Gay Erotic Stories

A Cindy Crawford Sandwich

by Stardog Champion
05 Oct 2000

Celebrity Fantasy


The searing mid day sunshine brutally fell on the golden Jamaican sands and dozens of its inhabitants. Tourists however were not the ones taking in the glorious beauty of the beach, gentle blue surf and soft breezes. Some of the most beautiful women in the world were the ones posing and primping their million dollar bodies and pouty smiles for several cameras that endlessly chirped like lively crickets up and down the sand.After four straight hours however, tensions on both sides of the camera were beginning to increase.Cindy Crawford knelt, trying her best to hold her pose for over a minute when she finally had to exhale and refill her lungs with a dose of fresh air.“What are you doing Cindy?” a photographer anxiously barked at the model with his thick German accent. “We have to wait until the light is just right...suck it in!”Inhaling a large dose of fresh air, Cindy restruck her pose. She thought humorously to herself how most any other man in the world would give anything to be in the position that the photographers were in, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women wearing bikini’s on a sunny beach and getting paid for it. Yet, those photographers did nothing more than treat the girls as if they were mindless, well proportioned, cattle.After 16 years of modeling, Cindy Crawford had worked her way to the top of her chosen field. With numerous TV and movie deals on the table, Cindy had to seriously ask herself why she was holding her breath for minutes at a time while being yelled at, trying to survive the grind of far flung, tedious photo shoots when she could have a much simpler career doing steady TV work back in the States.Standing in front of the onrushing surf, Cindy prayed the water would find its way up the beach for some measure of refreshment. Under the 100 degree heat of the sun, wearing only a skimpy dark blue 2 piece, a frustratingly ticklish bead of sweat trickled down her cleavage, forcing Cindy to fight the urge to break her pose and wipe it away. Thankfully, a helper on the set came up and wiped it off Cindy’s chest like it was nothing more than a drop of rain on the hood of a car.Finally at 4pm, needing to get their pictures developed to meet the magazine’s deadline; the photographers called it a day.While several of the younger models gathered together in small cliques to discuss how well they thought they had done and which photographer they should best try to make an “impression” on later that night at the clubs, Cindy walked all by herself towards the hotel not wanting to take part in the young girls’ giggly banter.Cindy knew the newbies were setting themselves up for a big disappointment down the road. You could sleep yourself up one or two rungs of the ladder, but to truly make the big time and to stay there, you had to have more than the ability to look good on film and to give good head.Cindy knew she still had that intangible going for her. What was lacking though was the youthful exuberance of her counterparts. The years of constant travel, constant attention and constant notoriety had made Cindy long for some semblance of a normal existence.Walking wearily of the beach, Cindy briefly stopped to discuss how the shoot went and her plans for later, with her agent. Taking the terrycloth robe from her agent’s hand, Cindy made a beeline for the hotel’s back entrance, needing something to eat, a shower, then a long nap.“Are you going out later?” her agent asked curiously.“Probably. I need a nap though,” Cindy replied. “I’ll call you when I wake up.”In truth, Cindy did not feel much like going out. Before entering the hotel lobby, Cindy cast a longing gaze back out towards the rhythmic calm of the ocean and took a long deep breath. She had been to so many beautiful and exotic locales during her career that at some point all of them had began to look alike. Rarely did she ever have the time or energy to truly appreciate the beauty that constantly surrounded her.Her life in paradise all too often consisted of staring at a camera, holding a pose or attempting to memorize lines. For a rare brief moment on the patio of her Jamaican hotel, Cindy felt an intense desire to soak up as much of the beauty of her surroundings, sensing deep within herself that her days of visiting these places as a star were numbered.Walking down the stairs into the seaside hotel cafe, Cindy had changed from her sweaty 2-piece bikini into a more conservative white sundress and a pair of sandals. With her long brown hair tied up in a tight bun on the top of her head