Gay Erotic Stories

Jingle Bells

by T J Love
18 Mar 1999


JINGLE BELLS We hope that you enjoy reading the sizzling hot gay sex story. If you do, you can read several MORE FREE, of about the same length, by the same author at The Top 25 Internet Site, © Copyright All Rights Reserved Top 25 Internet Pictures & T. J. Love 1998 A CHRISTMAS STORY--JINGLE BELLS Would you like to see our imageries, vision, of what the two primary Characters in this story, JINGLE BELLS, Toby Corbett and Aaron Young, looked like? Imagery of Toby Corbett Imagery of Aaron Young Stowe, Vermont, two days before Christmas of 1976, Jimmy Carter had just been elected President seven weeks before. The awful war in Viet Nam was over, the world was still troubled by the Soviet Union - United States Cold War, but comparatively speaking it was much better that it had been since the days of Eisenhower almost twenty years before. Toby Corbett was a Freshman at Dartmouth, studying computers and working on the relatively new Basic Programming System being developed at Dartmouth. Toby was a gorgeous blonde, six foot tall, weighing just over 145 pounds, with deep blue eyes, and a drop dead beautiful face and body. Toby had flawless complexion, with a tan line around the buttocks and legs. His family owned the Smugglers Knotch Resort north of Stowe, and this was high season, Christmas week and the week between Christmas and New Years, and he was home for the Holidays. He had spent a week in Hawaii, but had come home to try to make some money between now and the middle of January when school would start again at Dartmouth. Toby's father had given Toby one half of the sleigh taxi business at Smuggler's Knotch. Toby would pick up and deliver resort clientele, and others, townspeople and visitors, at various places and take then wherever they might want to go. Because of the possibility of an accident in the more remote areas, Toby and his father thought it best that Toby get an assistant to help him with the sleigh. Toby knew just who he wanted, his good friend from High School, Aaron Young, the extremely handsome son of Stowe's most noted Physician and Surgeon. Aaron knew that at that time of year, the sleigh taxi service was very lucrative and besides, he liked working with Toby and teasing around and everything. Unbeknownst to Aaron, Toby was a bisexual, really gay, but considered himself bisexual because he could have sexual relations with either females or males, though he preferred males. Toby also had a fierce crush on Aaron. Aaron was six foot two, two inches taller than Toby, and weighed 150 pounds, with a trim swimmers body, which in fact he had been in high school, but he was not quite good enough to make the team at Harvard where he was majoring in Pre-Med. Aaron was slightly less muscular than Toby, but equally handsome. They had been considered the two best looking guys at Stowe High, where both of them had graduated the prior June. They were sharing one of the worker's cottages at Smuggler's Knotch, even though both of their parents lived in Stowe. They liked the feel of independence, and the ability to come and go as they pleased without accounting to anyone. They spent some time with their respective parents and there was nothing really significant in their decision to share a cottage at Toby's parent's lodge, except for the feel of independence. Toby and Aaron used a full sized open sleigh, drawn by a huge attractive female Clydesdale horse named Maude. The open sleigh had an imitation mink seat, a matching lap top pull up covering that riders could pull up over their chests, plus matching full lap robes that riders, up to four, could pull up around them as desired. The sleigh had an insulated 36 gallon hot water warmer underneath the back seat, where the stainless steel encased, Styrofoam outer layered tank, kept any heat from escaping, except upward into the seat where the coverings and robes held the heat in. As a result, when filled with hot water, riders could be kept toasty warm as they rode around. Toby and Aaron had to replenish the hot water two to four times a day, depending on the temperature and the wind. The sleigh also had a series of bells that jingled with the ride and the wind. To supplement that, the sleigh had an excellent JB sound system built into the back of the sleigh, that played Christmas carols as the riders rode along. Naturally 'Jingle Bells,' and 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas,' were the two most popular songs and every other song on the special recorded albums was one of those two, with more 'Jingle Bells,' than anything. That Christmas week had been brutally cold, but business had been brisk. Toby and Aaron charged a flat fee of $10.00, plus $2.50 a mile round trip, but where they really made money was in tips from the big spenders that wanted to ride in a one horse open sleigh. During the first four days of that week, each of them had cleared over $1,000.00 in fees and tips and the two best days were still ahead. After finishing at two am, they had gone to the Copper Skillet, the 24 hour a day, very high class Coffee Shop, run by Smuggler's Knotch. They each order some waffles with maple syrup, a thick slab of ham, some orange juice, and some hot chocolate. As they waited on their food, they talked about their activities, as Aaron asked, "How much do you think we'll do tomorrow?" "At least $700.00, maybe even $800.00, or even more during the next two days," Toby replied. "With the skiing crowd coming in day after tomorrow, we should do almost that good all week," Aaron stated. "Sure. We'll clear at least $4,500 each between now and January 6th. Maybe even 5 grand, that will help a little with the expenses," Toby said, as the waitress returned with the orange juice and hot chocolate. "Yeah, I could sure use that," Aaron replied. "Me too. Nice money for an cushy job," Toby said. "It sure is," Aaron replied. "Part of it is because we're young and good looking and all the dowagers want to take a sleigh ride with us," Toby said stating an obvious fact. "Speaking of women wanting to take a ride with us. There's two good looking young blondes behind you, that keep giving us the eye, twisting their hair and glancing over here every few seconds," Aaron said. "Think they're interested in taking a hard ride, of a different kind?" Toby asked. "I think so, in fact I would bet on it. They're not from around her. Probably guests, or at least their parents are," Aaron said. "I imagine," Toby said. "Want to exercise your dick a little before we call it a night?" Aaron asked very softly so as not to be overheard. "Sure, how about you," Toby replied in just above a whisper. "Yeah, I could use a little head and some pussy to pump my hard cock back and forth in," Aaron said in a slight chuckle. "How do we get the ball rolling?" Toby asked although he wished that it was he and Aaron that were going to have sex, instead of him and a girl. "I'm going to signal them to come over and talk to us," Aaron replied. "Okay," Toby replied. Aaron raised up his hand and signaled for the two beautiful blonde girls to come over and join he and Toby. Without hesitation, the two girls immediately got up and started over toward where Toby and Aaron were sitting in the booth. The two girls introduced themselves as Carol Rogers and Kathy Laney. They said they were from Long Island, Islip and were freshmen at Columbia University in downtown Manhattan. Both guys got up and allowed the girls to slide into the booth where Toby and Aaron would be on the outside. Carol slid into the booth on Aaron's side and Kathy slid in on Toby's side. After the round of introductions, the girls explained that they were cousins, their mother's were sisters and they were there on a Christmas skiing trip. Both of their fathers were also lawyers in Suffolk county. They made note of the fact that they were sharing one of the luxury cottages at the Lodge, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the two guys. Aaron told the girls that Toby's father owned the Lodge, which also did not go unnoticed by the girls. "Have you eaten?" Toby asked, obviously addressing his remarks to the girls. Both had, but they did order a cup of hot chocolate each as the four of them talked animatedly. The girls’ hot chocolate and the guys’ food arrived in short order, and Toby and Aaron consumed their dinner fairly promptly as they carried on the conversation with Carol and Kathy. After finishing the fairly hurried meal, Toby paid the bill and the four of them walked to the door and out into the night air. It was almost three am. "Why don't you and Toby come over to our room Aaron, we could