Gay Erotic Stories

My Life with Drew Brees: Chapter 9

by Kyler79
06 Sep 2011

Celebrity Fantasy Family Fun

My Life with Drew Brees Chapter 9: Starting our Life Together

***Author’s note: I do not know the sexual preference of any of the person or persons written about in this story. Also, do not imply the sexual preference of any characters written about in this story. In addition, this story is completely pure fiction. I don’t know the real life story of the person this story is about. This story also includes men performing sexual acts so, if you are not the legal age in your state or part of the world. If not, please refrain from reading further. Also, the middle name that I actually use in this story is NOT my actual middle name, so not to completely draw stalkers. Also, this chapter will contain some incest in addition. If this isn’t something that you enjoy reading about I include my apologies. If this isn’t your cup of tea please skip this chapter. As always comments and suggestions are welcomed to my e-mail, Thank you and please enjoy. ***

Well, we are officially married as far as the country of Canada is concerned. This of course means nothing to the American government. But, at least we are happy. Well, since our Canadian nuptials, the State of New York has passed gay marriage, so we had decided to apply for a marriage license there. But, since there were so many applicants we were put on a waiting list. Which will mean nothing to the state of Louisiana, but soon hopefully they will pass it too. Also, while we were away in Canada we closed on our new house and started some renovations to put our own stamp on the house. Granted it is a historical house there isn’t too much we can change to it, not that we want to. But, there are a few things we want to update such as the master bedroom and bath, the kitchen, and the other bathrooms in the house. At least, the master was ready for us when we got back because we had spent a weeks in New York with Curtis and Eli before heading back to New Orleans. We had a blast seeing the sites. I had never been to the city before, so we saw everything.

But, now it was time to get back to the daily grind of going to work. This meant that Drew would have to keep an eye on the last of the renovations while I was at work which should only be a couple of more weeks.

(Forward to after the remodel is done)

The renovations are finally done and we couldn’t be happier. Now that the house was done, we could finally decorate. We had hired an interior decorator to help. Within days, the house was fully painted and decorated. Thank God I didn’t have to do a thing except make decisions as to what we wanted as far as decorations, furniture, and paint. The house is beautiful and fitting with the old style of the house.

We had enjoyed our new bed and drifted off to sleep. The next morning, I got up and headed off to work.

(POV Drew)

I woke up around 10:30 which could quite possibly be the last time this off season that I may be able to do so. Talks in the NFL were looking like an end to the holdout could be coming soon. So, I wanted to have a little fun with some of my quarterback friends, before we had to head back to training camp and the season. I called up Eli to see if he was still in town. Eli answered in a few rings and said, “Hey Drew. How is it going?” I respond, “It’s going good. I was curious if you were still in town?” He responded, “Yeah bud I still am. Actually, at the moment I’m hanging out with my bro, Peyt right now. What’s up?” I respond, “Well, I was hoping that you’d be up for a little fun. But, since you’re with Peyton, I suppose not.” He responded, “What makes you say that?” I respond, “Well, for one thing I’m not sure if your bro would be up for the kind of fun I’m thinking of. And two, I’m not sure how you’d feel about that.” Eli responds, “Well, I haven’t told too many people about this, but we have had some fun in the past with other people and quite frankly, I’d love to involve Peyt in on some fun again. Let me talk it over with him and I will call you right back.” I respond, “Sounds good. Talk to you soon.” And I hang up the phone. (POV Eli Manning) I put down my phone and Peyton asks me, “Hey bro, who was that?” I respond, “That was only the hottest quarterback in football aside from you, bro.” He responds, “What Brett Favre?” I respond, “Hell naw it wasn’t that ugly, old, prim Donna. You actually think he’s hot? What is wrong with you, Peyt?” Peyt responds, “Well, to me he is on the hot side. Yes, he is a little old, but still is quite hot. So, if it wasn’t Brett, who was it?” I respond, “It was Drew Brees.” Peyt responds, “So, what did he want?” I respond, “He was wondering if we’d want to come over for some ‘fun’.” A puzzled look came across Peyton’s face and he said, “What kind of ‘fun’ does he have in mind? Just throwing a ball around? Or something else that I can’t imagine coming from him being a married man?” I respond, “Well, yes he is married. Well, married twice.” He questions, “Twice?” I respond, “Yes, he is still technically married to his wife as far as I know. But, a couple weeks back, I was with him in Toronto to be witness to his marriage to his husband.” Peyton’s mouth just about hits the seat of his car. When he regains his composure he says, “Hell yeah I would love to have some of that kind of fun with him. As long as you’re willing to have another go with your big bro around, I'd love to have a go with you and Drew. I respond, “Well, it’s not like we haven’t fooled around with the same guy before. But, this time, I’d love to do things with you as well. I have often dreamed of having my mouth and maybe more on your hot rod. Do you want me to give Drew a call back and set it up?” Peyton responds, “Hell yeah bro, let’s do this.” I dial up Drew and while the phone is ringing, I turn on the speakerphone and wait for Drew to answer. Within a few rings, Drew picks up and says, “Hey E, so what is the verdict?” I respond, “We are all go for some fun this afternoon. When should we come over?” He responds, “Well, give me a few minutes to straighten up and take a shower. So, why don’t we say three-ish?” I respond, “That sounds good. See ya about 3 o'clock stud.” Drew gives me the address and I write it down and say good bye and hang up.

