Gay Erotic Stories

High Hopes, Chapter 3

27 Dec 2000


The next couple of days were spent sight seeing. The couple went to the famed Ramsey Canyon Reserve. Neither had ever paid much attention to birds before so this was going to be an experience. They watched several breeds of humming birds being banded and hiked miles of trails. They ate at a couple of the restaurants recommended by Mark and Jane, the La Casita Mexican Restaurant and Cantina and the Stagecoach Steakhouse and Saloon. They went bowling at Vista Lanes and wore themselves out. An older couple bowling at the lane next to theirs told them about the copper mine just a few miles to the east, Carla and Dave had talked about it before and now decided that they must go see it for themselves. They got up early the next morning and set off on the adventure. They visited The Queen Mine and took the guided underground tour. It was a nice ride, about forty minutes southeast of Sierra Vista in Bisbee, it was also one of the coolest places to be this day with temperatures reaching nearly one hundred degrees. The Queen Mine is famed to be the oldest copper mine in Arizona. Wearing the slickers and hard hats provided, they rode the trains through the mine with a tour guide who had been a former miner. It was The morning of their last day in fascinating stuff. Sierra Vista, Carla got up early to fix Dave breakfast and to see him off. The night before he had hinted that he'd like to play another round of golf before they left but didn't feel right leaving her at the house again without a car. Carla explained that she wanted to get the house back in order and the bags packed and could do it easily by herself - when she finished she would just hang out at the pool until he returned. He obliged promising that they would do anything she wanted that night when he returned. He left and Carla cleaned up the breakfast dishes and piddled around the house for a couple of hours tidying up, doing a little laundry, and packing. With the work done, she searched the bedroom for her swimsuit. As she undressed, she noticed that the redness from the sunburn she acquired as a result of taking her top off a couple days before was turning tan and her nipples weren't so sensitive anymore. Dave hadn't noticed the burn. Last night, when he made love to her, she trembled and groaned every time he brushed across her breasts. "He must have thought he was really good," Carla laughed, "thank goodness the lights had been dimmed," she sighed with relief. Carla stretched out on a lounge chair by the pool--drink in hand. She remembered to use a sun screen on her entire body. One just never knows what surprises fate may bestow upon them. The outdoor stereo was tuned to a local "oldies" station playing "Hold Me", one of her favorite songs by Fleetwood Mac. It reminded her of her first husband. It was "their song". She thought about him once in a while never really understanding why she left him. Too young and impulsive was probably the best answer she had. He always referred to her as "My Carla" and he held her hand everywhere they went. Carla still loved listening to Fleetwood Mac for their rather seductive music and lyrics. She had almost fallen asleep when a voice called from the other side of the fence snapping her back to present, "Mind if I come over?" "Sure, I mean no, come on over," she tried to sound nonchalant but her voice betrayed her with an "I thought you'd never show up!" anxiousness. He entered through the gate as before this time wearing denim shorts barely riding on his hips, button fly, with the top two undone. He pulled the other chaise over to hers and sat on its side staring at her back. It didn't take him long to notice that not only were her straps not tied around her back and neck, but they were not hanging over the sides of the lounge either. "I've been watching for you," his nervousness evident, "I was hoping to see you again before you left." Carla rolled over, "I hoped to see you too." Shawn leaned over her and covered her mouth with his. He kissed her long and hard until she began to laugh, "This is crazy. I must be out of my mind!" Shawn moved down to her nipples and seeing that they were sunburned licked very gently. Carla shivered. He asked her how such a nice little girl got such a nasty burn on her breasts. She laughed and replied, "I can't seem to remember." He bit her. Shawn took his time teasing her body with his tongue. He licked from one nipple to the other and down to her belly button, round and round stopping to place delicate kisses here and there. When he reached her bikini he looked up into her eyes, "Now?" he pled. "Now," she nodded. A shiver of excitement zinged through her body. She raised her hips slightly to help him with the task. Shawn hooked his thumbs around the elastic band and ever so slowly worked the panty down. It was a little tight. She had to fight not to reach down and hurry him up. The garment reached her knees and then stopped. Shawn teased her tracing the triangle of her pubis. Anxiety was building inside her until finally she