Gay Erotic Stories

A Man's Man, Part 3

by Roof Raiser
05 Apr 2001


It was a couple of weeks before we could make it back up to Jacks cabin. We made plans to go up the first weekend in August. It had been a hot summer and I had hoped it might be a little cooler up in the mountains. Jack was to go up on Thursday afternoon in order to order the lumber and materials that we needed for the jobs we had planned. We wanted to make sure that they would arrive on Friday. I was to arrive on Friday afternoon. Just as I was leaving the house the phone rang. I was tempted not to answer it - there was a possibility that it could be my foreman asking me to come in to work to cover someone’s absence. I wasn't about to let anything interfere with a weekend with Jack. I let it ring 4 times and then the answering machine intercepted the call. The voice said hi and I immediately recognized Jacks voice. I grabbed the phone before he could say anymore - "Hi Jack – what’s up?". Jack asked me if I could do him a favor on my way up to the cabin. He wanted me to pick up his little brother who lived in a town about 30 miles up the road. It was just a slight detour out of my way and told him it was no problem. He gave me the address and also asked me to stop by a liquor store and pick up some Jack Daniels. I had already picked up all the provisions that we would need. We had more than enough for 3 people. We said our goodbyes and I hung up. Then it dawned on me - I didn't know anything about his brother other than his address! No name, no age, nothing!. It also dawned on me that this might totally squash any of my plans that I had for Jack and I in the middle of the night. There was only one bed in the cottage - a double with an extra mattress on top. Where was this guy gonna sleep? Maybe he was bringing a sleeping bag along with him. "Oh well" I thought. It had been weeks since my last time with Jack and I was horny as hell. It was 3:00 in the afternoon by the time I headed out and the heat was oppressive. I was wearing a white tank top and a pair of tattered cuttoffs. I rolled down the windows of my truck - I did'nt have A/C - and opened up the floor vents for extra circulation. I got on the interstate and headed north. I daydreamed about Jack and that magnificent cock of his as I drove. In no time I was already at the exit for the town where I was supposed to pick up Jacks brother. The hard on that I had while thinking about Jack slowly subsided as I neared the address that Jack had given me. I wondered what Jacks brother might be like. How "little" would his little brother be? It turned out the address was for a college dorm. There were probably 10 guys hanging around on the steps of the building. All sizes, all shapes and all hot hunks!!! Also on the steps was a large gym bag. It must be Jacks brothers, but which one was his brother? I realized that I didn't even know who to ask for. I rolled down my window as I drove up the drive and stopped. As I scanned each of their faces looking for anyone who might have a resemblance of Jack. None of them did! - but they all looked hot! All of them were obviously college jocks - all of them in shorts and shirtless trying to beat the heat of the afternoon. The tallest of the group stuck out as a real looker. He was about 6' 4" and had a slim swimmers body. I'd always thought that swimmers usually had smooth hairless bodies. It appeared that this kid hadn't shave his body hair for at least of couple of weeks because his chest was covered with a mass of short hairs that plunged down and across his stomach and then disappeared into the top of the baggy long legged shorts he was wearing. He had a washboard stomach and the short body hair covering it accentuated their definition. I thought I'd better say something pretty soon or these guys would think I was just some pervert copping a peek at their hot bodies. "Hi guys, I’m supposed to pick up Jack Mioff’s brother - any idea where I might find him?". The tall looker jumped up, grabbed the gym bag and bounded over the passenger side of the truck. He tossed his gym bagged into the bed of the truck as he opened the door to get in. After closing the door he turned to me and reached out to shake my hand. He had the biggest grin on his face that was framed by a neatly trimmed brown moustache. Even his bright blue eyes seemed to smile as he said "Hi, I'm Sam – Jack’s brother" As I shook his hand, I couldn't help but notice that he had a huge hands with long slim fingers. I returned the greeting and steered the truck out the drive and back towards the interstate. We had a couple hour drive ahead of us and we talked easily and got to know each other. He was 22 years old and a junior in college. He was indeed on the swim team, as well as the basketball team. He was a really likable guy - very easy to talk to. He said he was really looking forward to the weekend and hadn't seen Jack for several months. I told him he didn't look anything like Jack and he told me that Jack took after their father’s side while he took after their mother’s side. He did say that they both shared a lot of the same family traits though - they both liked the same sports and shared the same interest in most things. You could tell that he really admired his older brother. I jokingly asked him if he also had the ability to sleep through just about anything like his older brother and he said that he was much worse than Jack. He said that one time as a kid the neighbor’s house caught fire and the place was covered with cops and firemen along with all their sirens and pumps. It was summer time and he was sleeping on their screened porch that faced the neighbor’s house. He had been told that the whole incident last for over 3 hours and that he slept through it without a waking up. He said his ability to sleep though anything as well as his habit of sleepwalking earned him the nickname "The zombie". After about an hour I could see that he was about to nod