(POV Drew) Well, have a few hours until Peyton and Eli come over, so I better make the best of it. I start by straightening up the living room and foyer. Have to make the first impression on Peyton good. After I get that all straightened up, I head downstairs to the workout room. I figure that would be the best place for us to get it on. We have plenty of room down there plus we have a huge shower to clean off in, a makeshift bed and many other things at our disposal. Plus, we have a room down there full of condoms, lube, and plenty of toys. Once I decide that everything is just so, I head up to the bedroom to take a shower and get changed. After I get dressed, I head down to the living room and wait for the boys to get there. I must have nodded off while waiting because the door bell and my cell phone were going off like crazy. I get up off the couch and head to the door and let Eli and Peyton in. I show them to the living room and ask them if they’d want something to drink. They both decline, so I sit down and chat with them for a little while. After about a half an hour or so, I decide that it is time to get things under way. Just talking to these two studs got me horny as hell. Since, I never know when I’ll have a chance with Peyton again; I walk over to him and start kissing him. To get a better angle, I straddle him as he is sitting on the couch. As I am kissing him, he starts dry humping me. While we are going at it, Eli slides over on the couch and reaches in between us and starts rubbing our cocks through our jeans. We go at it like this for a few more minutes, and I get up and lead the guys downstairs where we can get more comfortable and not have to worry about any passers seeing us through the picture window. Once we get down to the locker room, I help Peyt out of his t-shirt and resume kissing him for a minute. Then, I start kissing his neck and continue a path across his pecs and to his right nipple. Once I get to his nipple, I begin nibbling and sucking on it. This really gets Peyt moaning out. While I am sucking and playing with Peyton’s nipples, he reaches over and takes me out of my t-shirt. Then, he reaches under my arms and starts tweaking my nipples. While we are doing this, Eli sneaks between our legs, unzips our pants and fishes our cocks out of our pants. Once they are out he starts stroking them. I stop playing with Peyt’s nipples and go back to kissing him. Within moments, Eli starts sucking our cocks beginning with mine and then switching to Peyt’s. Once Peyt and I are completely hard, Eli stops and helps us out of our shoes, socks, pants, and underwear. Once he is finished with that, he stands up and does a strip tease for Peyt and myself. Once he is fully naked, Peyton walks Eli over to the bench and bends him over it and starts eating out his ass. I walk over and climb under the bench and take Eli’s cock into my mouth and start sucking it. With the action that Eli is receiving from both Peyton and me, he starts moaning out in pleasure. After a short time of me sucking and Peyt tongue fucking Eli, I decide it is time to make things a little bit more interesting. First, I walk over to Peyt, and whisper in his ear, “Come over to the cabinet over there with me. Let’s grab a few things to make things a little more exciting.” He responds with a wink and then we head over to the cabinet. I grab the condoms, lube, two pairs of handcuffs, and two lengths of rope. Peyt nods in approval and grabs one of the dildos in the cabinet. I let out a laugh. Peyton looks over and asks, “What’s so funny bro?” I respond, “Nothing except for Eli should be pretty used to that dildo.” A puzzled look comes to his face and asks, “Why do you say that?” I respond, “That is an exact replica of my husband, K.J.’s cock. I had bought a clone-a-willy kit before he had gone out of town for work one time, so that I could imagine him fucking me while he was gone. And in the time that K.J. has spent with Eli, they’ve had a few romps in the sack, if you know what I mean.” Peyt responds, “Well then that should make it easier for me to get it in him. It’s nice to know that someone has finally opened up that hole of his. I’ve never spoken about this before, but E and I used to mess around when we were younger. I’ve always wanted to fuck him and feel his ass on my cock, but every time we tried, I couldn’t ever get my pinky finger in there.” I laughed and said, “No offense bro.” He responded, “Don’t worry about it.” I said, “You will definitely have no problem getting that dildo in there. And after sucking on your meat there, you shouldn’t have much of a problem getting that in there if you want.” I accentuated my point by giving him a wink. Then said, “Or if there’s another hole you’d want to stick that in either as a matter of fact.” Then I gave him another wink. After grabbing our things and our chat we headed back over to Eli. When we got back over to the bench, Eli said, “Well, it is about damn time you got back over here. I was starting to think you’d forgotten about me.” Peyt responded to his bro, “I know I haven’t forgotten about you and I’m pretty sure Drew hasn’t either. And since you have decided to sass us with that comment we are going to have to punish you now.” I chimed in and said, “And you may or may not like it.” Eli said, “Oh I’m pretty sure that I will.” I responded, “We will see. We will see.” With that, I got down on one side of the bench and Peyt got on the other. I handed him one set of handcuffs and one length of rope. We each took a handcuff and one of Eli’s wrists and attached one end to his wrist and the other to the leg of the bench. Next, we each grabbed one of his legs and moved them to the appropriate side of the bench. Then, we took the rope and tied his legs to the legs of the bench. And since K.J. and I had the bench bolted into the ground, Eli wasn’t going anywhere. Then, because we were now going to have to punish Eli, we quickly went back to the cabinet. I grabbed a leather belt and Peyt grabbed the riding crop out and went back to Eli.