wiggled and kicked and flung the article from her feet. "Patience, patience," he chided. Carla had never known an eighteen-year-old, especially one bearing a hard on, to have patience. She grabbed him by his neck and pulled him down on top of her. Shawn yelped as he toppled over her. Bracing himself on his elbows, his face grew serious looking into her eyes full of want. "You're sure." Carla tried to slow her thoughts and actions weighing the seriousness of what she was about to do. She had never cheated on her husband before, never ever even considered it, or perhaps, the opportunity just never presented itself before. The sex in her relationship with Dave had been completely unsatisfying of late and she just couldn't help herself. She wanted Shawn right this moment. Somehow, it didn't seem so wrong. Taking his face into her hands, she pulled his lips to hers and kissed him softly. Her hands moved down to his shorts and awkwardly tugged at them. Shawn grunted as he stood. It was obvious that she wasn't going to get the job done in her incommodious position. He started pulling the shorts down as she monitored every movement. There he stood at attention before her, she was melting, wishing that he would quit playing around and take her. But he didn't. Shawn knelt at the foot of the chaise and pulled her to him by her legs until his face touched the heat of her. She bolted upright the moment his tongue touched her skin. His eyes were grinning but his blessed tongue never let up. She collapsed again on her back and tried to relax but it was impossible. Her body trembled, her hips bucked back and forth, up and down, trying to rid herself of the sweet torture and at the same time begging for more. Carla clutched his hair and held on tight. Her moans advanced into squeals, her body began to shake and . . . Shawn stopped. The sound of the garage door opening startled them. Shawn rose, kissed her and quickly jumped into his shorts. "Wait . . . stop . . . don't leave," Carla trying exigently to regain her control , "Stay and swim. I want you to meet my husband." "No way!" Shawn waved as he opened the gate. "Please!" Carla begged. I don't know," quite uncertain about her plan. "Just stay out here!" desperate now. She entered the house wearing only the bikini bottom and met Dave just as he was coming in the garage entrance. "I thought I heard you come in." Carla greeted. "Where are your clothes?" He growled, walking on past . "I've been swimming. Want to join me?" "Uh, guess so. Let me change clothes," was his perfunctory reply. Carla raced to the kitchen to fix drinks. She poured three cokes. One for Shawn, with just a little bit of bourbon to loosen him up. One for Dave, with about 50/50 bourbon and coke to ease his disposition, and straight up coke for herself, she wanted full control of her senses tonight. Carla brought Dave's drink to him in the room. He was laying on the bed and promised to join her in a few minutes. By then hopefully he would have drank most of his drink, she hoped. Carla rejoined Shawn in the pool handing him his drink, giggling, like a child who has just pulled the proverbial wool over her parents' eyes. She jumped into the water and snuggled up to Shawn who was hiding by squatting down, back against the wall so his head wasn't visible from the patio doors. She leaned her still bare breasts into his face waving them back and forth until he laughed. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer taking a mound of boob into his mouth, biting playfully. She squealed, holding him by the ears. They played in the water until Dave came out carrying a beer. Shawn had consumed half of his drink and was getting a little aggressive. Carla stepped out of the water and introduced the neighbor who emerged from his perch and turned demurely to confront her husband. He felt as if his guilt showed all over his face, it did not help that Carla was still bare breasted, but Dave seemed oblivious to that fact. He stepped out of the water to shake hands and the two sat at a table and talked while Carla swam. Shawn wasn't sure what Carla had told Dave and felt embarrassed about the position she had put him in. He tried to explain, "Your wife, I mean Carla, she wants to . . . " "I know, I know, she wants to have sex with you." Dave interrupted. Shawn's mouth dropped, "I, uh, she told you?" "I've never seen her swim without her top on before, hell, I didn't even know she owned a two-piece suit." he sipped from the can, "and the drink, man, it was strong enough to sedate a horse, I thought she wanted me dead until I saw you through the bedroom curtains playing with her breasts. Yeah, I know what she's up to." Dave burst out laughing. Shawn was still a little uneasy. The two men sat back and talked, somewhat relieving Shawn's apprehension, they finished their drinks, and watched Carla. Carla's head popped up out of the water, "Join me?" They shook their heads and motioned for her to come and sit with them. Carla stepped out of the pool gracefully and strode to the table. She was getting nervous now. She was