off. To tell the truth, I too was sleepy and struggled to stay alert enough to drive. It must have been the heat of the day and the monotony of the drive that did us in. I directed one of the trucks vents directly at my face in an attempt to ward off falling asleep and it seemed to do the trick. As Sam napped I noticed that he had inherited other family traits that he shared with Jack. The first one was the habit of snoring loudly. The second one was the tendency to sport a 'sleep boner'. His shorts were too baggy and the pant legs too long for me to get any idea as to his size. In another hour I pulled off the interstate and headed towards the cabin. We were there in about 20 minutes and as I pulled up near the cabin I reached over and nudged Sam’s shoulder to wake him up. "Hey Sam, we're here". He was in total oblivion! My first sight of Jack as he stepped towards the truck set my heart on fire. My god he was gorgeous!!! Jack walked up to Sam’s side of the truck and said "hey Zombie” Sam just kept on sleeping - dead to the world. "Hi Jack" I said. "Think you can bring this guy back to life". "There’s only one way to wake him up before he's ready" Jack said. "Watch this". Jack stuck his head in the window and went right to Sam’s right ear. Slowly Jack stuck his tongue in his little brother’s ear and in an instant Sam sat bolt upright, startled. "Hey asshole, quit!" Sam cried. Jack laughed and opened the door and literally dragged Sam out of his seat. He wrapped Sam in his arms in a bear hug and hoisted him off the ground, all the while Sam giggled and squirmed. "Good to see you, you little brat"!. Sam hugged Jack and slapped his back. "Good to see you too, big brother" Jack grabbed Sam’s bag out of the back while I grabbed the sacks of provisions. "Hey Zombie" where's you sleeping bag? Jack said. "Oh shit" Sam replied. "Oh well" Jack said. "We'll figure something out later. Let's get you guys settled". Jack had made a pot of Chili for dinner and while we ate they told tales on one another of their childhood exploits. I was a little jealous of their closeness and the brotherly love they obviously shared. The cabin was hot and stuffy so we headed toward the creek for a swim to cool off. In seconds they were both naked and in the water. I stripped down and joined them. While we swam Jack filled us in on the work project for the weekend. We were going to build a screened porch on the front of the cabin, facing the creek. He hoped that we could complete it in one day and said to do so we would have to get an early start. We were all quite tired and planned for an early night - after a few nightcaps of course! (I got a quick peek at Sam’s cock as we got out of the water. While Jacks soft dick was about the diameter of a silver dollar, Sam’s was considerably thinner - about the size of a quarter. The length was hard to tell. It seemed to be about 6 inches soft. Hard? Who knew? Jacks cock was in his usual 'cocoon' stage - about 5 inches soft with lots of wrinkles. Sam’s member also had lots of wrinkles). To solve the sleeping arrangement problem, we pulled both mattresses off the bed and laid them on the floor, making one big bed. There was a blanket for each of us, not that we would need them - the cabin was still so hot. After a couple of shots of Jack Daniels each, we readied for bed. We all stripped down to our shorts, me in white briefs and Jack and Sam in boxers. Jack and I normally slept nude, but the unspoken assumption was that we would remain clothed for Sam's benefit. I didn't know how shy he might be or how uncomfortable he might be with nudity. We tried to get a breeze going in the room by opening all the windows. Jack had installed screens on the windows and a screen door when he arrived the day before. Jack flopped down on one side of the mattress and Sam dove in next to him. SHIT! I thought, there goes any chances of a late night rendezvous with Jacks big dick. Jack asked me to lock the screened door before I lay down. "Were in the middle of nowhere - why lock the door?" I said. "Our family learned long ago that we had to lock all the doors at night otherwise 'The Zombie' here would sleep walk during the night and wander the neighborhood” I expected Sam to make some wise crack remark back at Jack, but apparently he was already out, snoring softly. I locked the door and laid down next to Sam on the other side of the bed, far away from Jack and his magnificent cock. I realized I was pouting, but damn I was looking forward to this weekend. I fell asleep to the sounds of Jack and Sam’s thundering snores. I woke up at around 3:00 AM, bathed in sweat and needing to piss. Also, the chili we had for dinner was wreaking havoc on by gut. Jack and Sam were both sleeping on their stomachs, robbing me of the chance of maybe seeing any sleep hardons. I got up and went to the bathroom, naturally my stirring as I got up didn't seem to bother them one bit. I didn't bother to close the door completely and went and sat on the toilet. The light from the moon through the window bathed the room in shades of blue and gray. As I sat on the toilet doing my business, a cooling breeze came through the window, chilling the sweat on by brow. It felt great! I finished my business and flushed the toilet, but stayed there sitting on the toilet, not ready yet to leave the cooling breeze from the window. I sat there, resting my hand on my chin, my elbow on my knee, letting the breeze flow over me. I think I actually dozed a little. As I sat there, half asleep, I became aware of the sound of bare feet on the floor. As they approached towards me, I looked up to see Sam standing right in front of me, his boxers showing a bulge. "Sam?" I whispered. "Hey Sam!" I said louder. Jesus, the kid is sleep walking! I gently reached out and touch his leg, "Hey Sam, wake up". No response. Then I thought I remembered hearing once that you should never wake up a sleepwalker. So I just sat there, waiting to see what he