Gay Erotic Stories

Dad Did What He Had To

by Stagebear
16 Jun 2004

Family Fun Masturbation

When Cole Harmon received the phone call, he thought it was a prank.

"Mr. Harmon?" the voice on the other end asked.


"This is Ray Foulkes, I'm a nurse at County General. Is Wayne Harmon your son?"

"Uh, yeah. What's the problem? Is Wayne okay?"

"Well, that's a tough question to answer just now, Mr. Harmon." The nurse seemed to be searching for the right answer.

"What do you mean, "tough"? I asked you a question. Is Wayne okay?" Cole was getting tense.

"Mr. Harmon, your son was involved in a motorcycle accident this afternoon on Interstate 12. We've been trying to reach someone at his home for the past two hours."

"I just got home from work...wait a minute, did you say motorcycle accident?"

"That's correct."

"Oh, no, that's not possible. Wayne's always been terrified of cycles. My brother took him for a ride on his cycle when Wayne was six. He's been afraid of cycles ever since. Are you sure you have the right kid?"

"We're sure, sir. If you could just come down here, the doctors can explain fully the extent of Wayne's injuries."

Cole was sure this had to be a mistake, but he couldn't chance it. "I'll be right there"

On the way to the hospital, Cole thought about Wayne. The eighteen year old had always been something of a loner. He wasn't unpopular; he just marched to his own drummer. Cole and his wife Laina had always been proud of Wayne. He was adept at sports, but also had an artistic side. The kid was already 5'10" and showed signs of growing even taller. Cole enjoyed shooting hoops with his son. In fact, the two had always shared a close relationship. Wayne was their only child.

Cole couldn't bear the thought of losing him. He was thankful that Laina was out of town at a training seminar for work. This gave him the chance to assess the situation with a reasonably clear head. Laina would have broken down already.

Cole arrived at County General in record time. He rushed into the emergency room and was immediately escorted to a waiting room. A dark haired young man, wearing green surgical scrubs, addressed him by name.

"Mr. Harmon?"

"Yeah that's me."

"I'm Ray Foulkes. We spoke on the phone."

"Yeah, yeah, just tell me, how's Wayne?"

"Well, we know a little more than we did when I spoke to you earlier. It appears Wayne was a passenger on a cycle driven by a friend of his. Do you know Joshua Hunt?"

"Yeah, I think. He's in Wayne's Chemistry class; he's his lab partner. But I wouldn't call him a friend."

"In any event, Wayne was a passenger on the motorcycle. Mr. Hunt must have been showing off and took a curve just a little too fast. The cycle spun out and hit a guardrail. Your son was thrown from the bike and landed about thirty feet away."

"Oh, God...oh my God" Cole was feeling nauseated.

"Easy, Mr. Harmon. Here, have a seat"

The nurse guided Cole to a nearby sofa and sat next to him.

"Now, Wayne was very lucky, Mr. Harmon. He was wearing a helmet. Without it, he would surely have been killed"

"Okay, so exactly what did happen to him? Will he live?" Cole feared the answer.

"No question. He'll live. But he injured his spine, and that means-"

Cole cut the nurse off. "That means he's paralyzed?"

Visions of Wayne shooting hoops, running around the backyard, swimming in their pool flashed through Cole's fogged brain.

"Not likely, sir. But he will require some physical therapy and prolonged bed rest."

"But he'll walk, right?" Cole asked, eyes brimming with tears.

"If the healing goes as expected, there's no reason why he shouldn't be able to do everything he did before today."

"Except ride a motorcycle" Cole said, the tears flowing, both from concern and relief.

"Why don't you take a second to get yourself together, and then I'll take you to see your son," the nurse told him.

"I will, and thank you!" Cole replied.

Wayne's injuries turned out to be as the nurse had explained. He stayed in the hospital for eight days, and then was released, with a promise that physical therapy would be followed up at home.

When Laina heard of the accident, she did break down, just as Cole had expected. She flew home from her seminar and took full charge of Wayne's care. One of the two of them slept in Wayne's room nightly. Laina fed him his meals, read to him and watched his favorite TV shows with him.