talk some more and get to know each other a little better," Carol suggested. It didn't take any more persuasion, as Toby and Aaron readily agreed to Carols suggestion, which Kathy also shared an equal interest. The four of them walked the short distance to the girl's cottage. number 216 and went inside. They talked a couple of minutes and then Carol, and Aaron started smooching as did Toby and Kathy. The passions flamed up and it was obvious that all four were interested in sexual activity though the two girls held back, not wanting to be to forward with the handsome, obviously wealthy young guys. Neither Carol or Cathy wanted to appear to be too easily of a lay. The two couples were sitting on couches, opposite each other in front of a fireplace where a warming fire was flickering. Aaron realized that he and Toby would have a long day the next day and didn't want to spend all night in foreplay, so he decided to speed things up considerably. Aaron excused himself and went to the bathroom. As soon as he was inside he pulled out his penis and started urinating and then called, "Toby. Could I see you for just a minute." "Sure," Toby said as he broke off his kissing and fondling of Kathy's breasts and went into the bathroom and joined Aaron. "What did you want?" Toby asked as he joined Aaron in urinating and immediately saw that Aaron had a hard on and his long, thick penis was standing at rigid attention. "Let's take off our clothes, except for our socks, which we can keep on to keep our feet warm. Then we'll go back in there and join them, naked with raging hardons. That will get this fucking show on the road," Aaron said softly so as not to be overheard by the girls outside. "One way, or the other," Toby said. "Oh, we're going to fuck. They want us even worse than we want them, you can tell by the way that they're acting," Aaron said confidently. "You're probably right," Toby agreed. "No probably about it. I am," Aaron said and then added, "now get naked." "Okay”, Toby said as he finished urinating, still fascinated by Aaron's long penis standing as a straight as an iron rod. Toby and Aaron started undressing quickly as they laid their clothes on the edge of the bathtub. What are you guys doing in there," Carol called out. "Just talking some, and getting a little more comfortable," Aaron replied. "Oh," Carol replied as he shrugged at Kathy. Quickly, Toby and Aaron stripped and stood buck naked, except for their squeaky clean white socks, which they still wore. Aaron looked down at Toby's long hard dick, that was almost as long as his own eight plus inches, but was probably only five and a half or six inches around, versus his own slightly more than seven inches. He nodded at Toby and said, "Ready." "Ready as I can be," Toby said somewhat nervously. "Just go back out, and start kissing again, like nothing is different. Don't say anything, just take up right where you left off," Aaron advised. "Got it," Toby replied. The two guys opened the bathroom door and walked out to where Carol and Kathy were waiting. As both Carol and Kathy stared bugged eyed, at being confronted by two naked guys with fully erect large penises, Aaron walked over and sat down next to Carol, and Toby did likewise with Kathy, acting like nothing was different. Aaron started kissing Carol again, and she did not resist in the least, obviously somewhat mesmerized by the big hard naked cock that was just scant inches away from her hand, and mouth. Toby likewise started kissing Kathy, and both girls quickly became involved in the heavy petting as both guys started kissing the girls necks, and ears, and breasts, without objection from either girl. "You certainly did get more comfortable," Carol said softly into Aaron's ear as she reached down and firmly grasped Aaron's long, thick, penis. "Yeah. Why don't you and Kathy get more comfortable," Aaron said as he slid his hand up Carols skirt and pushed his fingers inside her panties and started stalking around her clit with his probing fingers. "Okay. Come on Kathy, let's do a striptease for Aaron and Toby," Carol said. "That's a great idea, Carol" Kathy said, as she too was now fondling Toby' hard dick. Carol and Kathy got up and put the Beatles 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Band,' album on the player. Then as the beat started, Carol got up and joined her and to the beat of the playing music, they performed a quick strip tease for Aaron and Toby, except all four of them now knew that there was not going to be any teasing about this. There was going to be some serious fucking. The girls quickly undressed and stood naked before Toby and Aaron and then sat down, Carol next to Aaron and Kathy next to Toby. Carol was a beautiful five six inch blonde with dazzling blue eyes, and a curvaceous figure. She had a 38 inch bust, with extra large C cup breasts, each topped by a large nipple, which was now erect, and a large velvety purple aureole. He bush was soft satiny blonde, the same color as her hair, and the other lips of her vulva were now slightly agape, in anticipation of the sexual activity that was being initiated. She had soft pink skin and willowy arms and legs. She proffered a attracting sexual appearance and was eagerly anticipating having sex with Aaron, and maybe Toby as well. Kathy could have been taken as Carol's sister, slightly shorter, longer blonde hair, a slightly smaller 36 inch bust, with BB Cup breasts, also topped by an erect nipple and large aureole like Carol's. She was not quite as curvaceous as Carol, but only slightly less so. If Carol was not there, she would normally have been considered the best looking girl in a crowd. The four now being totally naked, the heavy petting increased dramatically as they moved toward sexual activity, presumably culminating in sexual intercourse. Both girls made known the fact that they were on the pill, which of course meant they were sexually active, a fact which did not surprise either Toby or Aaron. "Do you like head?" Carol asked Aaron. "Of course I like head, what guy doesn't," Aaron replied as he knew that he was about to receive same. "I want to give that big long cock, a real head job," Carol said as she got down onto her knees and crawled in between Aaron's spread out thighs. Aaron, leaned back and pushed his hips forward, so that his buttocks were at the very edge of the couch, Then he arched his back out and extended his feet out and spread them out, so that his cock was thrown up into the air, almost as hard as and as straight as a steel rod, eight plus inches long and over seven inches around. Carol regarded the large penis admiringly as she grasped it at the base and wrapped her long fingers around it, just barely encircling it, and then whispered, "God what a nice cock. I haven't seen many, but that is the hardest, straightest and one of the largest ones that I have seen." "Thanks," Aaron said as he reached down and put his hands on Carol’s shoulders and pulled her toward the head of his penis. Carol acquiesce to Aaron's guidance and opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue as Aaron pushed his penis up to meet her lowering lips. She slid her pressing lips over the warm slick head. She immediately started sliding her wet, sucking, pressing lips back and forth on the hard, straight penis jutting out from Aaron's groin. Toby was letting Kathy jack his penis, as he kissed her and fondled her breasts, but he could see Carol starting to give Aaron head, and he felt a very strong tinge of envy. He would love to be in Carol's position, giving Aaron head, sliding his wet lips back and forth on Aaron's beautiful hard dick. After another thirty seconds or so, Kathy got onto her knees and crawled in between Toby's spread thighs and started giving him head as Carol was doing to Aaron. Both Toby and Aaron savored the luscious wet pressing velvety sucking, pressing lips sliding back and forth on their hard penises. Even absorbed by the intense pleasure of having wet clinging lips sliding back and forth on his penis, Toby could not dispel the envy of Carol that he felt; he couldn't shake the feeling that he would like to be in Carol's place, getting to suck off Aaron, and having Aaron fuck him. Toby and Aaron relished the luscious delectation of having pressing sucking, wet velvety lips sliding back and forth on their hard cocks for three or four minutes and then he saw Carol stand up and straddle Aaron and sit down on his legs. Toby watched as Carol grasped Aaron's large penis, wet with her saliva and then slide down Aaron's thighs, guiding his large penis into her spread out vulva, through the inner lips and then let out a 'whoof' of air