Gay Erotic Stories

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 05

by Dave 1
24 Aug 2000


Chapter 5 "Hey, sleepy head." A soft voice whispered, next to my ear. "You going to sleep all day?" I rolled over onto my back, and I rubbed my eyes, as the most beautiful woman in the world's face came into focus. She was smiling warmly at me. "It's four o'clock. You told me to wake you up then." she said. I noticed as my eyes swept down her body, that she had changed clothes. She now wore a blue denim midi skit, a wrap around that ended about mid thigh, on her gorgeous legs, and a white dress shirt of mine, unbuttoned almost to her navel, and tied just below her quivering breasts. Her hair was brushed down around her face, and she looked like an angel, sitting there on the side of the bed, smiling down at me. She leaned down slowly, looking into my eyes, as she gently placed her soft, full lips against mine, and kissed me. Her breath was sweet, and warm. Sharon has what I call, Kim Basinger lips, the kind of lips that need no make up. Just a clear lip gloss, making them shiny and wet. As I tasted her mouth, I thought of the sounds I'd heard, before drifting off to sleep. And I tried to picture her lips, sliding up and down our son's rampant cock, and it glistening with her saliva. "How long has Dave been gone?" I asked, yawning and sitting up. She moved back just a little, giving me room. "I'd say about an hour." she replied, brushing some hair back out of my eyes. "Jane called, and said she was feeling better, and wanted him to come home, and go get her some soup or something." Then she added, "Then daddy called." she said softly. "What did he want?" I asked. He didn't call all that much, so it was a little unusual. He usually waited until he would see us at church, or he'd run into us somewhere. Dad wasn't much on talking on the phone. He always said, he spends enough time on the phone, in his line of work, that he didn't particularly want to talk much on it for leisure. "Just wanted to make sure I really wanted to go with him this Saturday. I told him I did, and he said he was thinking that, we should leave probably around three o'clock, in order to get there, and not have to rush it." she said, smoothing down the quilt on the bed as she spoke. That sounded about right to me, since it was three hours or better away from us. "You SURE, you don't mind my going?" she raised her head and looked at me. "I don't have to, honey." "I know you don't. But I can see you want to, so absolutely I want you to go. I'll be fine here. I won't be home anyway Saturday night." I said. "Well, he mentioned that if things ran too long, he may decide to get a room for the night, and come home early the next morning. He wondered if that would be a problem for me." she was being hesitant about something. "Would it?" I was fully awake now, and I pulled her against me and I hugged her close. Her body felt warm and familiar to me. I loved the feel of her in my arms. "What would he do about church the next morning? You won't get in, in time for him to have services." I said. "I know, he mentioned that. He said he could get some one to fill in for him, as far as that was concerned. He was thinking of doing it anyway, even if we come back Saturday night late." she told me. "So what’s the problem?" I asked. "Seems to me he has it all figured out." She had been laying back against my chest, her head on my shoulder, looking at the pictures and things on the wall, her arms crossed under her titties. "No problem, I don't guess." she sighed. "I just... I don't know... after what happened the past three days... it seems like my life has taken a totally new direction." She looked at me. "Meaning?" I smiled softly, she was GOING somewhere with this, I just couldn't figure out where. Then she sat up, turned towards me, and she took my hands in hers, kissing them, as she raised her eyes to look at me. "Can I ask you something? And you'll be honest with me?" she added. I had to chuckle sometimes, she acted just like a little child. And when she did, she could be so cute, and innocent looking. "Of course you can, honey. YOU know that." I laughed, and she reddened just a little. "Have you ever... have