But it was on the first day home that Cole's role in Wayne's recovery began to take shape. Laina was fluffing Wayne's pillows, in a vain attempt to make him comfortable.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Um, I have to go to the bathroom"

"Okay, sweetheart. I'll get your father."

Cole and Laina had discussed Wayne's "personal" care long before he came home and decided that, at eighteen, he might be more comfortable if Cole helped him out at such times. Cole came in to Wayne's room, trying to maintain a light atmosphere. He knew that neither he nor Wayne would be very comfortable with this, at least not right away.

"Hey, kiddo. Mom says you need some help, huh?"

"Yeah, Dad. I need to pee."

"Not a problem, kiddo. Let me get the bottle they sent home with you."

Cole rummaged in the bag Wayne had brought home from the hospital and found the urinal. He tried to keep the situation as light as possible. "You think you can fill this?" he said, grinning.

Wayne tried to return the grin, but was clearly uncomfortable. "Dad, c'mon", he said, blushing slightly.

Cole walked to his son's bedside and pulled back the sheet. Wayne was still wearing the hospital gown he had come home in. Cole lifted the bottom of the gown and pulled it back to expose Wayne's genitals. The 18-year-old's limp penis hung slightly to one side, the majority of its shaft buried in thick, curly dark brown hair. Wayne's father gently grasped his son's dick between his thumb and forefinger and placed it inside the opening of the urinal.

"Let 'er rip, sport", he told his son.

Wayne closed his eyes, straining slightly to get the flow started. Cole decided to give the boy a bit of privacy, so he turned his head, while still holding the urinal in place. Unfortunately, his slight turn shifted his body and Wayne's soft dick flopped out of the bottle.

"DAD!" Wayne shouted, but it was too late. The boy's cock was spraying piss everywhere. The sheets were wet and piss landed on his belly, streaming down his balls. His pubic hair was soaked. Cole did not go unmarked by the spurting yellow stream. His hand and arm were covered in piss before he was able to direct his son's dick back into the bottle.

"God, Dad, I'm sorry, I..." Wayne trailed off, clearly embarrassed.

Cole couldn't help himself. He began to laugh. What else could he do? It was his own fault for being overly concerned about Wayne's privacy.

"Don't get upset, sport! You used to do the same thing when I diapered you. In fact, one time you got me right in the mouth."

"Jeez, Dad--way to make me feel better!" Wayne said, but he was, indeed, beginning to smile, as his piss flow ended.

"What's going on in there? Are you guys okay?" Laina called from the hall.

"Don't let Mom come in!" Wayne pleaded.

Cole surveyed the scene. Here he was, covered in his son's piss, as his son lay there, exposed \from the waist down. "No, honey, we're fine. Just a little father-son bonding". Wayne couldn't help laughing at his father's description of the situation. Cole shushed him.

"We've got to get you cleaned up, sport. We were going to have to do the sponge bath thing tonight anyway, so here's our chance to really get up close and personal!"

"Just what I've always wanted. A sponge bath from Dad," Wayne cracked.

"Careful there, sport. Don't piss off the guy who is about to wash your balls."

"Why not? I pissed ON the guy who's going to wash my balls!" Wayne smirked.

"You're a laugh riot, boy" Cole said.

Cole went into Wayne's bathroom and washed up. After filling a basin with warm water, he grabbed a washcloth, soap and a towel. He had never given a sponge bath before and wondered if he could be thorough. Washing the boy's face, hands, legs would be easy. But he really had to do a good job, since Wayne wouldn't be showering for quite some time. That meant washing his son's cock and balls and, even worse, the kid's asshole. It was not something that Cole had been looking forward to. But he had no choice. There was no point in hiring someone to come in and do this. So, he assembled all his supplies and approached Wayne's bed, ready to bathe his son, top to bottom.

As Cole returned to his son's bedside, he happened to catch Wayne lightly fingering his young dick. Wayne stopped as soon as he saw his father coming. "Damn," Cole thought, "what a horndog! This kid's fresh from the hospital and already playing with himself. Man, to be 18 again!"