as she slid the big penis up her vagina all the way down to where the head was pushed up firmly against her cervix, still leaving an inch and a half or more of Aaron's penis outside her vagina. Carol leaned forward and pushed Aaron down onto his back on the couch, and then she started thrusting her hips back and forth, up and down, sliding Aaron's thick penis back and forth inside her pussy. She moaned in delight, as she did all the work. Aaron reached up and cupped Carol's breasts in his hands and gently kissed, and licked her nipples and auroles as she fucked him. Again, even though consumed by Kathy's pressing lips sliding back and forth on his hard penis, Toby looked over at Carol and Aaron and watched with envy as Carol pressed her hips back and forth on Aaron's long, thick cock. After another minute or so, Kathy got up and mounted Toby, much as Carol had done with Aaron, and Kathy like Carol assumed the active position and fucked Toby, causing his rock hard penis to slide into her receptive vagina. She gasped as she slid Toby's hard penis home, sliding all the way down into the cervix neck as Carol had done to Aaron. The two girls fucked the two guys for a couple of minutes and then first Aaron, then Toby assumed the top, active role and started fucking the girls sliding their hard penis back and forth in the girls vagina, almost in synch. Again Toby was struck by the thought, that he wished it was Aaron fucking him, instead of Aaron fucking Carol. Toby kissed Kathy passionately, though again wishing that he was kissing Aaron, and that Aaron was fucking him, instead of him fucking Kathy. Despite his best efforts, Toby started fantasizing about Aaron fucking him, and he found himself sliding over the brink into orgasm. His body shook and vibrated as the surges of orgasm engulfed his body, He pulled Kathy's body tightly against his own and he throbbed and jerked as the spasmodic jolts of pleasure pulsated through his body. Inside Kathy's body, his penis pulsated and shot bolts of semen into her wet vagina. All, too quickly, the pulsating waves of orgasmic ecstasy ebbed and he pressed his body down against Kathy's soft pliant body. Aaron continued to fuck Carol, pushing and pulling his incredibly hard penis back and forth in her velvety wet vagina. He increased the tempo and shortened the stroke, plunging more rapidly back and forth as he raised up onto his tip toes. He stuck his tongue out and played with Carol's extended tongue as he pumped his penis rapidly back and forth in Carol's pussy, their tongues dancing the incredible lust of sexual mating. Both of their breathing increased rapidly and Aaron bent his feet forward, shortened his stroke even more and as Carol picked up the beat and started thrusting her hips up and down in synch with his movements. Aaron felt Carol's hips gyrating around in tight circles and felt her vagina contracting, and her moaning, as he pumped his penis rapidly back and forth in her warm, wet, silky skin, vagina. Aaron felt Carol's body jerk and pulsate in orgasm, as he pushed and pulled his penis as back and forth in her warm vagina as rapidly as he could. Aaron and Carol pressed their tensed bodies together as Carol jerked in orgasm and they vibrated their wet tongues against each other as Aaron too plunged into orgasm. Aaron took a deep breath and held it as he tensed his muscles as tightly as he could and pressed his body against Carols, pressing her breasts into his chest. Inside Carol's vagina, the head of Aaron's penis mushroomed up, pumped and shot a bolt of semen inside the wet clinging skin. Aaron stopped pumping and just let his penis pump semen out inside her vagina as the pulsating throbs of delightful sensuous pleasure rolled pleasingly over his body, as he and Carol kissed furiously playing with each others wet tongue. Having reached the pinnacle, the descent was rapid. Finally, as had Toby and Kathy, Aaron and Carol laid back, spent for the moment. Afterward, they had an extended period of pleasant after play for another ten minutes or so. Then Toby explained that he and Aaron had to get up early and get their stuff together for another day of work, on their most productive day, or least one of them, of the season. Toby also observed that even though dark, people would be out and about shortly, and would likely see he and Aaron coming out of the girls cabin, and while that in and of itself was innocuous, that nevertheless, there was no use in allowing gossip to travel around unnecessarily. Accordingly, somewhat reluctantly, Aaron and Toby got up dressed and after a lingering kissing good-bye, during which they discussed the possibility of an encore performance on Christmas night, or the night afterward, Aaron and Toby returned to their own quarters in the workers section. Knowing of the busy day ahead of them, Aaron and Toby went to bed immediately, in separate double beds, and awoke only four hours later. They showered, and went to the Copper Skillet and had a quick breakfast of Ham and Eggs and hot coffee and went immediately to work. They had a very busy day and evening with the Holiday shoppers, skiers on the slopes of Mount Mansfield, and the like. That Christmas Eve day, the tips were unusually generous, sometimes ten but more frequently twenty or even fifty dollars and one couple gave a hundred dollar tip. They had a CB to check in at the Lodge Dispatch office whenever there was a lull, which normally occurred only after they had delivered someone to a more remote location. They were booked all day and all evening. At 11 pm they had a pickup request from Mrs. J.A. Bristol, for a 2 am pickup at the Lodge's Top Knotch Dining Room. Mrs. Bristol lived at her huge estate, some eight miles up into the foothills northeast of Stowe. Mrs. Bristol was a childless widow of the Manhattan and surroundings tycoon real estate developer, John Alexander Bristol, who had left her an estate of over 300 million dollars when he had died in 1965. She lived most of the year in Manhattan, but always came to Stowe for the month between December 15th and January 15th, because she had been born in Stowe, and it reminded her of her childhood. She had built a 30 room mansion on the 600 acres where she had grown up back along Sugarbush Creek. Mrs. Bristol had been delivered to the Restaurant by Able, her trusted butler and Chauffeur in her new Rolls Royce. But she, as always on Christmas Eve, wanted to return by sleigh, and in particular wanted Toby and Aaron to take her home, because Toby was a favorite of hers and she had known him since before her husband had died. Normally Toby and Aaron would have been reluctant to make a trip that would require almost an hour each way, but obviously it was going to be their last run of the day and the seventy year old Mrs. Bristol was well known for her most generous tips, which would probably be a hundred dollars, plus another fifty dollars for the fee, which would push their day's total take to over a thousand dollars combined. At 1:35 am, Toby and Aaron were back at the lodge. They quickly drained their hot water reservoir, and refilled it with 36 gallons of scalding hot water from the hot water dispenser at the Lodge tack room. Then they went on up to the Lodge, arriving a few minutes before closing time at 1:50 am, Christmas morning, and waited just a couple of minutes before Anassis, the Top of the Knotch Matri'd ushered Mrs. Bristol outside. Toby and Aaron both helped Mrs. Bristol into the sleigh. Mrs. Bristol had consumed a couple of glasses of wine from her private stock of 1955 Romanee Conti Wine, which cost $250.00 a bottle. She was not inebriated, but nonetheless Toby and Aaron carefully helped her into the sleigh. Annassis presented them with a large half gallon thermos of Earl Grey Hot tea, with cream and honey sweetener for Mrs. Bristol, and the boys, trip up to her estate. It was snowing heavily with huge, quarter sized, flakes. Toby poured a cup of tea into a topped, non-spillable mug for Mrs. Bristol, as well as one for he and Aaron. They wrapped the lap top covering robe up around Mrs. Bristol. However, she insisted that Toby and Aaron ride with her in the back seat, instead of up front in their customary lowered perch. Obligingly, the boys agreed to her proposal and the three of them started out with Mrs. Bristol in the center and the two boys on each side of her. They started the music and Christmas carols playing as Maude started along the snow covered road that would carry them up to Mrs. Bristol's secluded estate. They turned on the small red and white sleigh lights and three of them happily sung the Christmas carols being played as they began the trip