(POV K.J.)

Boy I really wish I hadn’t gone into work today. It is so quiet and boring here today. I wonder what Drew is up to, so I decide to give him a call. It goes right to his voice mail, so I leave him one. He must have forgotten to charge his phone last night. I finish up what I’m working on and let my assistant know that I’m going to leave for the day. He comes in and asks if I need him to do anything. I think to myself, ‘Yeah you can come over here and let me have a piece of that sweet ass.’ Instead I say to him, “No thank you Chad. Have a good night.” He responded, “Thank you Mr. Brees. Have a good night yourself.” I log off my computer and head on out to my car and head home. Once in the car, I try calling Drew again and still goes right to his voicemail. Now I’m starting to get pissed. Normally his phone isn’t turned off and by now I would think he would have charged it or turned it back on. I try to calm down as I don’t want to wreck my car or push him away from me; I love him too much to do that. I take the long way home so I can have a chance to cool off. (POV Drew)

Peyton and I finish up punishing Eli for talking back and sassing us. Eli starts begging for our cocks and we oblige him. I unwrap a condom and put it on my cock and slowly insert it in his eager hole while Peyt shoves his cock into Eli’s mouth. We each start fucking our holes in front of us. We moan out in the pleasure we are receiving from Eli. I love how no matter much we stretched out Eli’s hole it still remains tight. Although I’m pretty sure after this fucking he might have some problems for a while.

(POV Peyton) I have received many a blow job, but there is something a little erotic and crazy receiving one from my hot little brother. He is taking my face fucking like a champ. I could almost bust a nut down his throat, but am going to try like hell to wait until I get a piece of his ass. I have rubbed one out to that very thought a few times before. But, I will continue to enjoy his mouth for now.

(POV K.J.)