would do. Sam took a step forward and began brought a hand to the front of his boxers. He was standing right in front of me and the toilet, his crotch just inches from my face. I leaned back a little. Sam’s long slim fingers reached for the fly in his boxes and began fishing for his cock. Then is dawned on me! He was going to take a leak! There was no room for me to get out of his way! Oh shit! What should I do? Sam’s hand had found his cock and was bringing it out! As his cock cleared his shorts he let go of it, I opened my eyes wide, tying to get a view in the moonlight. As my eyes adjusted, his cock came into view. What I saw took my breath away! There before me was a semi hard cock, glimmering in the blue moonlight. While it wasn't thick at all, it was extremely long. It was hanging in my favorite pose - straight out for a few inches, and then angling down, being pulled by the weight of his dickhead. My face, my mouth, was only inches from it. Sam let out a sigh and took another step forward, scratching his low hanging balls. I instinctively opened my mouth and let it in, at least 5 inches of his cock went right to the back of my throat! I kept my mouth wide open as he took another half step forward, slowly sliding his long thin dick down my throat. He leaned slightly forward, sending even more of his 'snake' down my throat. I don't know how I managed not to gag - If it had been any thicker I would have! He thrust his hips slowly forward sending the final 2 inches in to my hungry mouth. His crotch hair now tickling my nostrils. He must be at lest 12 inches or more and he was only about semi-hard!!!!! His cock began to flex a little, as if getting ready to let go of a stream of hot piss. His cock seemed to expand slightly, then held its place for a few seconds. Suddenly his cock relaxed and I began to feel something run down my throat. My god!!! He's pissing! It stopped as soon as it started. Only a few drops went down my throat. Sighing, he very slowly started to pull out. When about 8 inches of his ‘snake’ were free of my mouth, he grabbed his dick and started to shake it, just like every guy in world does when he's finished pissing. As he shook it, the remaining 4 inches of cock in my open mouth slapped against my cheeks. He finished shaking and with one hand opened his fly and with the other proceeded to stuff the 'snake' back into his boxers. His hand reached out towards my shoulder and I leaned aside, thinking that he might wake up if he actually touched someone. Believe it or not, he was just reaching to flush the toilet! He stepped back and turned, and slowly walked out of the bathroom. He actually did seem to walk like a 'zombie'. I sat there dazed, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I stood up and jerked off, the taste of his piss still in my mouth. I left the bathroom and dropped to my spot on the mattress, totally exhausted. Jack and Sam both sleeping on their stomachs, snoring lightly. I too was asleep in a matter of minutes. We all woke up early, around 6:00 AM. Our underwear bulged with morning hardons. Sam went to the bathroom to piss while Jack and I went to the door. I held the screened door opened as we both pissed out into the yard. We had both become used to seeing each other in various stages arousal. I made coffee as Jack started breakfast - hot cakes with sausage. Nobody really spoke, except for the occasional grunt. We all needed coffee desperately. After the first few sips of coffee I started to come alive. "Every body sleep well?" I asked. They both just grunted and shook their heads yes. They both perked up during breakfast and started teasing each other. "Do any sleep walking last night Zombie?" Jack joked with Sam. "How should I know, jerk off, I was asleep" Sam replied, grinning. I piped in "actually Sam, you did get up in the middle of the night, I heard you in the bathroom and heard the toilet flushed, but then you came right back to bed". "Did I" Sam said. I don't remember a thing! Jack couldn't resist "that's why they call it 'sleepwalking' you little fucking zombie” Jack grabbed his little brother in a bear hug and tossed him to the mattresses on the floor, both of them laughing. They seemed to like calling each other dirty little names, exchanging quick insults with each other. "Time for work!" said Jack and pushed us both out the door. Jack had planned the screened porch in detail prior to our arrival and already had all the timbers pre-cut. He had also set all the foundation piers in concrete. Today our job was to build the deck of the porch, frame the slanting shed roof, sheath and shingle it, and set the screening. The screening went from floor to ceiling to take advantage of every possible breeze. We took the screened door of the cabin door and moved it to the screened porch. It was amazing how quick it all came together. We all worked well together, each of us anticipating what had to be done next, coordinating our portions of the job around each other. Jack and Sam continued with their friendly insults and teasing throughout the day and by noon I felt privileged to be included. They both teased me constantly but Sam was the worst. He had a way of wording an insult so that it was both funny and friendly. I gave as good as I got though! The only draw back to the day was the extreme heat and humidity. We had to pace ourselves so that we didn't get heat stroke. If one of us got overheated, he would take a quick dip in the creek to cool down our hot bodies. We decided not to break for lunch and worked till we were finished, around 6:00 PM. Jack was really pleased to have the porch finished. "Every time we come up here to do a project, we always finish it in half the time I plan for" Jack said. "And I think its all do to you Luke. We get along so well and work so well together that you make me look forward to coming up here. Your about the best friend a guy could have". He grabbed me in tight hug, not a playful bear