Gay Erotic Stories

The Intern And The Farm Hand

by Carneykid
08 Mar 2003

Summer Adventures

Jake was feeling very upbeat as he sped along the winding country road. He had just completed the first day of his summer internship at the law firm and caught a flaw in a chain of title that their regular title examiner had missed. If it hadn’t been caught it would have been a costly mistake down the road. The partners were impressed and told him so. He had landed the internship at small law firm in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. His folks had a vacation home in the area and he would get to spend the whole summer in the mountains, just like when he was a kid. True, his parents and siblings might be around most weekends, but at least he didn’t have to drive nearly three hours to get here! Besides, he’d have the place to himself during the week. It was going to be a great summer.

It had been a wet spring, but now, at the end of May, the weather was turning warmer. The forecast was for that trend to continue for the week. The leaves on the trees had not yet reach maturity and the countryside was still the bright green of spring. Jake had taken off his tie and thrown it on his sport coat in the backseat. The radio was blaring great rock and roll and he sung along. Since Jake had spent so much time in the valley, he knew most of the back roads to avoid the tourist. Not only was the road less crowded, but, running along the valley as it did, it offered great views across the various farms to the mountains. Just driving the road put Jake in a good mood. It was going to be a great summer.

As he came around the bend just past Keezar’s Farm, Jake noticed a hitchhiker by the side of the road. The hitchhiker didn’t really catch his attention until Jake was nearly on top of him. It looked like a young guy, worn blue jeans, dirty T-shirt, cowboy hat. On an impulse, Jake decided to stop and give the guy a ride. He was up for some adventure, not that anything would happen, after all, this is the country, and besides, Jake wanted to go more “local” for the summer. What better way to start then to give a hitchhiker a ride? By the time Jake decided that’s what he would do and started to pull over, he had gone some distance past the guy and when he looked in his rearview mirror, he saw that a pick up truck had stopped to give a lift.

“Oh well, next time” Jake thought. Later that night, as Jake sat on the porch listening to the ball game, he kept thinking about the hitchhiker for some reason. He had never hitchhiked nor picked up anyone who was. Only one time before, when he was with his cousin, his cousin stopped and picked someone up. It was just some guy, a little older then them looking for a ride to the bus stop. The guy offered them a joint, which they took and that was that. The thing that really interested Jake was that the guy wore a cowboy hat. He would have expected someone in New Hampshire to have a baseball hat. Jake vowed that he would give the next hitchhiker he saw a ride.

Due to work, it was Friday afternoon before he was going down the same road at about the same time. Sure enough, the hitchhiker was in the same spot. This time, Jake was ready and pulled right over.

“Thanks man.” he said as he slipped into the car and closed the door. “I really appreciate it.”

“Not a problem. Where are you headed?”

“Just down to Four Corners. Are you going that far?”

“Yeah, I’m heading to Freedom. Name’s Jake.” he said extending his hand.

“Chad” came the reply. He quickly wiped his hand on his pant leg before extending it. “Sorry about the dirt. I just got off work.”

“I figured. So did I. Where are you working?”

Chad quickly explained that he was working for “Old Man Keezar”, who owned several farms in the valley, not just the one bearing his name. He was hired to take care of the horses and give riding lessons to the tourist. Since it was early in the season, there wasn’t much call yet for that so he was helping repair damages from the harsh winter like repairing fences and painting.

Despite the fact that it was only the end of May, Jake noticed that Chad was getting tan. Not only that, but there was something easy going and casual about Chad, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He sat very relaxed in the passenger seat, with his left leg up on the hump, his right elbow out the window, his cowboy hat covering his crotch, the breeze blowing his near shoulder length hair around. Chad had a definite soft twang to his voice that wasn’t New Hampshire.

“You’re not from around here, are you?” Jake asked.

“Nope. How’d you guess? The accent or the cowboy hat?” Chad answered with a mischievous grin.

“Both!” Jake laughed. “But it’s not Texas. Where are you from?”

“Cody Montana, mostly, but I did spend a few years in Oklahoma. You can pull over at the big white house on the right, just before the corner.”

Jake suddenly realized that they were nearly at Four Corners. He recognized the house, but it was different from what he remembered. When he was in high school, five brothers about his age lived there. They were a pretty rowdy bunch and he hung out with them. There were some great parties in the house. That was were he first got laid, at 16. A few weeks later he got his first blowjob from another guy, boy actually, out in the barn. Then the house was rather run down, with a couple of beat up cars in the yard and a few beat up dogs too. Now the place was cleaned up, there were even window boxes of flowers.

