fuck his beautiful and skilled lover, and he wanted it now.

'Fuck, mate! FUCK! I want to fuck your arse!' He pulled his sodden shaft free and wiped it on the man's face and reached back to probe his new target with a long finger. He looked Orli in the eye as he penetrated him. 'Want to be fucked?'

'Yes! Yes! Do it! Fuck me! I want you. I want you inside me, fucking me hard. I want your cum in me!' Orli rode the finger.

Joe pulled away from him and lowered himself onto the beautiful dishevelled body, pressing his cock against Orlando's so that they could hump each other gently. He kissed them man deeply as legs entwined him.

'Want me to put it in you? Want to feel it pushing in and then sliding all the way up you?' Their cocks and bodies rubbed together mingling their precum and soft summer sweat. They kissed again.

'Fuck! I want to fuck you so much. I want to feel that tight ring gripping my cock. I am going to fuck you so hard! Want that? Want a hard fuck?'

'Do it. Do it NOW!' Orli was yelling now. His desire to feel that beautiful and very large penis inside him was overwhelming.

Joe lifted himself off the man. He knew that he had to fuck him now. He didn't think that he was going to be able to hold his orgasm back for much longer and the first one had to be inside his lover. He wanted to fuck him in every possible position, a squat fuck, a savage ramming from behind, standing with Orli braced against the wall, on a bed with Orli face down, even standing on his fucking head as he had once so successfully managed, but right now things looked good just as they were. The man was sprawled on the sofa, his arse at the very edge and his arms spread. This would make for a great fuck.

'Spread those fucking legs for me. High and wide mate.' Orlando obliged as he lifted his legs and held them in position by gripping his thighs. 'That looks so fucking good', Joe said as he leant forwards with one hand on Orli's left leg and the other gripping his cock. He was about to press his wet precum-dripping knob against the gates of heaven.

The head touched the target and Orli's eyes were wild. Joe felt the strength of the muscular opening but needed to be in there. He pushed firmly but gently forcing the ring to stretch so that his entire head slipped inside. The sphincter snapped shut, like a mantrap, around the base of the head forcing the accumulated precum to spurt into the deep tunnel. Joe groaned and caught his breath as Orli pushed upwards to meet him, begging for more.

Orlando had known ecstasy a million times but this, somehow, was on a higher plain. Never had he felt anything better pushing its way into him. Never had a better looking man made love to him. As he felt the coming invasion he put his hands on Joe's pecs, kneading the muscle and feeling the soft hair. Never had he wanted to climax so much. He massaged Joe's nipples.

'Come on! Push it in me. Push it in all the way.' His body seemed to suck Joe in. He took light sharp breaths in readiness for what was to come.

'Like that baby? Like my knob inside you? What's it feel like/ Does it feel good baby?'

'Fuck Yesssssssssssss!'

'Squeeze my knob with that ring. Come on baby! Squeeze out my precum and make it lube you up!'

Orli used his muscle strength to grip Joe even tighter, held it for a few seconds and then relaxed.

'Come on man, in me, NOW!'

The time had come and Joe gripped the back of the sofa with an arm either side of Orlando's head and started to push with a determined and single motion. As the tunnel relented and he forced inch after inch into its clenching vice he felt the lips of the ring squeeze his veins and make his balls churn. He was going in for the kill, not pausing, not teasing now, but sliding in with determination. Orlando opened his mouth, eyes wide, and held his breath, as nine inches of fat rigidity slid against his prostate and embedded itself. Finally, when he felt that familiar pubic bush pressed in his valley he let out a loud throaty snarl and gripped Joe's back with his feet.

'You fucking, incredible bastard. You fucking filled me!'

'You're so fucking tight. FUCK!'

'Come on. Do me. Do me hard!!!! I want you to fucking ride me like an animal. Hard as you fucking want!'

'You got it baby! I'm going to fuck you senseless.'

His hands moved to Orlando's shoulders, forcing him harder against the sofa as he pulled out to the head. He paused for a second and then slid straight in again with a power that surprised him. Out again. No pause this time, just slamming back in to the hilt. He already felt an orgasm welling within him. This was not going to be the occasion for a lingering sensuous fuck; they were both too far gone to sustain this for much longer. Joe grunted loudly with every thrust, and as he did the chute clamped him tighter and Orli begged for harder deeper thrusts that would electrify his prostate and push him ever closer. His fingers wrapped around his own cock, firmly and surely, below the head. It was the place that he knew was the best place to induce a powerful ejaculation. He started to wank himself as Joe started small fucking him with increased pressure and speed. They gazed at each other's physical beauty through half closed lust crazed eyes. They were both sweating now, their chests moist and their foreheads dripping. A huge well of precum was dribbling over Orli's hands as he worked himself.

'Harder! Harder Joe! Fuck me harder!' He was screaming now as his entire body was on fire.

Joe was close now. He felt the explosion rumbling in his groan and a shudder of pleasure shattered through his body as Orli worked his ass muscles on him.

'Fuck! FUCK! I'm going to cum! I'm going to fucking cum in you!'

'Yessss. Fuck it into me. I'm so fucking near it. Jeeeeeez! SHIT!'

Orli lost control. There was no point in trying to hold back because it was inevitable now. He felt a jet of juice force up his shaft.

'I'm commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming!'

And this triggered Joe. His balls exploded and started to spew cream up the column of his cock. He started to slam with incredible ferocity as his mouth opened and he howled like a beast.

'Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' Orli shot a jet of white gold onto Joe's furry pecs.

'FUCKING................ SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!' A huge fountain of Joejuice shot from his slit deep, deep inside the arse.

They were out of control. Joe's body slammed down onto Orli's so that the movie star's cock was forced against his hairy belly. The hair was soon drenched in Orli's liquid lust. Smashed against his lover Joe thrust in sharp hard motions as jet after jet blasted out. With every shot each man screamed his passion and the sweat ran more profusely. They moved as one now, two perfectly formed young men in a unity of sweat, muscle, passion and orgasmic ecstasy. They writhed, squirmed, yelled, thrust, contracted in a torrent of homosexual pleasure; they were both having the most powerful, exquisite orgasms of their lives.

It subsided slowly. With lingering bursts of semen that breathless grunting the motion slowed until, after what had seemed to be an eternity, they collapsed against each other. Between them there lay a lake of Orlando's semen. It smothered his smooth chest and matted Joe's hair to his body, and deep inside Orli a flood of Joe's semen oozed and slid around his still erect cock. They kissed with supreme passion and embraced even harder.

'Even hotter than I ever imagined Mr Bloom!' Joe placed a hand between them, scooped up some spilt cream and shared it between their hungry mouths.

'Stay inside me Joe! I want your cum again.' He spread his arms wide and Joe licked into his moist armpit.

'I'm not going anywhere lover! I'm in there for ever.'

If you have any comments to make, or any suggestions as to how this story might be progressed please feel free to contact me at:


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