After driving around for an hour or so, I pull into our driveway and see a car that I’m not familiar with. I think nothing of it maybe Drew had a few of his team mates over or something. Luckily it is over on Drew’s side of the driveway, so I open the garage and pull my car in. I turn off the engine and exit the car. I close the garage and head into the house. I hear some muffled moans coming from the basement, so I quietly head downstairs to investigate. I get down there and my rage returns. I yell out, “What the fuck is going on down here!” Drew, Eli and the third person who I’m not totally sure who it is freeze right where they are like three deer caught in headlights. Now I am beyond pissed, so I storm off towards the bedroom and contemplate packing a bag and get the hell out of the house.

(POV Drew)

‘I wonder what has gotten K.J. so pissed. I have never seen him like this. Hopefully he isn’t too mad at me.’ I turn to the guys and say to them, “Sit tight and relax, but please don’t do anything more until I get back.” They both respond, “No worries, we will sit tight right here until you get back.” Eli then says to me, “I hope you can get K.J. calmed down. I think it would be hotter if he would come down here and watch while we give him a show.” I respond, “I’ll see what I can do. I can’t make any promises though.” With that, I grab a robe from the closet and head off after K.J.

(POV K.J.) I’m beyond livid right now and head into the closet and grab an overnight bag. Then, I just start grabbing clothes and throwing them in the bag while trying to hold back the tears. I hear Drew walk into the bedroom Drew calls out, “K.J. where are you?” I try to ignore him. Drew calls out a second time, “K.J. where are you? I want to talk to you.” I angrily respond this time saying, “I’m in the fucking closet!” He joins me in the closet and tries to grab me. I try to resist, granted I have bulked up some since we have gotten together, but he is a little stronger than me and is able to wrap his hunky arms around me. Normally this would cause me to melt like butter on hot toast, but this time it doesn’t happen since I’m so mad at him right now. First, his phone going straight to his voice mail pissed me off. Then seeing him messing around with Eli and another man adds more fuel to the fire. Drew says to me, “K.J. please calm down and tell me what is wrong. I’ve never seen you this mad. Please talk to me.” I sit silent for a few minutes trying to choose the appropriate words to say at this point. After a few minutes I say to him, “You really want to know what the problem is? You should fucking know what the problem is! I can’t believe you! This is fucking bullshit! I thought you fucking loved me! Let me fucking go you fucking WHORE!” Drew lets me go and then says, “Babe, I do love you. Please just calm down and talk to me. I know it is a shock to you to come home and see me fucking Eli and Peyton here, too. But, I didn’t think that would be a problem.” I calm down and say to him, “First of all, I tried calling you numerous times and your phone kept going straight to voice mail. Secondly, I thought you’d at least let me know you were bringing Eli and Peyton over here. I have always told you when I was going to be messing around with someone else or a few people, but you went behind my back and set this up.” He responded, “I’m sorry that my phone went straight to voice mail. I must have forgotten to plug it in last night and didn’t realize that it had gone dead. I didn’t intentionally mean to hurt you by not letting you know that Eli and Peyton were coming over. I know that I should have at least sent you a text or called you to let you know. I apologize for not letting you know. I promise that it won’t happen again.” I respond, “I guess I did over react a little bit. But, sometimes I just wonder why you chose me. You could have your choice of any man, but you chose me. I really need to learn not to be so jealous and worry about us. Please forgive me.” He responded, “Absolutely babe. You know that I love you entirely I would never do anything to hurt you. Now come here and give me a hug and kiss.” I walk back over to him and embrace him and kiss him. Then Drew says to me, “Eli has a request for you. If you’re up to it. He wants you to come down and watch us fuck.” I respond, “Hell yeah! I love watching you fuck and no one better to watch you fuck aside from me would be Eli and maybe Peyton.” I grab his hand and we walk back downstairs. We get back downstairs and there are Peyton and Eli just waiting for us to return. I go into the other room and grab a chair to sit in and watch, but little do they know I will be joining in on the fun. Drew removes his robe and throws it on the ground and puts on a new condom and picks up where he left off fucking Eli’s hot hole. I strip off all of my clothes and sit down on the chair. Peyt stands up and resumes face fucking his little brother. To me it seems a little weird, but hot all at the same time. I start rubbing my cock watching these hot studs going to town on each other. I know full well that Drew is enjoying E’s hot ass as I know from experience how tight his hole is. I wonder how Peyton’s is but am not quite sure how he would take to being fucked. After a few minutes, Drew and Peyton change positions. Drew removes his condom and starts face fucking Eli while Peyton dons a condom and inserts his hot rod in his brother’s hole. Now, I have worked up enough courage to walk over to Peyt. I gently push him forward, so that I can have access to his hot ass. I get down on my knees and start tongue fucking his ass to see how receptive he is to getting fucked. As I start tongue fucking him, he begins to moan out. As he comes back out of his brother I can get further in his ass. I continue doing this for a few minutes and then decide to try going further. I remove my tongue from his ass, and grab the bottle of lube. I put a little on my finger and insert it into Peyt’s ass. He jumps a little bit and resists for a minute. After a few minutes, he eases up and I start really finger fucking him. After a few more minutes of me finger fucking Peyton, he says to me, “Give me your cock.” I remove my finger, stroke my cock back to its full hardness and throw on a condom. I slowly insert my cock in his ass. He resists a bit, and then loosens his hole up so I can begin to fuck him. Drew removes his cock from Eli’s mouth and frees him from the bench. Once he is free Eli manages to turn on to his back amazingly without even losing Peyton’s cock from his ass. Drew covers his cock with some lube and then gets behind me and begins fucking my ass. Now we have quite the chain going now. After ten minutes or so, I decide that it is time to change up the chain a bit because I want Eli’s ass. I say, “Let’s change this up. I need to have Eli’s ass. Not sure what you two want to do. If you want to continue the chain or go off and do your own thing that is fine too.” We all remove ourselves from our holes. Drew and Peyton grab the other bench and place it next to the one that Eli has been laying on. ‘I kind of figured that would happen. I know that Drew has been dreaming about being fucked by Peyton for some time now.’ Drew lies on his back on the bench and Peyton begins fucking him. As that happens, I begin fucking Eli, and Drew and Eli begin stroking their cocks. Peyton and I begin going to town on our appropriate fuck toys. Within moments, Eli begins squirming about on the bench. I know from experience that he is close to shooting his load. I stop fucking him leaving my cock in his ass just in time. Eli shoots out six loads of cum on to his stomach and chest. This really causes his hole to clamp down on my cock massaging it so well that I don’t have to be fucking him. When he finishes, I remove my cock from his ass and remove the condom. Then, I stroke my cock until I shoot seven or eight hot loads of cum onto his stomach and chest. We are exhausted and head off to the shower to clean off leaving Peyton and Drew to finish up.