hug, but a sweet, sincere hug of friendship. I was almost ready to burst into tears when Sam bounded up and wrapped us both in his long arms and hugged us both together. "Group hug!" he cried and started to tickle us both in the ribs. He was like a little puppy at times, always playful. Jack wanted to treat us all to a night on the town as his way of thanks for all our hard work. We all took showers and we all walked around the cabin nude as we each got ready. The pretense of modesty was dropped, first by Sam, then Jack, then me. I was able to keep my ever-ready ability to get an instant hard -on under control as we all went about our business of getting ready. At one point Sam said "I hope the ladies in town are ready to handle three hot and horny guys. Between the three of us we must have about 30 inches of rock hard cock looking for action” We all laughed and finished dressing. I started to do the math in my head. I know Jacks cock is a solid 10 inches and mine is a 7 sturdy inches, which leaves Sam with a whopping 13 incher!!! He's never seen mine hard and if he assumed that I was just an average guy with 6 inches, then he could be as large as 14 inches!!! I had already experienced 12 inches of his semi-hard snake and was amazed to think it could get even longer! Who knows what tonight might bring! We ate dinner at an old fashioned diner in town that had ice cold beer on tap. After a long day in the hot sun we were mighty thirsty and kept the waitress hopping keeping our glasses full. By the time we left, we had each had at least 6 beers under our belts. Fortunately we ate hearty meals while drinking so we were feeling pretty good. One the way home we stopped at a roadside tavern for another drink. We were having such a good time talking and laughing with each other that the two of them seem to forget about their plans to hook up with some lovely lady. About 11:00 PM we all agreed that we'd better head back to the cabin while one of us could still drive. Jack drove, Sam had the window and I sat in the middle. We were all feeling pretty loose and as we headed down the bumpy back roads, our legs would bang together, then apart. I was getting it from both sides! Jacks beefy calves on one side and Sam’s long sinewy ones on the other. Finally I grabbed both of them by the thighs to hold them still. "You guys are beating me to death with your hairy legs! They both laughed and apologized. Sam added "As horny as I am I might be humping that leg tonight so I guess I'd better not abuse it! With that they both roared with laughter. We walked up onto the screened porch, the three of us admiring our handy work. The moon was full and while it was still warm, there was a gentle cooling breeze coming up from the cool waters of the creek. Jack opened the door and before even getting all the way inside he said "Man, its like an oven in here! I'm not about to sleep in here tonight, let's take the mattresses out on the new porch and sleep there. Within minutes we had the mattresses and bedding on the porch as well what was left of the bottle of Jack Daniels. We all stripped down to our shorts and laid back on the mattresses letting the cooling breeze blow over us. While the breeze helped a lot, it was still too warm to worry about covering up with a blanket. We passed the bottle between us, each of us making a toast to the others. Jack went first. "To my ass-wipe, dick-head, penciled-dicked little brother and to my best friend Luke” He tilted the bottle up and took a long drink, then passed the bottle to Sam. "To my shit-head, monster-cocked, asshole of a brother and to Luke, who I'm just getting know but already like. Up went the bottle to his lips and he too took a long swallow, and then passed the bottle on to me. I'm thinking to myself, hmmm, they sure seem to know a lot about each other’s dicks! But they were brothers and I'm sure that they must have seen each other hard at some time in their adult lives. But now it was my turn to make a toast. I guess I must have been thinking for quite awhile. Just as I was getting ready to speak, Sam starts to snore, followed soon after by Jack. Within minutes they were snoring in stereo! And believe me it was music to my ears! I however, wasn't the least bit tired. Drunk - yes, and horny to boot! I got up from the mattresses, not bothering to be quiet (I certainly wouldn’t bother these two). I went into the bathroom without turning on the light. I'd brought along a tube of unscented lubricant and gingerly began to loosen myself up to accommodate Jacks monster cock - that's if things worked out as I hoped! After I was comfortable with 3 fingers, I thought what the hell, I'd better go with 4, just to be on the safe side. The hornier Jack seems to be, the fatter is cock seems to get. I figured that the unscented lube wouldn't leave any tell-tail signs in the morning. I must have been in there about 10 minutes when I heard those now familiar shuffle steps of Sam 'the zombie'. My heart skipped several beats thinking about a repeat of last night’s episode. Everything proceeded just like the night before; his hand fished for his cock; the semi-erect cork bobbing in the air: 2 steps forward. Everything was just like last night. This time I opened my mouth wide took his cock in one swift gulp - right up to the hilt. Wait a sec, I thought, this kid had at least 6 beers at dinner and several drinks since then, and know for a fact that he hasn't been near a bathroom since. If he starts to really take a piss, I would surely drown! I quickly eased my mouth off him and stood up and took one step back. My legs straddled the toilet bowl and my ass was against the lid of the tank. I was just in time! Sam let loose with a stream of piss between my legs that would make a horse proud! On and on it went. He must have pissed a gallon before the stream started to let up. When he was finished, he gave it a couple of shakes and popped back in his boxers. He reached out as if to