Cole set the basin, washcloth and towel down on his son's nightstand. He tried to keep the mood light, as he was well aware that neither he nor his son was comfortable with what was about to happen.

"Okay, sport, first things first. We gotta change this sheet." The piss soaked sheet was already a bit rank. Cole rummaged through the bag the hospital had sent home with Wayne, hoping to find some latex gloves like the nurses had worn. To his dismay, he found none. "Aw, shit." he thought, but didn't let his emotion show. He pulled a clean sheet from the pile of fresh linen his wife had left by the bed.

"Okay, bud, you ready?" Cole asked.


Slowly and carefully, Cole rolled Wayne to one side, pulling the edge of the sheet from the bed.

The nurses had shown Cole and Laina how to perform these routine tasks. They had stressed however, that Wayne was to move as little as possible. Any excessive movement of his upper body, even brushing his teeth too strenuously, posed a risk to his bruised spinal cord.

"How you doin', sport?"

"Fine, Dad." Wayne said, though his voice betrayed the pain.

"Almost done, kiddo." Cole walked to the other side of the bed and gently rolled Wayne over. The piss soaked sheet was freed and Cole simply repeated the steps, in reverse, to put the new sheet on the bed. Then he removed Wayne's hospital gown.

Cole couldn't help but admire his son's body. The 18 year old had developed nicely. Not overly muscled, just taut and sinewy. A swimmer's build, some might call it. A light trail of hair began just below the kid's belly button, leading to a thick, dense patch of pubes, which partly concealed his soft dick. Just below hung his balls, lightly covered in the same curly brown hair.

Cole wet the washcloth in the basin and soaped it thoroughly. He began at Wayne's chest, rinsing the washcloth between swipes. He gently raised his son's arm and started to wash his armpit. Wayne drew in his breath.

"Ticklish?" Cole asked.

"Sort of."

Cole moved around the bed and lifted Wayne's other arm. As before, Wayne breathed in sharply, but this time there was also some movement in his crotch. His dick, soft and slung over to one side, began to lengthen slightly and flopped down over his balls. Wayne could tell his dad noticed.

"Sorry, Dad. I''s just that I'm..."

Cole cut him off "It's just that you're 18. No big deal." Cole suddenly realized what he had said. "Not your penis, I didn't mean that it wasn't a big deal, I just meant..." Now they were both stammering. "Let's just get back to business, okay?"

"Sure, Dad"

Cole continued to bathe his son, working his way across the boy's chest. The kid's nipples grew hard as the washcloth moved over them. "Christ," Cole thought, "he's horny as hell. No wonder. First the hospital and now stuck in bed here. This kid hasn't gotten a nut in a while! Oh, man, he's in for a long haul." Cole tried to get his mind off his son's unusual situation and finish the bath. He suspected, however, that the poor kid was going to get even hotter when Cole washed his cock and balls.

As Cole brought the washcloth lower, Wayne's cock began to spring to life, lifting off the cushion of his balls and rising with every beat of the kid's heart. Cole began to feel very uncomfortable.

"Look, sport, maybe we should finish this later, huh?" Cole said, sheepishly. He looked up and saw a tear forming in his son's eye. He knew what the kid was thinking. It was bad enough the poor kid couldn't get his own rocks off, now he was popping a boner in front of his own dad.

"It's doesn't matter, Dad. Now or later, it's still going to be there. I can't help it." Wayne sniffled.

Cole considered his options. Clearly, asking his wife to finish the kid's bath was out of the question. Wayne had blanched at the thought of his mother seeing him naked, let alone like this. And there was no way to get outside help now. Maybe for the future, but for today, they were going to have to tough this out together.

"Don't worry, son. We'll get through this. Heck, I'm just jealous. I wish mine still got hard that easily."

Cole's little attempt at humor was enough to break the ice, and Wayne smiled. Cole wiped the tear from his eye. Then he turned to the job at hand. He soaped the washcloth and reached for his son's hard dick.