getting the feeling that maybe this wasn't a good idea. The drinks on the table were empty and, looking around to find hers, she asked if she could refill either of theirs. Carla leaned over to pick up Shawn's cup. Dave grabbed her by the bikini and asserted that neither of them were thirsty. Carla glanced up to see Shawn wearing a big grin. She knew then that they were in cahoots and she wasn't sure if she was going to like this or not. She felt more in control when Shawn feared her husband and Dave was grumpy and disagreeable. Now, in just a few minutes and a short conversation, it seemed that Shawn and Dave had become conspirators. "So, what would you like to do tonight? Have you made any plans?" Dave prodded still gripping her suit and running a finger up and down her crack. Carla turned to face him and the look in his eyes told her that he was going to make her say the words, out loud, maybe even beg. She was ordinarily a shy private person. This situation was outrageous and way out of her milieu. To have sex with two men simultaneously has been her most intense fantasy since she could remember. Dave knew it and he wasn't going to let her get her way easily. Her face burned, her voice barely a whisper. She cleared her throat and spat it out, "I want Shawn to make love to me long and hard, and I know this because I've already sampled it. I want you to watch, even assist. I want to be filled completely, every bit of my body ravaged until my whole being rocks with multiple earth shattering orgasms." There she had said it just the way she meant it. Dave's mouth fell open. He had never heard such from his wife's luscious cherry lips. Shawn scooted in his seat. The protrusion in his wet, half-buttoned, denim shorts was evident by the pained countenance in his eyes. Carla conspicuously leered at his crotch, occasionally meeting his eyes, then falling back to his bulge. He appeared to be cautious of letting onto the fact that He had a hard on long before Dave came home and had plans to molest his wife without his knowledge or permission. There was nothing in the vicinity but concrete and wrought iron furniture so Carla recommended they take this party indoors. There, Carla turned to Shawn, who was still fighting not to appear to eager, and grasped his fly. He flinched. Carla unfastened the last three buttons and worked the shorts off of his hips. Shawn stepped out and discarded them. Carla ran her fingers down his soft, smooth chest. Her breathy sigh barely audible, "Touch me now." Shawn cupped her face with his hands and kissed Carla deep and hard. His tongue played roughly with hers and seemed to be saying, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Soon his hot mouth moved to her ears and down her neck. He reached her breast, Carla gasped and nearly fell backwards. Dave caught her from behind, holding her to discourage any second thoughts. Carla leaned back against Dave, now combing his fingers through her long, dark brown mane and massaging her scalp. Shawn backed Carla up to a nearby ottoman and insisted she recline. Dave quickly undressed while watching Shawn kneel, spreading and situating his wife's legs over the sides of the stool. He sat in the chair next to the two stroking his own flesh as Shawn's face dipped into Carla's juicy core. "He doesn't mess around," Dave grinned, "goes right for the good stuff." His tongue flicked back and forth, Dave knew what that did to his wife. Already, she was fidgety. The tongue disappeared inside Carla and she began to moan. Dave rubbed himself harder. He saw Shawn's long slender fingers enter Carla's fancy and wondered if he should tell him that she preferred them in her derriere . Suddenly Carla bolted upright and was panting hard in between gasps and whimpers. Dave watched as Shawn curled his fingers upwards exciting Carla's G-spot. It was driving her wild. She tried to brace herself by holding onto Shawn's shoulders but he ! kept trying to push her back for better access. Dave decided he needed some assistance. Down on his knees, behind Carla's head, Dave pulled her shoulders back against the ottoman. With her head hung slightly off the end, Dave offered himself to her. She immediately took him into her mouth clamping down so hard Dave groaned. For a moment the torture Shawn was performing was bearable. She concentrated on pleasuring Dave, drinking in his familiar sweet juices. Her arms reached around her husband's back, holding his bottom to steady herself. Shawn had moved his mouth back over her clitoris, alternating between nibbling and sucking her tiny swelling. It felt heavenly. She was nearing climax. Unexpectedly, Shawn put his index finger in her anal opening, fast and hard. Carla shrieked and jerked, biting Dave's hard member. He yelled out. Shawn seemed not to notice and went on stretching and prodding with his fingers and sucking and teasing her clit. Dave pulled out just before Carla let out an agonizing scream beggi! ng for mercy while her body convulsed. Dave and Shawn switched positions. Carla recognized the feel of Dave's tongue on