“The Days don’t still live here do they?” asked Jake as he pulled over.

“Never heard of them. Keezar owns it. He’s got three apartments in there, but I’m staying out back in a trailer by the barn.” Chad replied.

“Hey, I got an idea Chad, want to go get a drink and something to eat?”

“No can do partner, won’t be 21 until August.”

“Well, we can still get something to eat. I know a great local place down the road.”

“I got plenty of food in the trailer, but could sure use some beer. I tell you what, why don’t you go grab some beers and come back here and I cook up some steak on the grill?”

“Sounds like a plan! What do you like to drink?”

“Here’s a ten spot. Grab some Coronas and some Coke. I’ve got plenty of limes and rum. Just pull down the driveway to the barn when you come back. You’ll see the trailer.”

“I’ll be back” Jake replied in his best Terminator impersonation.

He didn’t know why, but Jake’s heart was racing. Chad seemed like a pretty good kid and it would be fun to have a friend to hang out with over the summer. All the attorneys in the office were married, and the support staff, all women, were all older then him, married or single mothers. Not exactly the pick of the crop. Most of the local boys that he had hung out with, such as the Day brothers were either married or he had lost touch with them. He did plan to see if he could find them, but for now he had a new friend.

He quickly bought the beer and Coke and for some reason, a pack of cigarettes. He didn’t know why, he didn’t smoke and he didn’t know if Chad did, but it seemed like the thing to do, steak, beer and cigarettes.

Jake pulled past the house, down the driveway until it opened into the back yard. It was really just a big patch of dirt between the house and the barn that the tenants used for parking. It was a big old typical New England barn. Good times were had in that barn Jake remembered as he pulled around to the backside and found the trailer. It was parked about ten feet away from the barn. The awning was down shading the front. There was a beat up sofa and picnic table underneath. Nearby were the gas grill and a motorcycle, an old Honda.

“Just me.” Jake called, getting out of the car with the beer.

“I’m over here, at the back of the trailer.” came the reply. Jake walked under the awning dropping the beer on the table. As he walked to the end of the trailer, he noticed a wooden out door shower stall leaning against the back. A pair of jeans and a towel hung on hooks and the water was running. The slats were such that you couldn’t really see in, but you could see movement.

“You get the beer alright?” Chad asked, shutting off the water.

“Yeah, you want one?”

“Crack one open and let it breath while I dry off.” Chad instructed as one of the towels disappeared over the wall.

“Doesn’t the trailer have a shower?” Jake asked opening a couple of beers.

“Yeah, but Keezar doesn’t want the gray water tank filling up. This shower just runs out into the field.” Now the jeans went over the wall. “You’re welcome to take a shower and get out of that suit if you want. There’s some extra clothes in the trailer that might fit you.”

“Extra clothes?” asked Jake, the idea of getting out of his hot suit and cooling off sounding better by the second.

“Yeah, the last tenant left some stuff behind. Let me see what I can find.” As Chad walked to door, Jake watched him move past him. No doubt about it, Chad was good looking, nearly six feet tall and thin, almost to the point of being lanky. Physical labor had given him a nice tone. His jet-black hair framed a baby face. He’d definitely be carded for several years to come thought Jake. And his ass wasn’t bad either he noticed as Chad stepped into the trailer. Jake followed him in.

It was the typical 25-foot trailer with a double axle. To the immediate right of the door was the table with benches on either side, which would fold down to a bed. To the left were the stove, sink and fridge. The opposite side contained the bathroom. At the end of corridor was the door leading to the bedroom. Chad was rummaging through a storage bin under one of the benches.

“What size waist do you take?” he asked when Jake entered.

“34” he replied.

“These should fit.,” he said tossing a pair of jeans to Jake.

“They look a little short.” Jake replied holding them up to his waist.

“Yeah. And they’re going to be shorter still.” Chad replied brandishing a pair of scissors. Jake held the pants to his waist and Chad made a small cut half way between his knee and crotch. Then he took them and matched the legs up laying the jeans on the table. A few quick cuts and the deed was done.

“Give them a try while I put the steaks on the grill.” Chad tossed the jeans to Jake, stepped over to the fridge and grabbed the steaks and went outside. ”There’s a couple of T-shirts in the drawer too.”

For a moment Jake was unsure what to do. Should he just change where he stood or use the john or even the bedroom. Fuck it he thought, right here in the kitchen was good enough. He quickly stripped to his briefs and pulled the shorts on. They fit fine. He dug through the drawer and found an old concert T-shirt.