Wayne Harmon's dick hovered over his stomach as he lay in bed, pulsing with each heartbeat. His dad's hand paused only briefly, before gripping his son's cock in his washcloth covered hand. He gently washed Wayne's cock, running the washcloth over the shaft, starting at the base and sliding up to the head. As the washcloth engulfed the head of the kid's prick, Wayne gasped involuntarily.

"Easy, tiger" Cole whispered. He knew Wayne's response was purely physical. At 18, Cole had jacked off at least daily, if not more. So, he knew that Wayne was just plain horny, and any hand on his dick just now was going to set him off.

Satisfied that Wayne's cock was clean, Cole moved the cloth down to the kid's plump nut sack. He lathered the balls thoroughly and rinsed the cloth. Then he carefully removed any traces of lather from his son's genitals. Finally, he moved Wayne's legs slightly apart and began to wash below his nuts, dipping down to his asshole. Wayne's body tensed, and Cole was afraid Wayne would do further damage to his spine.

"Sport, you have to lay still," Cole cautioned.

"I can't help it, Dad. I know it's weird, but that feels kind of..."

"I know, kiddo, I know. I was eighteen once, too. But you can't move around too much, okay?"

"I'll try, Dad."

"Alright, sport. We're almost done, anyway."

Cole resumed washing between the boy's legs. It was then he noticed a translucent drop of precum gathered at the tip of Wayne's cock. It swelled and rolled backward, dangling it's droplet onto the boy's stomach. He knew, without doubt, that Wayne would want to jack off the second Cole left the room. Clearly, that was too risky, considering his injuries. But how do you tell an eighteen year old not to beat his meat?

"Hey, sport."

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Um, I can see you're horny and everything."


"C'mon, Wayne, cut the crap. We're both guys, father or no father. And I know what you're going to do the second I'm out of here. And you can't Wayne. Not just yet. You know what the docs said."

"But, Dad! What am I gonna do? Lie here with a permanent woody? I won't hurt myself, I promise!"

"Sorry, son. No dice."

"You can't stop me. You have to leave sometime."

"Let's ask your mom about that, shall we? LAINA!"

"No, wait, Dad! Okay, win, I won't do it, I swear." There was a tear welling up in Wayne's eye again.

"Did you call me, hon?" came Laina's voice from the hall.

"Nevermind, sweetie. I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay," and she was gone.

Cole thought the situation through for a brief moment. Clearly, Wayne would be left alone eventually. Can't have a "jack-off guard" in his room. And Cole did not intend to tell his wife about any of this. Wayne was still her "baby" and, while she wasn't naive, she still wouldn't want to hear about this. An idea began to take shape. After all, he had already washed the kid's prick and balls...hell, even his asshole. The barrier had been broken. If he was willing to help the kid pee, wipe his ass, then maybe he could help him out with yet another call of nature.

"Holy Christ!" thought Cole, "where did *that* come from? Jacking off my own son? I'm a perv. A fuckin' perv!"

"You okay, Dad?"

"Yeah, son. Just thinking." Cole continued to wash his son, finishing off his legs and feet. All the while, Wayne's cock remained hard as a rock, leaking precum. Cole looked at his son. He couldn't stand to see the kid so frustrated. He made his decision.

Cole held the washcloth in his right hand and reached for Wayne's bobbing dick with his left. He wiped up the trail of precum now running into the kid's pubes. Then he ran the cloth over the head of his son's dick, removing any traces of juice.

"God, Dad! You're really trying to kill me, aren’t you?" Wayne cried out, bucking his hips slightly.

"Listen, sport. If you want me to, I can, um, sort of, uh, help you out with your problem here." Cole had not released Wayne's prick, and it throbbed a bit in his hand.

"You mean...?"

"If you want me to."

"You won't tell Mom, will you?"

Cole raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah. She's the first person I'll tell. Right after I take out the ad in the Journal. I can see it now: 'I Masturbated My Son' by Cole Harmon, Pervert" Wayne laughed, in spite of himself.

"Look, sport, I can't imagine being your age and not being able to take care of business. I don't see a whole lot of alternatives here, do you?"

"I guess not. I mean, this isn't too weird, is it?"

"Oh, yeah, kiddo, make no mistake, this is about as weird as it gets. But I'm willing to help you out."