to Mrs. Bristol's mansion. They had traveled only a half mile or so, before Mrs. Bristol pulled out a large silver, glass inter-lined, flask from her purse, that obviously contained some alcoholic beverage which she quickly identified as 1814 Napoleon Grand Fine Champagne Cognac. She fortified her own hot tea with a generous jigger pouring of the cognac, and insisted that she do the same for Toby and Aaron. Toby and Aaron were of legal age to drink in those years before the re-upping of the age limit for alcoholic consumption to 21, though they were reluctant to take Mrs. Bristol up on her offer to join her in fortifying their hot tea with the heavenly Cognac. "We had better not, we're on duty," Toby said as Mrs. Bristol took his hot tea mug from him. "Nonsense, it's your last trip of the night and Maude is as dependable as the Sun. You can certainly indulge an old lady by consuming some of her hot tea and Cognac, on a long cold trip into a snow filled night," Mrs. Bristol said convincingly. "We had better not," Aaron said reluctantly, even though he would have liked to have some of the very nice Cognac to flavor his hot tea. "I insist," Mrs. Bristol replied as she took Toby's mug and removed the top and poured a liberal amount of the cognac into his hot tea, probably almost two jiggers, he estimated. Mrs. Bristol then proceeded to do the same thing to Aaron's mug of tea. Having fortified the three mugs of tea with a liberal amount of fine cognac, the three of them sang Christmas Carols as Maude pulled their sleigh up the gentle sloping snow covered road toward Mrs. Bristol's estate. It was a bitter cold night, but the heavy insulated seat, lap top cover and pull up robes, combined with the warmth of the warmer, their insulated clothing, and each other kept the three occupants very warm as they continued their trip up through the heavy snow. Three miles from the Lodge, they passed through the first of two old wooden covered bridges that spanned Sugarbush Creek. This first bridge had a picturesque large open window facing upstream, to the southeast. Toby pulled Maude's rein gently, and they stopped at the window and looked out into the cold, snow filled night. It was snowing heavily, but the white snow now reflected what little light their was, and for a couple of minutes the three of them looked out into the beautiful Christmas fairy tale night. Toby partially refilled their mugs of hot tea, and Mrs. Bristol re- fortified them with another jigger of the aromatic, rich tasting cognac that would have an after burn, if drank straight, but tasted marvelous mixed with the hot Earl Grey tea. They happily resumed their trip, snuggled up, laughing and singing the charming Christmas carols. A couple of miles later, they again crossed a covered bridge over Sugarbush Creek, named by the settlers for the numerous Sugarbush Maple trees that lined the banks. After an hour and fifteen minutes of riding and singing the beautiful Christmas carols, they arrived at the gate to Mrs. Bristol's huge estate. Toby got out and walked up to the gate and punched in the code that Mrs. Bristol gave him to open the gate. Able was still up, and when he heard, and saw over the surveillance TV the two boys and Mrs. Bristol were returning, he poured some hot water into the Teapot containing some more Earl Grey tea to steep. The boys let Maude pull them up the quarter of mile road to Mrs. Bristol's front door. Mrs. Bristol insisted on the two boys coming inside, and warming themselves for the ride back down to the Lodge. It was almost three thirty, but Aaron and Toby went inside with Mrs. Bristol and had some fresh hot tea and warmed themselves before the fireplace. Mrs. Bristol again fortified their tea with some more Cognac, as Able stood by attentively. Mrs. Bristol fished in her purse and found her wallet and looked inside, and extracted a single bill. Toby was somewhat surprised, thinking that she would probably pull out a hundred and a fifty or maybe even two hundreds, but a hundred for a couple of hours was not bad. Mrs. Bristol handed the bill to Toby and said, "This should cover it, shouldn't it." "Yes Ma'am, that will cover it. Thank you very much," Toby said as he took the bill from Mrs. Bristol and looked down expecting to see a hundred dollar bill. However he was surprised and startled to see that he was holding a rare five hundred dollar bill, only the second one he had seen. Toby looked at the bill, almost frightened and said, "Mrs. Bristol, I'm sorry you made a mistake, this is a five hundred dollar bill." "Toby, I did not make any mistake. I may be old and stupid, but I'm not that old, or that stupid, or that drunk, to make a mistake like that. That's your and Aaron's fee and tip for bringing me home. It was a delightful trip through the snow with delightful company," Mrs. Bristol said. "That's too generous, we couldn't," Toby started. "No Ma'am," Aaron chimed in. "Boys, don't insult me. I can well afford it, and it was most certainly worth it. Now don't say another word about refusing it," Mrs. Bristol said obviously leaving them with only the ability to thank her, which they proceeded to do. Afterward, Mrs. Bristol had Able replenish their hot tea, and she took a bottle of the Napoleon Cognac down from a cubby hole in the fireplace and poured about two jiggers, maybe even more, into each of the mugs. Then she had Able refill the thermos, pour some cream and honey in, and then she poured about five or six jiggers of the Cognac into the thermos. The two boys said their good-byes and kissed Mrs. Bristol lightly on the cheek and left. They got back into the sleigh and cozied up next to each other, and started back down on their return trip to the Lodge. "I think we're going to be drunk by the time we get back," Toby said as he gently tapped the reins which started Maude on a gentle gait for her return trip. "Think? There's no think about it. I'm, already lit," Aaron laughed as they started out. The gate opened as they approached and they turned left into the road, and started back down the long road toward the lodge. Toby and Aaron consumed the Cognac laced tea in rather copious amounts, as they happily sang the Christmas carols being played. They laughed and joked and teased each other and talked about their almost sixteen hundred dollar day. Aaron and Toby crossed through the upper covered bridge and continued their trip on down the snow covered, tree lined, road. Both of them were now intoxicated and had lost some of their natural inhibitions. As they started the half mile approach down to the second covered bridge, Toby said, "Too bad that Carol and Kathy aren't with us, we could stop in that covered bridge and fuck up a storm." "Yeah, that would be cool wouldn't it. We would fuck the ass out of them," Aaron replied in a chuckle. Aaron's use of the word ass, sort of surprised Toby and seemed inviting. Toby looked over at Aaron and said, "Carol sure gave your rod a good round of head last night. She was really lapping it up." "Yeah, pretty good," Aaron said without committing himself. "It looked like she was really doing a good job, getting a generous amount of saliva on it, and sucking and everything," Toby replied as he started getting aroused at the conversation went on. "She did pretty good, but I've had better. Much better," Aaron replied. That comment piqued Toby's curiosity and he looked over at Aaron and said, "Really." "Sure a few times," Aaron replied. That reply seemed to be hinting at something since Aaron wasn't forthcoming with whom had given him the better head. Sensing that he had an opening, Toby said, "You wouldn't get mad if I told you something, would you." "Of course not," Aaron replied sensing that Toby was about to broach a subject that he had absolutely no objection to, and then he added, "What is it?" "I don't know exactly how to say this, but well what the shit, last night when Carol was giving you head, and you were fucking each other, I was jealous." Toby said as he looked over at Aaron. "Of me, she wasn't that much better, if any, than Kathy, " Aaron replied. Having opened the door slightly, Toby pushed the door on open and casually said, "It wasn't you, I envied her, her making love to you." Aaron paused, and collected his thoughts and said, "Why don't we stop at the window on the covered bridge and talk a little while." "Great idea," Toby replied sensing that he and Aaron were about to engaged in sex with each other. "You know when I said, I have had better head," Aaron said. "Yeah," Toby said with a catch in his throat. "Well. It's been from guys. They know about the more sensitive places and how to suck better and the like," Aaron