underneath a chic, floppy hat and a pair of designer sunglasses to shield her eyes from the sun as well as the possible gawking onlookers, Cindy sauntered into the main dining area and took a seat at a corner table with a splendid view of the shoreline below.No one seemingly recognized her as Cindy Crawford, the model and TV star. She was simply another beautiful woman, one among many lounging in the outdoor restaurant. She was however one of the few attractive women eating an early dinner at the cafe who was dining all by herself.The inevitable wandering gazes from the men seated on the patio quickly fell on Cindy seated alone. She was routinely use to this. Secretly, it did give her great satisfaction to get noticed as a desirable woman without the pretense of those admiring her knowing exactly who she was.Cindy folded her long legs underneath the table and began to survey the menu that was waiting at the table.She spent a few moments pondering her choices when a deep, thickly accented voice from behind startled her slightly, “May I help you?”Placing her hand across her chest to compose herself, Cindy looked up and saw the handsome dark Jamaican waiter holding his order pad in one hand and a cold glass of ice water, for his lovely customer, with in the other.“I’m sorry...” Cindy giggled, catching her breath trying to apologize.“I didn’t mean to jump....I didn’t hear you walk up.”“My name is Stefan,” The waiter said in his syrupy broken English. Not even acknowledging Cindy’s initial surprise, he continued politely. “I’ll be your waiter is your water ma’am .... Whenever you are ready to order...just give me a little wave.... OK.”As the twentyish waiter stood there in his crisp white waiter shirt and shorts, Cindy was struck by the contrast of Stefan’s smooth dark skin under his white uniform. Being a health nut herself, Cindy also noticed how strong and toned his legs looked as they grew like tree trunks out from the tight, thigh length shorts that he wore.The two shared a brief smile and he Cindy ordered.Waiting for her light Caesar salad and soup to arrive, Cindy couldn’t help but feel many of the men at the bar working up the courage to try and come over talk to to her while she lounged alone. Some were even old enough to be her Father, she cringed, use to the unwanted but flattering attention. Some of the men also appeared to be college boys, obviously in Jamaica on their summer vacations, but old and young alike, had their sights set on the lovely model in disguise waiting at the corner table.“Here you are Miss...if you need anything else...I’ll be right over there....just wave, “ the friendly waiter smiled as he sat the soup and salad on the table in front of Cindy.“Oh…that looks delicious,” Cindy replied hungrily. “Thanks...Stefan.... is it?“Yes.... its Stefan...and yes...its looks delicious,” He slyly replied, looking more at Cindy’s cleavage as he stood above her than he did at the meal.“Enjoy,” Stefan said before attempting to leave his customer to her food.Before he could turn and walk away, without consciously setting out to do it, Cindy reached out her hand and demurely extended it towards the young waiter. Stunned for a moment, Stefan took Cindy’s small white hand in his and squeezed it, bringing a smile to both their faces.“”My name is Cindy,” the disguised model heard herself say. “Thank you for your service.”For a fleeting moment, both Stefan and Cindy focused on each other’s hand, feeling how good their brief interlock felt to each other.Quickly, Stefan was away to another table and Cindy slowly lowered his hand back against her lap as she began to nibble at her dinner while she thumbed through a fashion magazine while lounging away the afternoon.Several minutes into the meal, in mid bite of her salad, an arm reached down from behind and a hand rested beside Cindy’s plate of food.Cindy recoiled slightly from the rudeness of the gesture. She looked over and saw a tanned arm out of the corner of her eye, the shiny, nearly blinding reflection from the Rolex around the man’s wrist glistened against the dark glasses Cindy was wearing. As she decided how to respond to such an obvious come-on Cindy took a breath to calm herself before reacting . As she breathed in, Cindy was repulsed by the strong, overdone aroma of the cologne that the man standing behind her was wearing.“Can I help you!” Cindy said ,more than a little perturbed, without turning around.