"Um, thanks, Dad."

Cole saluted his son, and then set about doing what he had to. The hospital had sent home a bottle of lotion to assure Wayne's skin didn't get too dry. Cole reached for the bottle and squirted a generous dollop into his hand.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you. And for Christ's sake try not to moan or anything. Your mom will think I'm beating you."

Cole reached out and again grabbed his son's hard dick. Wayne gasped as Cole's hand slid down the shaft, into the dense pubes at the base. Cole ran his hand up to the head of Wayne's prick and then began the steady rhythm he knew would get the kid off.

Wayne began to moan quietly, remembering his father's warning. He hadn't come in weeks but, as much as he wanted this to last, there was something a little disturbing about being jerked off by your dad.

"That's it, kiddo. Enjoy the ride." Cole whispered to his son, as he picked up the pace of his jacking hand slightly. He sensed that the kid was still uncomfortable, so he continued to whisper to him.

"I remember my first hand job, sport. I was about your age." Cole grinned at his son. "Close your eyes, son. Think about some cheerleader with perky tits, or that girl you met at camp last summer. Melissa?"

"Yeah, Melissa" Wayne said.

"Yeah, kiddo. That's Melissa's hand sliding on your dick. My first girlfriend was Tammi. Man, she knew how to give a guy a hand job. She'd get her hand all wet with spit, then slide it up and down, tightening a little when she got to the head, like this." Cole moved his hand to the head of his son's cock and squeezed. Wayne sighed deeply.

"Like that too, huh? Must run in the family. Then Tammi would tickle the hair on my balls."

"Oh, yeah." Wayne moaned.

"What the hell," thought Cole, and he played his fingers lightly through the hair on his son's balls, all the while maintaining the stroking motion on his dick.

"What else did she do, Dad?"

"Well, as she was jerking me off, she would lick my balls, and just underneath. The same spot that seemed to set you off, boy."

"Oh, God, yeah"

"Easy there, sport. There are limits to what I'm willing to do for you, accident or no accident."

"Nobody's ever licked my balls. That must feel amazing."

"It does, kiddo, believe me."

"Please, Dad? I'm so close and I need to cum, bad!"

"Wayne, this is getting to deep for me." Cole said, letting go of his son's dripping penis.

"NO! Please don't stop, Dad. I'm sorry I asked. I was just so hot, I..."

"Nevermind, sport. I understand." Cole said, as he resumed jacking his son off.

Wayne closed his eyes and imagined it was Melissa jacking him off. Meanwhile, Cole came up with a compromise. There was no way he was going to lick his kid's balls, hell, he'd probably throw up. But he brought his fingers to his mouth and soaked them in his spit. Then he lowered his wet fingers and lifted Wayne's nut sack. Gently, with a pressure he knew would drive the kid crazy, he began stroking the area between his son's balls and asshole.

"Aw shit, Dad!" Wayne cried, lifting his hips as much as his injured spine would allow. Cole leaned over to quiet the boy; he didn't want Laina coming back to the door. As he leaned over Wayne's cock began to erupt, shooting his young semen over both of the Harmon men. A glob of the thick white cream landed directly on Cole's lips. His tongue darted out in a reflex response and, before he could think, he had taken his son's semen in his mouth.

A slight wave of nausea came over Cole as he realized what had happened. Then, he shrugged to himself. "Well, the kid hasn't changed. Peed in my mouth when he was 18 days old, and now this."

"Thanks, Dad. I can’t believe you'd do that for me!" Wayne smiled at his father.

"Anytime, sport. And by that I mean NEVER AGAIN!" They both laughed and Cole began, once again to bathe his son.


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Dad Did What He Had To

When Cole Harmon received the phone call, he thought it was a prank. "Mr. Harmon?" the voice on the other end asked. "Yes?" "This is Ray Foulkes, I'm a nurse at County General. Is Wayne Harmon your son?" "Uh, yeah. What's the problem? Is Wayne okay?" "Well, that's a tough question to answer just now, Mr. Harmon." The nurse seemed to be searching for the right answer. "What do


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