replied. "You've had sex with guys," Toby said with marked sense of excitement in his voice. "A few. How about you?" Aaron said in a noncommittal way. "Several. I'm bisexual," Toby said. "So am I, I guess. What do you like?" Aaron replied. "God, I like it all. Mostly I like to get sucked or fuck, or suck or get fucked. Those are the four main things. What about you," Toby replied knowing that he and Aaron had now crossed the Rubicon of no return. "About the same, I can be passive or active, a top or a bottom. It's all great with the right sex buddy," Aaron said opening up in his intoxicated, uninhibited state of mind. "Do you think that I might qualify as a sex buddy?" Toby asked though he knew that the answer was obviously going to be a resounding yes. "Only as about the best fucking one that I could possibly think of. What about the reverse, do I qualify," Aaron asked teasingly though he also knew the answer. "Absolutely. I had rather have sex with you more than anyone that I know, or know of," Toby replied. "Want to have a round or two in the covered bridge?" Aaron asked invitingly. "My God, yes. Yes! Yes! Yes," Toby said emphatically as his penis leaped to rock hard in a heart beat. Toby reached down and put his hand on Aaron's thigh, slid it along into Aaron's crotch and felt of Aaron's testicles and dick, which was also rock hard and jutting down Aaron's left thigh. Aaron likewise used his left hand to seek, find, and start rubbing Toby's penis as they made their final approach to the covered bridge. Toby moved his face over to Aaron's and without out even asking, pressed his lips against Aaron's knowing that he would find a receptive mouth, set of lips and wet tongue. Toby and Aaron kissed passionately, and rubbed each other's hard dick as they entered the covered bridge. Toby guided Maude to a stop in the upstream facing window, as they continued their furious foreplay. They unbuttoned each other's trousers and reached in and extracted each other's penis, and slowly started jacking and fondling them, as their intense kissing continued. "Let's get naked so that we can really enjoy this. This seat is warm as toast and we have all the coverings to help us keep warm," Toby suggested. "I agree," Aaron said as they started undressing themselves and each other. They continued to kiss and jack each other some to keep sexually aroused, as they removed their clothing, stuffing them quickly into opposite corners of the sleigh. It took two or three minutes but they were soon naked and thoroughly aroused about the prospects of having sex with each other. They turned their bodies around into a top and bottom sixty nine position, their face in each other's aromatic spicy smelling groin, about to savor the taste of each other's penis, scrotum and testicles. As they started, Aaron was on bottom, his body immersed in the fur covered seat and warmed by the heat coming up from the warmer. Aaron pulled the robes up over Toby so that he too was covered by fur except for his face above Aaron's groin. Toby was more exposed, but warm, and considerably warmed also by the ardor of his passion to have sex with Aaron. Toby grasped Aaron's straight hard penis and like Carol observed that it was as straight as an arrow, long and thick, almost like a steel rod, but not quite that hard. Toby slid his wet pressing lips down over the warm head of Aaron's penis as he felt Aaron do the same thing to his penis. Immediately they started the pumping action, pressing and sucking their wet silky lips back and forth on each other's incredibly hard penis. To the degree possible, since they scrounged down in the seat of the sleigh, they arched their backs and tensed their muscles tightly. They bent their feet downward and curled their toes into knots. They slowly slid their wet lips pressing, sucking lips, and tongues up and down on each other's hard cock. To the tune of the rousing Christmas Carols in the background, they sucked each other's penis strongly, and very affectionately. Using their thumbs and forefingers, each held the other's penis firmly as they pressed their lips down tightly on each other's hard dick. They slid their lips back and forth, over the head, down firmly over the rim of the head of each other's penis, down across the foreskin, onto the main shaft and on down as far as they could go, where they sucked and then pulled their sucking lips back over the shaft, over the foreskin, forcibly up over the rim back to the starting point where they repeated the process over and over again, savoring the feel of the other sucking on their penis, and the pleasure of knowing that they were making the other enjoy what was happening. They alternated their technique. At times Toby was pressing his lips as tightly as he could and pushing and pulling his sucking lips back and forth over the rim on the head of Aaron's dick, while at the same time, Aaron was pressing and sucking his wet, velvety lips back on forth on the foreskin on Toby's dick. After awhile, they would again push their wet pressing lips as far down as they could go on each other's rigid penis. It was incredibly cold outside but they were warmed by their sexual activity and the soft fur like cover and even sweated some, as they continued to perform oral sex on each other. They continued to make long trips back and forth, again more or less in unison, with their dampened pressing, sucking lips down over the rim, over the taut glistening, now wet, foreskin area, and on down a couple of inches below the bottom of the foreskin. t the bottom, they inhaled and pulled they soaked, pressing, sucking lips back over the taut loose skin, onto the satiny foreskin, over the foreskin to the rim on each other's penis, and then pressing their sucking lips tightly onto the penis skin, pulled their lips over the rim onto the head, where they paused momentarily and made another trip. They varied the speed, sometimes making the round trip rapidly, and at other times, moving slowly. At times. Aaron would make two trips, while Toby was making one and vice versa. After a few minutes of doing that, they sensed that each other might be getting too close, so they again changed the pace and repeated the process of stroking back and forth only on the rim and foreskin area for a while, which if an anything, only heightened their since of pleasure. The pleasure seeking was too powerful to resist, so they let themselves go. Aaron and Toby started rapidly climbing the heights toward orgasm, seeking to create one in each other and one in themselves as well. Incited by their approach to orgasm, Toby and Aaron both intensified the tempo of sliding their wet pressing, sucking velvety lips back and forth on each other's hard cock. They felt each other's body quivering as they raced over the cliff and plunged into orgasm. They held each other's testicles with their free hands as the head of each other's dick ballooned up in each other's mouth, preparatory to the first discharge of semen into each other's throat. Toby felt the head of Aaron's hard dick puffing up and expanding, and getting ready to shoot the first bolt of semen up into Toby's throat, and that knowledge quickly triggered his own orgasm. Aaron also felt the head of Toby's penis expand and starting to make the first orgasmic throb. They both tensed their bodies as tightly as the could, took a deep breath and held it, arched their backs tightly, turned their feet down, and curled their toes even tighter into knots, trying to heighten their onrushing orgasmic pleasure as much as possible. Toby felt the head of Aaron's penis throb and shoot warm, viscous cum back into Toby's throat. At that, Toby's penis pulsated in Aaron's mouth, likewise shooting a bolt of warm, thick semen back into Aaron's throat. Neither had asked about taking each other's ejaculate, but both in effect acquiesce by not pulling their lips from the other's hard penis. They continued to press their lips up and down on each other's hard dick making slow milking, back and forth movements over the head and upper foreskin area. Even as they did so, a second jet of thick warm semen spurted out of the head of each of their penises and fell onto their tongues. They felt each other's cocks, throbbing and jerking in orgasmic unison, as their bodies pulsated and their hearts throbbed, and surges of ecstasy surged through their bodies. They of course could feel their own pulsating orgasmic pleasure, but they could also feel the other's body throbbing with pleasure. Their respective penises peppered the back of each other's throat as the incredible pleasure flowed through themselves and each other. The ejaculate diminished