“You look like perfect trailer trash!” Chad smirked when Jake stepped outside.

“Should I knock out some of my teeth too?” he joked back. He put his clothes in his car and walked back to the picnic table so he could watch Chad cook.

“There’s a radio and some CD’s in the kitchen if you want some music.” Chad instructed before Jake could sit down. “The county western stuff was in the trailer when I moved in. Also, there’s a clean towel hanging in the bathroom for your shower.” Jake went back to the trailer, found a Van Morrison CD and put it on.

“One of my favorites.” Chad called out as soon as he heard the first notes. “By the way, can you grab the potatoes from the fridge and put them in the microwave for a few minutes?” Jake opened the fridge, saw two potatoes on a plate and did as instructed. He was impressed by what he saw in the fridge. Mostly healthy stuff, unlike his own bare cupboard. Jake grabbed the towel and headed out to the shower. Again he was unsure exactly what to do but he stepped inside and quickly striped, throwing his clothes over the wood partition. Chad watched Jake hesitate at the shower entry. He was half hoping Jake would give him a show before stepping into the shower, but he didn’t. He liked what he saw in Jake and wondered if he’d see more. Jake was nearly six feet tall and 185 pounds, his brown hair was worn in a buzz cut, which excited Chad. He looked like he spent time at the gym as he had some good definition going. The boards on the shower stall pretty much blocked any view. Chad quickly finished his beer and started another one. Jake didn’t really shower, just rinsed off. He turned the water off and pulled the towel over the partition and dried himself. He made sure he gave his nuts and shaft an extra tug or two. He was getting hard thinking about Chad and gave himself a few extra strokes. Jake had gotten many blowjobs from other guys in college. One guy on the lacrosse team really had the hots for him and after they won the state championship and Jake was drunk, Jake fucked him. In fact, half the team fucked the kid. Thinking about it made Jake even harder. He hoped Chad didn’t notice his nine inches, but then again, maybe Chad wanted it. Jake quickly got dressed and stepped out of the shower.

“Just in time, the steaks are done. Do you want to eat out here or inside?” Chad asked.

“Your choice.” Jake replied. Chad chose inside to be away from the bugs. The table was quickly set and another round opened.

“So, Chad, what brings you all the way here from big sky country?” Jake asked between sips on his beer.

“A girl.” He replied.

“How so.” Jake asked a little crest fallen.

“Well, I was going out with this girl in high school in Oklahoma. She got a scholarship to BU, including a dorm room. We kept it up long distance for a while, until her second year. Then she got her own apartment and I was able to follow her to Boston. I was working odd jobs and stuff. We came up here to do some skiing with a bunch of friends and she caught me cheating on her with her friend. She told me not to come back so I went out and got a job at the ski resort. I met Keezar near the end of the season and he offered me this job. That’s about it.” he finished finishing off a beer in a few quick gulps. “What’s a city boy like you doing up here?”

“Well my folks have a vacation home in Freedom. Been coming up here for years. Since I’m not in the top of my class and don’t write for law review, I wasn’t able to land a summer internship at any of the big firms in town so I applied up here and here I am.” Jake finished off his beer. “By the way, how’s the local talent? It was pretty good when I spent the summers here a few years ago.”

“It’s not to bad. I really haven’t had a chance to check it out too much.” Chad opened up two more beers and gave one to Jake. “Excuse me, gotta take a piss” Chad walked out of the trailer and walked around to the front. Jake could see him from the table and could hear Chad peeing. Jake was getting harder and the beer was taking effect. When Chad was done, he made sure he gave himself a couple of extra strokes. Jake was turning him on. When Chad came back into the trailer, Jake could see a small dark circle on Chad’s jeans. He was definitely getting hot.

“Let me help you with those.” Jake offered when Chad started doing the dishes. Jake passed Chad to get the towel hanging on the wall. The space was so small in the trailer Jake brushed Chad ass. Chad could feel Jake’s hard on through his pants and leaned back, pinning Jake against the opposite wall. Jake giggled and tried to push Chad away. In a few seconds they were mock wrestling. Chad quickly pulled Jake’s shirt off. They stood starring at each other breathing heavily and laughing. Chad looked into Jake’s eyes and moved closer. Jake leaned forward and they kissed, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths. Chad reached down and undid Jake’s top button, then slowly lowered the zipper. His shorts fell to the floor.