flush the toilet but instead grabbed my stiff cock and gave it a quick turn to the left. The toilet didn't flush but I sure did! He turned and shuffled out the door, back to bed. I followed him a minute later (after flushing the toilet for real!) When I got there, Jack was laying on one side of the bed and Sam on the other, but in opposite directions. I chose to lie between them, 'spooned' up to Jack. I had taken off my underwear, but Jack and Sam still had on their boxers. I knew that if their wandering cocks wanted any action, they would find a way out of the slit in their boxers. As I lay there, I realized that Jack also had a form of sleeping walking. With him it's his hungry engorged cock that wanders around in the night, looking for somewhere (or someone!) to slip into! Jack was soft as I backed into him. No hurry, I’ll be here and ready when it begins to grow. Just laying there nuzzled up against him was fine for now. The booze and sleep finally overtook me as I drifted off to sleep. I was having weird dreams. I was in a hospital for some reason and Jack and Sam were both Doctors. I was lying in a bed and they said I was running a fever and they needed to take my temperature. Sam was trying to force a huge thermometer past my lips and Jack was trying to take my temp up my rectum. His thermometer was even bigger. They were both scolding me for being a bad patient. Then they both started to laugh, and then their laughs turned in to snorts! I slowly began to wake up and realized they weren't snorting - they were snoring, loudly! And those weren't thermometers at my mouth and ass, they were hungry probing cocks. Talk about heaven! I opened my mouth and relaxed my ass and in they slid, all the way in! No pain, no gagging, just absolute heaven! I reached my hand to my cock and came even before touching it. Their cocks hadn't move yet but started to flex. With each flex I would unleash another shot of my hot cum onto the bed. Finally they stopped, and so did my cock. Their cocks rested in place, as if giving me time to recuperate. It was a good thing I had paid extra attention with the lube job earlier because Jack felt absolutely huge tonight! Jacks cock began to slowly pull out, taking its usual time. When only the head was left in me it paused, waiting. While Jacks cock waited, Sam’s cock began to make its retreat, slow and easy, just like Jack’s. Sam was now totally hard now, not just a 'semi like the other times. As it retreated I could feel my throat contract in its wake. It seemed like it would never end! Finally the head reach my lips and stopped. I reached out and wrapped my hand around its slim base. Slowly, my hand began the trip up to my mouth. It was amazing! It was indeed the 14 incher that I had predicted! It was slim, with a slight arch down, which surely helped make the trip down my willing throat easier. Both cocks now sat poised, as if waiting to see which one would make its move first. It was like dueling cocks with me as the prey! Jack made the first move, with swift advance - all the way in, all at once. When Jack stopped, Sam started, swiftly in, all the way. As soon as Sam cock stopped, Jacks began its slow but steady retreat. When Jack stopped, Sam’s cock started its retreat. Jacks cock advanced again just as Sam’s cock was finishing its retreat. Now they had a perfect rhythm going so that I was never without stimulation. As one cock was going in, the other was coming out. Now their movements kept time with their thunderous snoring. My senses were being bombarded. Taste, feel, sight and sound were all being stimulated to their max! On and on they played their beautiful music with their cocks as bows and me as their willing fiddle. The music built to a thundering crescendo and then WHANG went the cymbals in my head as all three cocks shot their loads!!! Sam’s cock pulsed and pumped load after load. I didn't have to worry about swallowing - his cockhead buried deep within me, his 14 incher long past my throat and probably half way down my esophagus. Jacks cock unleashed what seemed like gallons of hot steamy jizz juice up deep within me, far up into my bowels. With both cocks buried so deep within me it seemed sure that they must be about to meet, dickhead to dickhead, somewhere deep inside me. I too had unleashed the greatest orgasm of my life in unison with them. My cock spewed forth amounts that I didn't think no human cock was capable off! It was almost as if each hot jet of cum that they pumped into me would exit out of my cock, plus record amounts of my own!!!! My head was spinning wildly. I was wedged between these two beautiful brothers as they continued to grind their cocks into me, anxious to deposit every last drop that they had to offer me. At sometime during all of this Jack had rapped his meaty arms around my chest in a bear hug. Sam legs had my head pinned in place. Arms and legs were everywhere, all wrapped around some part of my body. I was delirious!!!! Their snoring had turned to moans, then to sweet whimpers as our bodies began to relax and descend from the fantastic testosterone high. Their whimpers turned into sighs, and then to gentle snoring. Sam roused a little and began a slow turn onto his back, taking his magnificent snake with him. Now it was I who whimpered as it passed my lips. Jack stayed with me, his bear hug loosening so that I could finally breathe. I kept his still throbbing cock locked deep within me. I wasn't ready to give it back just yet. I wanted to experience the feel of it as it softened. As it slowly deflated I could feel the head retreat within me. At mid-point between soft and hard it paused for just a moment and gave one last flex of its muscle, threatening to grow again. Alas, it didn't seem to have the energy, and neither did I. Finally I too feel off to sleep, joining in the chorus of snores that echoed through the woods and into the night.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Roof Raiser