rapidly and after one last strong pulsation, stopped. By the time the orgasm was over for Toby and Aaron, each other's thick glutinous semen was in both of the other's cheek, had thickly coated their tongues, had covered the teeth and gums, and some was on the roof of each other's throat, and a portion had already dipped into each other's esophagus and been swallowed. Neither Toby or Aaron made any attempt to pull their wet clinging lips off of each other's hard, but receding penis, as they continued, continuing to enjoy the delectation of what they had just experienced. After the throbbing ejaculations had stopped, they relaxed their bodies, and paused for thirty seconds or so as they swallowed most of the other's semen in their mouth. Then again in unison, this time in full unison, they started to slowly and methodically suck, in a milking action, the receding hardness of each other's hard dick, as their respective penises reversed through the transitory state from erection, to turgid to flaccid again. It took a few minutes before each of their dicks were completely flaccid and resting in each other's wet mouth, and lips. They slowly pulled their wet lips off of each other's cocks and kissed the other's penis, and the other's scrotum and testicles affectionately for a minute or so. They sat up and moved over into a corner toward the inside of the bridge and gathered the lap robes around. Basking in the warmth of the carnal knowledge of each other that they had just shared, they resumed their kissing and wet tongue playing. "That was fantastic!" Toby excitedly whispered into Aaron's wet lips as they lay naked in each other's arms. You know, I said that I had better than I had last night with Carol," Aaron said. "I remember," Toby said. "Well, I sure haven't had any better than that we just had together," Aaron said as he kissed Toby passionately. After the kiss, Toby said, "Me neither." They continued to kiss and play wet tongues for another five minutes and then started fondling each other's penis again seeking to bring sexual arousement to each other. They could taste the starchy, bleachy mixture of their own and the other's semen, but neither minded that in the least, both sensing the deeper meaning of that sharing, relished it. "Look a that snow it is really coming down," Aaron said as they looked out through the window into the dull whiteness of Sugarbush Creek "It's beautiful," Toby said as the wind swirled outside making a humming noise. "And cold," Aaron. "It's sure not cold in here, cuddled up with you," Toby replied. "No, not at all. It's warm, nice and warm," Aaron said as they continued to nibble at each other's lips, and lick and play with each other's wet tongue. "It is really coming down," Toby said. "You don't think we will get stranded out here do you?" Aaron asked. "Unfortunately not, it's only snowing a couple inches an hour or so, and it would have take another two feet or so to prevent Maude from plowing through it. We will be okay," Toby said reassuringly. "Unfortunately?" Aaron said, trying to clarify what Toby had said. "I just meant that I would love to be stranded out here all night having sex with you. Figuratively that is," Toby said. "I thought that's what you meant, I would too," Aaron replied as they continued to play with each other's penis and kiss and play wet tongues. They continued to kiss and fondle each other's penis for several more minutes, as their respective penises started reversing the process again, thickening and extending their length, going from flaccid, to turgid, back to hard once more. "You have another hard on," Toby said as he slowly pumped his hand back and forth on Aaron's rigid dick. "I'm not the Lone Ranger," Aaron said as he pushed and pulled his hand on Toby's equally hard cock. "Are you about ready to fuck me?" Toby asked as he kissed Aaron with a great ardor of anticipation. "Do you want to be the bottom, or top, first?" Aaron asked obviously indicating that he expected them to fuck each other before they left the cover of the bridge "I would absolutely adore being your bottom. Fuck me first," Toby said with an edge of excitement in his voice. "My pleasure," Aaron said affectionately as he and Toby increased the tempo of their kissing and foreplay. "And mine, I assure you," Toby said with equal enthusiasm and fervor. I don't have any lubricant?" Aaron said indicating that he was more than a little familiar about what they were about to do. "I have two tubes of KY," Toby said. "That should more than do it. You came prepared, huh?" Aaron chuckled. "I was hoping like hell," Toby replied teasingly. "Well, your hopes and mine, came true," Aaron remarked. "Did they ever," Toby replied as a took down a towel from the cupboard above the back seat and spread it out on the soft seat underneath him. "How do you want to do it?" Aaron asked. "What about me laying on my back, and putting my legs up on your shoulders, and then you rocking forward and pulling my buttocks up to where you can slide it more or less straight in. Then you can lean forward some more, so that we kiss and make love with our faces too, while you fuck me," Toby suggested. "That's more or less what I had in mind, but I wanted to do it what ever way you wanted to. I sure the hell want to be kissing you, while we're fucking," Aaron said. "So do I. Kissing you that is. Are you ready?" Toby asked. More than ready, let's put on some lubricant," Aaron said. "Let me do your dick," Toby said as he hoped that Aaron would reciprocate by lubricating his anus. "Okay, I'll do your rectum," Aaron replied affectionately, which was what Toby was hoping for. Toby extracted a tube of KY jelly from his jacket. opened it and spread a liberal amount on his fingers and the palm of his right hand and then handed the tube to Aaron. Toby spread the KY on Aaron hard dick. as Aaron spread some on the fingers of his right hand and then reached down and started spreading it in, and around the anal opening. Aaron slid his fingers inside Toby's anus and spread some more KY around the bottom of Toby's colon. Toby's body quivered in excitement as Aaron probed and lubricated Toby's anus. Then Toby spread out his legs, reached down with his hands and pulled his thighs up almost parallel with his chest as Aaron moved in between Toby's feet and positioned himself so that his penis was just and inch or two from Toby's anal sphincter. Aaron moved closer and spread out the cheeks of Toby's buttocks slightly with his hands and pressed the head of his dick up against Toby's anal sphincter. It was almost a perfect height, while Aaron was kneeling and leaning forward, but he reached up and pushed Toby's legs back some more, raising Toby's hips up higher. The new height was almost perfect as Aaron felt down and stuck his lubricated fingers back into Toby's anal canal. Aaron pressed his dick up against his fingers and seductively said, "I'm ready to push it in." "So am I, go ahead and do it. Please," Toby replied back with a quiver of obvious anticipation in his voice. "Here it goes," Aaron said as he reached down and grasped his hard penis just below the foreskin cut and guided it in toward Toby's anus opening, as Toby pushed his hips back against the head of Aaron's penis. When the head of his penis came up against the anal sphincter barrier, Aaron raised the head of his penis up slightly, grasped Toby's right thigh tightly with his left hand, and then simultaneously pressed his penis down and push his hips forward. Toby's lubricated anal opening easily slid open and Aaron pressed the head of his dick on down the anal canal as Toby moaned in obvious delight, and sucked up air and moaned louder, as the euphoric pleasure of having Aaron's penis slide inside his body, spread over his body. Because it was so easy, and felt so incredibly good, Aaron pushed forward forcing his penis to slowly spread apart the wet, warm, velvety skin inside Toby's anus. Exhilarated by the sensational feeling of Toby's wet, soft skin against his penis, Aaron continued to push forward until his balls rested firmly against Toby's warm gaping buttocks. Fully inside Toby, Aaron looked at Toby's obviously delighted face and lovingly said, "It's inside, does it feel okay." "Absolutely wonderful. But God, you sure as the hell have a long dick. It kept going forever. It feels like it's a yard up inside me," Toby said in what amounted to an obvious compliment and appreciation that he was being fucked by such a magnificent dick. "You object?" Aaron asked teasingly knowing by the tone of Toby's voice that there was no objection. " Of course not, I love it. I love the hell out of it," Toby replied and then