you thought about what it'd be like... to fuck my mother?" and once she got that out, her eyes looked boldly into mine, and I could feel myself blush too. My mother in law, is NOT a beautiful woman, by today’s standards. That’s not to say she isn't pretty, because she is. She's DAMN attractive, sexually, with a super looking body. But she's very plain looking in the face, with a dynamic personality. A lot of people say that she's my father in law's biggest strong point. She's very popular with everyone she comes into contact with, and very well liked. The answer to my wife’s question was a resounding... "YES". I'd thought many a time, what it'd be like to slip into her. Would her pussy look like my wife’s? Is she as hairy, and is it thick as Sharon's? "Damn, where did that one come from?" I chuckled, as she stared at me, waiting for an answer. There was a slight smile on her face, as she studied me. "Yeah, I guess I have, at one time or another." I answered, finally. "Why in the world would you ask me THAT?" I laughed. "Because... I was just curious." Her blue eyes sparkled. But I knew better, my wife asked for a specific reason. "Are you trying to promote something here?" I laughed, kissing her on the cheek, as I slipped a hand in her shirt, and I cupped her tittie. The hard nipple scraped my palm. She was definitely aroused. She giggled too, and I could see I had guessed right. "Alright, what's on that pretty little mind of yours, beautiful?" I asked. "Oh... just thinking, I guess." she blushed, then grinned as she looked at me. "If daddy DID decide to stay over night in Sandusky... it'd be a shame to waste such an opportunity." she aid softly. "Don't you think?" and her mouth curled into the sexiest grin, as her nose crinkled up. It hit me, what she was saying, and I felt a rush to my groin. My mouth fell open, and my eyes must have gotten bigger, because she laughed and got up, going to the mirror to study her reflection, turning this way and that. "Are you talking about, your FATHER?" I asked, standing up too, now. "How in the world would you hope to accomplish that, honey?" The thought of it was creating all kinds of delicious images in my mind. I certainly LIKED the thought of it. But could she do it. "Damn, this thing with Dave, has really opened you up good." I said. "I'm not complaining, mind you." I added quickly. "What makes you even suspect, that you might be able to pull something like that off? My god, babe... he's a preacher for one thing, and your DAD to boot." I said. She turned from the mirror, eyes bright with laughter, and she came slowly towards me. She reached out, slipping her arms about my waist, as she pressed against me, her belly rubbing my cock. "No one thing, in particular. Just a lot of little things, I guess." she whispered. "I swear, honey. I don't think it would be that difficult, I really don't." she sounded serious, and VERY excited. "I REALLY think he would, if he knew I wanted to." she said. I didn't know what to say, at that point. She seemed like this idea had been in her mind for a long time. I had reason to feel that it didn't JUST pop into her mind. "Jesus Christ, babe! You're fucking serious, aren't you?" I looked down into her beautiful eyes, as she smiled up at me. She nodded her head, vigorously. "Just think, honey." she whispered. "If I could get daddy to fuck me, it would leave the door wide open for you to try and fuck mother. And... "she grinned devilishly, "If I know mother... she'd let you in a heart beat. She adores you." Seeing her soft mouth, so inviting, and her white teeth, as she smiled up at me, I dipped my head and I mashed my mouth to hers, sucking her tongue into my mouth, as her fingers closed around my cock and squeezed. The thought run through my mind, as we stood embracing... "Just what the FUCK have we started here? It's like a snowball, rolling down a hill, gathering speed, and size as it rolls, sweeping everything, and everybody it comes into contact with, into it's rolling mass. And it's the most EXCITING thing that I've ever encountered in my life, and I had my beautiful, incestuous wife to thank for it, her and our oldest son.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Dave 1