“Nice tighty whities.” Chad whispered in Jake’s ear. Jake’s nine inches was straight up with the very tip pushing out of his briefs. Chad reached down and fondled Jake’s sack through the material. Jake leaned back with pleasure. Next Chad ran his fingers inside the waistband before pulling the briefs down below Jake’s sack. Jake reached over and undid the button fly on Chad’s jeans and they fell to the floor. Jake caught his breath when he looked down. Except for a little stripe of hair a few inches above his cock, Chad was completely shaved. Not only that, but he sported a cock ring on his uncut meat. Jake had never seen a ring or an uncut dick close up before. He stroked Chad’s meat for a few moments. Chad leaned in and they kissed. Chad started kissing Jake on his neck and moved down to his chest, playing with each nipple before following the pleasure trail to the his belly button while falling on his knees. He pulled the briefs the rest of the way down. He gave Jake’s meat a tongue bath while Jake moaned in pleasure.

“What’s this tattoo?” Chad asked, licking the three small Greek letters near Jake’s crotch.

“Just my frat tat.” was the reply.

“Oh, a fraternity boy.” Chad said with pleasure and began sucking Jake’s nuts. Jake thought he would shot his load right there. It was the best blowjob he ever had. Chad stood up and they embraced while kissing, their raging hardons rubbing against each other.

“I want you to fuck me.” had whispered in Jake’s ear. He took Jake’s hand and led him to the bedroom. Chad lay on his back on the bed and spread his legs. Jake stared at the shaved sack surrounded by the cock ring for few moments before pushing Chad’s legs apart and kneeling between them. He had eaten out many girls before, and even gotten blowjobs from guys, but he had never given another guy head. He figured he’d do what was done to him before. What he really loved to do was eat ass. He had eaten many girls, but never a guy. How different could it be he figured.

Jake gently took Chad’s shaft and leaned in to suck it. There was a drop of pre-cum on the tip and he licked it away. He pulled the hood back and played with Chad’s piss slit with his tongue before taking the whole head in his mouth. With his right hand, he slowly worked his fingers into Chad’s crack, spreading the cheeks, looking for his hole. He took more of the shaft into his mouth and began going up and down. With his left hand he began to twist one of Chad’s nipples. Chad laid back in pleasure. Suddenly Jake stopped and moved between Chad’s legs. He spread them and lifted them to expose Chad’s man pussy. Jake licked a trail from the tip of Chad’s dick, down the shaft to the sack, through the space between his dick and hole. He started his rim job. After licking around the edges for a few moments, he dove in and began to eat Chad’s ass. Right after it started Chad knew that Jake knew exactly what he was doing. It was incredible. Jake started to work a finger into Chad’s hole, then a second. Chad reached over and grabbed a tube of lube and handed it down to Jake. He spread it on his fingers and worked them in again. Then, while fingering Chad, he began to suck his dick again. When Jake worked three fingers into Chad’s hole, Chad was about to explode.

“Please fuck me Jake,” he begged. He threw a condom to Jake.

“Ribbed for her pleasure.” Jake read opening the package. He rolled it on and spread some lube on it. Jake positioned himself on his knees between Chad’s legs and took one in each hand. He picked them up and pushed them back toward Chad’s shoulders. Chad had been fucked many times before, but no one was as big as Jake. Jake pushed his tip in a few inches and then rocked back and forth, teasing Chad’s hole. Chad was moaning and begging to be fucked. Then, in one quick push Jake shoved all nine inches in at once. Chad let out a little yelp but took it all. Chad’s feet were now resting on Jake’s shoulders and he leaned down, pressing himself on Chad. He pulled in and out a few inches at time, teasing Chad. Chad loved being full of Jake’s meat. Each time Jake rammed it home, his pubes tickled Chad’s shaved ass and he could fell Jake’s nuts beat against him too. Jake leaned down so that he was nearly on top of Chad, but was using his arms to keep himself a few inches above Chad. Chad reached up and wrapped his arms around Jake’s back and pulled him in closer. The pleasure was too much and Chad erupted sending streams of his man juice onto both of them. Once Chad’s hot juice hit his chest, Jake rammed it a few more times and then starting shooting his load deep in Chad. With his last pulse he collapsed on to Chad.

“I’m glad you stopped to pick me up Jake.”

“I’m glad is topped.” Jake replied. It’s going to be a great summer he thought.

To be continued.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Carneykid

The Intern And The Farm Hand

Jake was feeling very upbeat as he sped along the winding country road. He had just completed the first day of his summer internship at the law firm and caught a flaw in a chain of title that their regular title examiner had missed. If it hadn’t been caught it would have been a costly mistake down the road. The partners were impressed and told him so. He had landed the internship at small law


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