added, "Are you doing okay?" "I couldn't be any better," Aaron said trying to express the wonderful exuberant feeling of having his rock hard penis up inside the velvety clinging skin of Toby's anal canal "Isn't that the truth. If it was any better, I couldn't stand it," Toby said as his body trembled and quivered in excitement. I'm going to fuck you?" Aaron said. "Do it. I can't wait," Toby replied. Aaron pulled his hips back until just the head and a little foreskin was still inside Toby's anus, and then he pushed forward again, parting the wet, war, soft, velvety skin again until his balls were back against Toby's buttocks. He repeated that procedure, a little more rapidly eight or ten times, as Toby moaned and cried out softly in obvious enrapture. After ten or so long deep thrusts back and forth, Aaron stopped again with his testicles resting against Toby's buttocks, and leaned his body all the way forward between Toby's spread thighs. Aaron put his forearms down against Toby's upper arms, and almost encircled Toby's neck with both his hands, one on each side. He stuck out his tongue and met Toby's extended tongue as they played with the very tip of each other's wet slippery tongue. They continued to play with the tips of each other's tongue as Aaron leaned further even more and resumed the pumping action with his hips, pushing his hard penis back and forth in the wet, warm, slippery, silky canal inside Toby's body. Toby wrapped his arms around Aaron and pulled Aaron toward him - in their positions it was impossible for Aaron to respond in kind, but he did press his body down against Toby's, not too tightly, but firm enough to bring the pleasing sensations of feeling his pressing warm skin against Toby's warm soft skin, and vice versa with Toby. Toby also squeezed his lower legs against Aaron's thighs and hips trying to establish more skin to skin contact. Each of them radiated in the luxury and joy of feeling their warm skin pressing against the warm skin of the other, on the outside of both their bodies, and on the inside of Toby's body. Toby pulled one, and then another of the lap robes down over Aaron's back as Aaron slid his hard penis back and forth in Toby's warm wet, silky feeling anus. As Toby wildly kissed Aaron, he could feel the dazzling euphoria of Aaron's hard, warm, penis being pushed and pulled back and forth in his anus, seeming going in and out at least a foot, or more, sliding down and through the prostate stricture, rubbing the sensuous prostate, and the sensitive skin inside the anus as well. He bathed in the luxurious delectation of simultaneously kissing and being kissed by Aaron, as Aaron plied his penis back and forth inside Toby's body, fucking Toby. Aaron varied his fucking techniques at times making long fast five inch, or more, plunges back and forth, or long very slow, almost six inch penetrations back and forth, or real fast short two or three inch ramming bursts back and forth, and all kinds of other permutations, and nuances of those maneuvers. Aaron also pushed his penis in at different and slightly varying angles, causing the head of his penis to slide along, and rub, the bottom, or top, or sides of Toby's anus, as he tried to bring even more pleasure to himself and to Toby. Aaron also varied his kissing style, most of the time playing with and sucking on Toby's tongue inside one or the other's mouth or between their mouths, but also pressing his lip against both Toby's upper lip and lower lips, and pulling, and nibbling on them, and sometimes licking and playing with Toby's lips or cheek, or neck, or other facial parts. And at other times, just holding his lips pressed against Toby's. They couldn't see clearly but all the other senses seemed even sharper as they heard, and tasted, and felt, and smelled the invigorating aromas of their sexual mating. Aaron paused and seductively whispered his lips as he pecked Toby's lips with his own, "Are you enjoying it?" "Out of this fucking world." Toby replied in an affectionate whisper as he wet Aaron's lips with his tongue. "Likewise or better," Aaron whispered softly into Toby's lips. "Jingle Bells is starting to play," Aaron said in a tease, and then added, "Want to see if we can keep time to the music?" "Let's," Toby exclaimed. They didn't sing it, but Aaron playfully fucked Toby to the tune of Jingle Bells. Thrusting and shoving his penis back and forth as Toby responded in kind. Aaron continued to fuck Toby for three or four more minutes, with Toby at times becoming more active by his passionate kissing and love making. The euphoric sensations of feeling Aaron plunging his penis back and forth in his anus, over and over again in subtle and pleasing variations, rippled through Toby's body in absolute, utterly sublime sense of pleasure. Aaron started increasing the tempo of his actions, plunging his long penis back and forth inside Toby's anus in shorter and faster strokes as he and Toby also increased the tempo of their kissing and tongue playing. As Jingle Bells played again, Toby and Aaron resumed their playing with the tips of each others tongues as Aaron's penis dashed back and forth inside Toby, parting Toby's warm flesh with the head of his long penis. Both could feel, and hear, the increase beat if each other's heart as they dashed onward toward the ecstasy of euphoric orgasm. They tensed their muscles and bodies as tightly as the circumstances allowed in sweet pleasure, both of them turned their feet even further down than they had before, curled their toes into knots. Aaron raised up onto tiptoes as they both fell into the climatic utter delight of their sexual union. Knowing that the rhapsody of pleasure was imminent, Aaron raised up on his toes even higher and markedly increased the tempo of his thrusting his dick back and forth in Toby's anus. He was making very fast three inch plunges back and forth between the anal opening and the tightness and pressure of Toby's prostrate which cause extremely pleasant sensations in the head of Aaron's penis as it dashed back and forth. Aaron's breath became labored as he kissed and played with the tip of Toby's tongue feverishly. Toby in turn thrust his hips up and down, as fast as he could, trying to speed up the movement of Aaron's penis inside his anus, and the joint incredible pleasure they were both experiencing. After a few fiery more movements, Aaron plunged over the edge of into the enraptures sublimeness of orgasmic ecstasy. His penis head mushroomed up inside Toby's body, and he pushed it as deep inside Toby as he could and held it there as the first bolt of semen shot out of his penis into Toby's anus. Aaron and Toby continued to play with the tips of each other tongues. Aaron could feel Toby's rapidly beating heart, and his own heart seemingly racing out of control, as the waves of blissful pleasure rolled over his body. The delighted ecstasy of orgasm swept over his body, and then he felt Toby's body jerk in orgasm as well. Because of their fucking position, Aaron's abdomen was separated from Toby's by six inches or so. Aaron quickly moved his hand down into the opening and grasped Toby's hard dick and felt it pulsate in his firmly gripping hand as he held it while he and Toby went through the end phases of their orgasms. The fact that he sensed and could feel Aaron climaxing, had triggered Toby's orgasm. He squeezed his fingers as tightly against Aaron's fingers as he could and pressed his right forearm against Aaron's left forearm as Aaron held Toby's hard penis with his right hand. Toby wrapped his legs around Aaron's buttocks and squeezed his thighs together. Aaron played with the tip of Toby's tongue and lovingly said, "Merry Christmas, Toby!" "Merry Christmas, Aaron" Toby answered back in an ardent loving manner as they shared their orgasmic pleasure. Enraptured throbs of orgasm followed enraptured throbs as they enounced their ' Merry Christmases' to each other, and played with the tips of each other tongues. After six or seven throbbing pulsations, he orgasmic surges orgasms ebbed and receded, but they continued their embracing, skin to skin contact, their squeezing of each other's body, and their passionate kissing and other love making with Aaron's long, thick cock resting deep inside Toby's body. After a couple minute of intense after play, Aaron whispered seductively, "You're going to have to fuck me next." "It will be a few minutes before I can do that," Toby said as they pressed their lips back together and started the passionate kissing. Aaron didn't say anything but nodded his head in agreement, as he slid his receding penis out of Toby's anus. They continued the intense after