her sensitive folds. She began to relax at his almost playful technique. Shawn held her head and kissed her softly whispering in her ear, his hands exploring her upper body. Absorbed in her very large rounded breasts, he traced around them, measured them with his palms, caressed gently, he couldn't seem to leave them alone. Having completed his chore, Dave pulled Carla to a sitting position and held her close. "You've never tasted so good. Never made me want you so bad," Dave murmured into her hair his breath like tongues of fire on her ear. Carla attempted to stand. She was dizzy and pulled up on Shawn. They stood together. It was Carla's turn to take the lead. She backed him into the couch and dropped in front of him. She leaned over and took his miniature areola between her teeth, flicking her tongue across it, then the other. Shawn moaned. She released her grip and made circular motions down to his navel. Shawn groaned as her tongue dipped in and out. He grabbed her head and forced her to stop. He was ticklish. She liked that. Her mouth moved further down. Knowing exactly what was in store for him, Shawn shut his eyes and gripped the seat cushions. Carla rested on her heals while she held Shawn's young staff in her warm soft hands. She examined it closely, as if it were the first time. She charted each raised vein carefully down his length with her fingers. Shawn didn't move, didn't breathe. Carla, sensing Shawn's mounting distress, finally allowed his gorgeous rod passage to her scalding, sensual mouth. Shawn gasped for air and held it again as Carla's mouth performed its magic. Carla found it amusing that Shawn couldn't seem to breathe while her mouth was on his . . . “Ahhh!" he cried out drawing in a sharp breath. Carla bit him gently to get his attention. Dave recognized the sign. Carla was getting more aggressive and needed additional stimulation herself. He moved in behind her caressing her neck and back. He lowered his mouth, switching to kisses that roamed her lower back. His tongue created wet swirls that dotted her buttocks before slipping into her crack. She purred, as he expected. She sucked brutally, now oblivious to Shawn's reactions, lost in herself. Carla snapped out of her trance as Dave entered her from behind, pounding forcefully. After the initial thrust, Carla transferred to Shawn the same fervor Dave was exhibiting. She had her men grunting and groaning. Shawn's intense stare caught her attention and his groans were becoming growls. She knew he was close and desperately wanted him to come inside her. She abruptly shouted and pushed away, releasing her hold on Shawn, and caused Dave to slip out. Both men, on the verge of ejaculation, had glazed over, stunned expressions. They watched as Carla climbed onto Shawn's lap and mounted him. His up-until-now virgin flesh filled her perfectly. She sat still, savoring the feel of him until his impatience beckoned her to appease him. She turned to look at Dave who was sitting back, once again handling himself, but with a dejected look on his face. “I want both of you," she begged. "Oh man," were the only discernable words in his deep growl. To Carla, this was the absolute ultimate in love making. It had to be done just right between partners who understood each other and Dave was a master. He poked her opening with his tip. Carla knew she would need to relax, but only became more tense. He pushed gently, the head entered. Carla screamed and convulsed, hot cream poured out over Shawn's crotch. Her muscles continued to pulsate causing Shawn' release at the same time. Shawn held her head and thrust turbulently until he had poured his entire soul into her. He collapsed against the back of the couch, Carla fell on top of him giving Dave better access. Dave's plunging shook her over and over. He was yelling something. Her mind fogged, she couldn't understand what he was saying. Then it was more clear. "Carla! Wake up!" Dave had a hard time waking his wife from her deep sleep. "Put your seat belt on. We're about to land." "Huh?" Carla opened her eyes and tried to regain her senses. "Your seat belt," he repeated. "What a dream," she reflected. Crimson tinted her face as she worried that she might have yelled out loud. An "oh my goodness " escaped her lips as she realized her panties were soaking wet and prayed that it didn't show on the back of her skirt. "What?" Dave asked perplexed. "Nothing. Nothing." They landed in Phoenix, switched planes and boarded an express that would get them to Sierra Vista around 6:00pm. There they would rent a car to take them to her brother's home. They found the address with a little back tracking, unloaded the car, and crashed on the couch. A moment later, a thought flashed through Carla's mind. She jumped up and rushed to the kitchen window. It was still daylight out and she could see that the pool water was, oh my gosh, in desperate need of cleaning. She prayed all the way to the garage door that her brother owned a set of left-handed golf clubs. Contributed by


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