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 01

Chapter 1 I couldn't help but notice, as I reached out to shut off the alarm, just how light the room seemed for ten o'clock at night. I work the night shift, and it was time for me to get up and get ready to go to work. As I slipped out of bed, I glanced out the window, and I could see a heavy blanket of snow covering the ground. As I stood looking out at it, my thoughts

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 02

Chapter 2 - the Slide Downward Continues Normally, when I work a Saturday night midnight shift, I don't go to church, when I come in the next morning. I go right on to bed. But I just couldn't this Sunday morning. All night long I had thought about what I had witnessed, the previous night, before leaving for work. My wife of twenty six years, coupled with our twenty five year

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 03

Chapter 3 - She reveals even more. The ride to the church was silent for a little while. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I glanced over at Sharon, and she had her legs crossed, her hands folded ladylike in her lap, and she was gazing out the window, watching the snow white country side pass by. The navy blue dress she had chosen to wear looked fantastic on her. It had a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 04

Chapter 4 After the service that morning, we stood around, greeting and talking to people that we normally don't see any other time but at church. Sharon was off to herself, with a group of ladies that she enjoys talking to, and Dave was busy chatting with some of his own age. I had a few people that I talked to as well, but my eyes kept flitting back to my wife, then my son. I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 05

Chapter 5 "Hey, sleepy head." A soft voice whispered, next to my ear. "You going to sleep all day?" I rolled over onto my back, and I rubbed my eyes, as the most beautiful woman in the world's face came into focus. She was smiling warmly at me. "It's four o'clock. You told me to wake you up then." she said. I noticed as my eyes swept down her body, that she had changed clothes.

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 06

Chapter 6 The next few days were very hectic, and yet, they seemed to pass as if I were in a fog. I had Monday and Tuesday off, and while I had plenty to do around the house, to keep me busy, I couldn't get my mind off of what had transpired over the weekend. It had truly changed the course of our lives, both Sharon's AND mine. Sharon called several times, which she never does,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 07

Chapter 7 As I sat in my car, slowly stroking my cock, and thinking about what I had just witnessed inside the store. I came to the realization that, in the past few days, since finding my wife, and oldest son, locked in an incestuous embrace on our living room floor, I am somewhat of a voyeur. I LOVE watching other people fuck. I get as much pleasure out of watching other's, as

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 08

Chapter 8 When I came home from work Friday morning, it was around eight thirty. Normally I get home around seven, but we'd had all kinds of mechanical problems at work, the night before. So I stayed over a while, to try and help. Normally, Sharon would be gone to work, by eight thirty, but as I pulled into our driveway, I could see her car still in the garage. I got out of my

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 09

Chapter 9 The ride to my in-law's house that evening was spent mainly discussing the trip coming up the next day. I could feel it in Sharon's words, and in her excitement, that she was really looking forward to going with her father. Not once, did she mention our conversation of that morning, regarding myself and Jane. Nor did I inquire about she and Milton, and him coming in for a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I still had almost two hours, before I had to leave for work, and I lay on the bed, relaxing, listening to Sharon humming in the shower. I was thinking about the evening, and the time I had spent alone with my mother in law. It had made me feel like that, what Sharon had told me a few days earlier, was definitely NOT out of the question. Perhaps my mother in law WAS

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 As I drove back towards home, I worried, and I wondered, about what was going through my mother in-law's mind right then. She was sitting silently beside me, her hand on my thigh, as she gazed out the window, into the passing night. I have never been more excited, than I was at that moment. My cock was still tingling, as I thought about the way her pussy had felt,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Going to the open door of the bathroom, I looked in, watching her through the shower curtain. Her head was thrown back, trying to keep her hair dry, as she rinsed of the soap from her titties, playing with them, as she did. With her standing in profile to me, I could see the gentle curve of her belly, and the hint of a bulge, as it led down into the thick jungle

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 After hanging up the phone, my mother in law, who was still sitting, impaled on my now revived cock, looked at me and blushed. "It looks like you're going to get your wish." she grinned, and she worked her hips back and forth slightly. Her snug pussy, was even moister now, after having talked to Sharon on the phone. "Was she upset about us?" she asked. "Are you

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 I couldn't stand it, hidden there in the guest bedroom, not being able to see them. Listening to the sounds of the bed, creaking beneath them as they fucked. The soft, slapping sound of his belly hitting hers, and the grunt and gasp she emitted, each time he plunged into her. I had to see,... I had to, even though it meant risking getting caught in the process. "Oh

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The next morning, as we sat in church, trying to concentrate on the service, I had other things on my mind. The close proximity of my wife for one thing. Her thigh pressed firmly against mine, as we sat trying to look like we were paying attention. But I have a feeling we were failing miserably. I had a feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking about. Each time I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 16

Chapter 16 The following week was pretty much a normal, humdrum week. Nothing especially out of the ordinary happened. That is through Wednesday. I worked Tuesday night as usual, and when I came in from work, there was a note from Sharon on the table, along with a plastic bad. Honey, Could you do me a favor, and see that this gets dropped off to mother today? It's something that


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