play for another ten minutes or so, as they pressed their warm skin against the other's warm skin. Basking in the feeling of having as much skin to skin contact as they could establish. Both looked out the window, up Sugarbush Creek and saw the heavy snow continuing to fall, but they were warmed on the outside by the heat still coming up from the warmer under them, the furry robes clinging to their naked body and the skin to skin warmth of each other's body. They were also warmed inside by their mutually shared feeling of intense ardor for what they were sharing. After ten or so minutes, both of their penises started responding to the continuing fondling and stimulation and were soon hard once more. "Are you ready to fuck me?" Aaron asked. "I sure am, either way. You can fuck me, or I'll fuck you," Toby replied. "You know which way it's going to be," Aaron said. "I know," Toby agreed. Aaron took up the position that Toby had previously occupied, with his back down against the towel on the warm fur lined seat over. Aaron lubricated Toby's penis awhile Toby lubricated Aaron's anus. Then Toby climbed in between Aaron's spread out thighs. Aaron pulled his thighs and legs back almost parallel with his chest and held them with his hands as Toby prepared to mount him. "I'm going to do it," Toby announced, "Go ahead. I'm ready," Aaron said with obvious eagerness in his voice. Toby pressed his penis up against Aaron's anal opening, raised up slightly and pressed his penis down through the opening and slid his dick all the way down to the hilt, parting Aaron's wet cling velvety anal interior skin with the head of his penis. Toby felt the intense delight of the head of his penis sliding through the wet clinging spongy warm skin on the inside of Aaron's anus. Aaron squirmed in pleasure as Toby rammed his penis home. Toby rested his testicles against the inside of Aaron's spread out buttocks and paused. "I see what you mean about having a long dick, you have one too, really long," Aaron said affectionately. "It's not quite as long as yours, nor nearly as big around," Toby replied affectionately "I don't know about that, but it sure as the hell feels good," Aaron replied. Toby pressed his body forward so that he could kiss and play wet tongues with Aaron. Toby leaned forward even more and raise up onto his toes and started the slow long stroking of his penis back and forth in Aaron's wet, warm, silky feeling colon, feeling Aaron's skin clinging to his penis, especially to the head as he pumped it back and forth. They pressed their wet lips against each other's and happily resumed their fervent kissing and tongue playing as the snow fell heavily, and the wind swirled, and howled, in hissing sounds outside the covered bridge. Aaron pulled the lap robes down around Toby's body and Toby pressed his chest against Aaron's upraised thighs. Despite the incredible cold outside, they both broke into a light sweat as a result of the warm sleigh and the intensity of their sexual mating. As Aaron had done, Toby varied both the speed, the length and the angle of the plunging of his penis back and forth in Aaron's rectum, as both savored the pleasure of their second session of glorious anal intercourse. Toby didn't take as much time as Aaron, because he was more excited thinking about sucking, and getting fucked by, and fucking Aaron, but he made his fucking of Aaron playful and fun. He pleased himself, but he also sought to, and successfully pleased Aaron. They both kissed more lovingly, more tenderly, but they moved at a faster pace than Aaron had when he had fucked Toby. Toby systematically pumped his penis aback and forth in Aaron's rectum, and Aaron responded with thrusting hips in synch with Toby, pushing his hips up to meet Toby's descending hips and likewise pulling them back as Toby pulled his back. Toby and Aaron both absolutely luxuriated in the pleasure they were feeling, through the pushing and pulling of Toby's cock in Aaron's anus, and the warmth of each other's skin, body, and kisses and hugs, and squeezes as they were immersed in the carnal pleasures of each other's body. It took Toby just over five minutes of exuberant, delightful fucking before he started the rapid climb toward orgasm, as he and Aaron brought pleasure to each other, and to themselves. Toby, like Aaron had, started using fast, short strokes of his penis inside Aaron's body, between the anal opening and the back of the pressing prostrate that imparted so much pleasure to the head of Toby's penis, and likewise imparted the pleasure of having his Prostate rubbed to Aaron. They both tensed their bodies, turned their feet down, curled their toes, and started playing with the tips of their tongues in total abandonment as the rush of orgasm rolled ecstatically over their sensuous bodies. As Aaron had done, Toby plunged his penis into the bowels of Aaron's body, and he held it there, as he and Aaron felt their, and each other's hearts beating rapidly, the pulsing in each other's body, the throbbing in their ears and body, as cresting wave after cresting wave of ecstasy broke over their body. As their wet tongues vibrated against each other, Toby reached down and grasped Aaron's hard cock and held it tightly, as Aaron had done for him. With Toby holding Aaron's cock, their orgasms merged into one, not knowing at any given moment, whether they, or the other was throbbing, jerking and pulsating in the fiery, fervent climatic event. As their bodies jerked together, Toby held Aaron's penis even tighter, vibrated his extended wet tongue against Aaron's wet protruding tongue and with obvious tremendous ardor, lovingly said, "Merry Christmas, Aaron", as he realized that Jingle Bells was playing for what must have been at least the fifteenth or twentieth time. Aaron pushed his hips up toward Toby's, sending Toby's hard dick further up inside his pulsating sensuous body, wrapped his legs around Toby and squeezed tightly, and then with equal amour said "Merry Christmas, Toby," as their bodies pulsated in their thrilling, fulfilling orgasm. Later they dressed, and returned to the Lodge, just as Christmas morning was breaking. They had a quick breakfast and went to bed, but with a major difference. This time they slept in one bed, naked with their coiled bodies up against each other, The following fall, Aaron transferred to Dartmouth, and he and Toby became off campus roommates, and bisexual lovers, though most of their sexual love making was with each other. There are five other FREE STORIES similar to JINGLE BELLS, available at this site, and excepts from another dozen. To read dozens of stories of similar length and quality to that of JINGLE BELLS, almost all by T.J. Love, the author of Jingle Bells, you need to subscribe. YOU CAN GET ALL the Pictures, the Top 25 ratings & ALL the dozens of Stories and Charge it to your Telephone, or Credit Card, Appearing as an innocent looking 'IBILL' Charge. Did you like it? We hope that you enjoyed reading the story about Toby and Aaron and their hot gay sex in the back of a one horse open sleigh, during a snow storm on Christmas morning! You can read several MORE FREE stories, of about the same length, by the same author at The Top 25 Internet Site, You will also obtain FREE ACCESS to dozens of other excerpts and hundreds of HOT FREE NUDE & SEX PICTURES -and that is only the beginning - if you subscribe for $24.95 for one year, you will have access to dozens of complete additional stories like this and over 5,500 of the hottest pictures on the Internet with arousing, funny, annotations that our members say make the pictures come ALIVE! You can subscribe to all these stories & pictures at: © Copyright All Rights Reserved Top 25 Internet Pictures & T. J. Love 1998


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Auld Lang Syne

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Jingle Bells

JINGLE BELLS We hope that you enjoy reading the sizzling hot gay sex story. If you do, you can read several MORE FREE, of about the same length, by the same author at The Top 25 Internet Site, © Copyright All Rights Reserved Top 25 Internet Pictures & T. J. Love 1998 A CHRISTMAS STORY--JINGLE BELLS Would you like to see our

The Basketball Star And His Tutor!

We hope that you like the story you are about to read. In it a gay tutor of a star basketball player gets his craving reward as you will discover! If you would like to read more free stories, of similar length and style to this story, we hope that you will visit us at our TOP 25 Internet Gay Sex Pictures Site where there are several more free stories like this and


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