A Man's Man, Part 1

I had been working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months and was more than ready for a vacation, when my co-worker Jack mentioned that he was heading up north for the weekend and wondered if I would consider coming along with him. He was building a small log cabin in the woods and needed some help in raising the roof rafters. I gladly accepted and we arranged to

A Man's Man, Part 2

All during the ride home from Jack's cabin, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Is it possible that he really did sleep through what was the most erotic experience of my life? But I then realized that the experience WAS so erotic BECAUSE he slept through it! The feeling of suspense and danger was what had thrilled me. Now there was a chance of a repeat

A Man's Man, Part 3

It was a couple of weeks before we could make it back up to Jacks cabin. We made plans to go up the first weekend in August. It had been a hot summer and I had hoped it might be a little cooler up in the mountains. Jack was to go up on Thursday afternoon in order to order the lumber and materials that we needed for the jobs we had planned. We wanted to make sure that they would

A Man's Man, Part 4

That glorious weekend with Jack and his kid brother Sam had created a dilemma for me. I now realized that I was totally and hopelessly in love with Jack. I don't mean in love with his cock or his body, but in love with the total package including his mind, heart and soul. He was all that I thought about. I wanted to spend every waking minute of the day with him. I wanted to spend

Jacks Are Wild!

EIGHTEEN--nine little letters that were to shape my future. I was certainly not a kid anymore, but not yet a man. I was well on my way to manhood with my body changing in delightful ways. Hair in the pits, the beginnings of a beard and the deepening of my voice all were adding to my physical appearance and what I would look like as a grown man. I have to admit that I was shaping up


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