(POV Drew) I say to Peyton, “Fuck me harder give me all you got.” He responds by picking up speed. And I in turn start stroking my cock faster. As I am close to cumming, I wrap my legs around his waist to hold him inside of me while I cum. I shoot out six giant loads of cum as my hole clamps down on his cock. My cum lands all over my chest and stomach. When I finish, I let my legs go from his waist and he withdraws his cock from my ass. Then, he removes the condom from his cock and jerks himself until he shoots eight large loads of cum on me. Some of it hits me in the face and the rest of it lands on my chest and stomach. It is so hot. Once we have finished, we join Eli and K.J. in the shower. I say to them, “Thank you for coming over for some fun. Eli, you already know that you are welcome to come over anytime. Peyton, the same invitation is now extended to you.” Peyton responds, “Thank you for inviting me over. This was a bunch of fun. K.J., I hope that you aren’t too upset with us.” K.J. responds, “I’m not mad at all, I just blew some things out of proportion, but, Drew and I worked them out and everything is fine now, but thanks for checking.” We continue cleaning ourselves off and then head off to dinner.

As always, thanks for reading. Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to my e-mail, Sorry for the length as well; it wasn’t easy to fit all of the details in. Also, sorry for the incestuous bits as well, but I have been wanting to do a story including Peyton with Eli. Thank you again for reading.


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