“Oh...I’m sure you can,” The older gentleman casually replied. “Me and my business associates couldn’t help but notice you over here eating alone. and we felt like it was such a shame. Here you are.... a beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn’t have to eat all by herself. You look familiar...haven’t I seen you on TV or something?” he asked, standing directly above Cindy, staring directly down at her breasts resting snugly inside her sundress. Cindy fought the overwhelming urge to elbow the older gentleman right in the privates. She knew he would never see it coming and it was certainly warranted. As usual however, Cindy took the high road.As the older man swung into view and confidentially took a seat beside Cindy at the table, Cindy looked loathingly at him answered his question.“NO,” Cindy said sternly but calmly. “I’m sure you don’t.... you must have me mistaken for someone else.”He continued to stare at Cindy, and even behind her dark sunglasses, she felt like she was sitting there undressed in front of him and this made Cindy burn with contempt.“Would you like to come over and finish your meal with my friends and me...we’re going out later...maybe dancing or something...would you like to join us,” He offered in his best-used car salesman voice.Noticing the gold band on the man’s left ring finger, Cindy calmly asked, “Will your wife be there?”“No,” He quickly answered, expecting the question. “No she won’t. I’m here on business with a few associates. My wife and I open relationship. And the way I see it...there’s no reason you can’t have one too. I’m sure your husband would understand if his very beautiful wife wanted to have a little fun here in paradise.”“I’m sure he wouldn’t,” Cindy replied slyly, restraining her venom. “But I think he would ask me to have much better standards if I was going to cheat on him. Now, would you please leave me alone.”Cindy’s words struck him as if several arrows had cut through most of his vital organs. Without speaking, the man in his late 50’s slumped back off his chair and walked gingerly back across the cafe to rejoin his friends at the bar, all of whom had smiles of ‘I told you so’ etched across their faces.Looking back down at her half eaten meal, Cindy realized she had lost any vestige of an appetite. Laying down a the money to pay for the meal along with a generous tip for the friendly young waiter, Cindy pushed away from the table and left the cafe for the comfort and solitude of her hotel room for a long nap.The four hours of sleep turned out to be just what Cindy needed. Waking up slowly, Cindy could faintly hear the music coming from the street, 6 floors below, as another wild and unpredictable night of partying got underway on the beaches and bars below. Cindy cuddled under her silk sheets, enjoying the way the thin white covers felt clinging to her naked body.Looking at the small clock beside her bed, Cindy saw that it read 10:03pm, still early for a resort area such as Jamaica. Cindy however had much more sedate plans than joining the parties along the beach.Rising off the king sized bed, letting the sheet fall gracefully off her naked frame back down onto the mattress, Cindy sauntered to the bathroom to take a long hot shower.Her long golden tanned legs flexed sexily as she strolled across the thick plush carpet and even though she was all alone in her room, Cindy still felt a slight twinge of embarrassment when she looked down and saw that both her pink nipples were visibly erect because of the soft cool air breezing through the opened window.As goosebumps began to rise on her firm belly, Cindy quickly made her way into the washroom, closing the door behind her.After turning on the shower and moving the knob to hot, Cindy sat back and waited for the steam to fill the entire room before she disappeared behind the black shower curtain.Feeling like a goddess as the sizzling water hit her body and the steam rose around her, Cindy let her mind wander back to the meeting hours earlier with the rich older gentleman that tried to pick her up. He had tried his best, Cindy thought to herself. Flashing his expensive Rolex, offering her a night of dinner and dancing with his wealthy friends, even plainly telling her that his wife didn’t care about what he did when he was down there on business.As wretching as the proposal was, Cindy still took some measure of pride away from it, enjoying having that kind of power over men. She secretly loved having the ability to simply wait for them to come up and talk to her because of her natural beauty and presence. She took a lot of joy in being their prey.Still, as the waters from the showers rained down on her tall naked body, Cindy privatly wondered what it would feel like to actually be the hunter for a change. She couldn’t remember the last time she had made a conscious decision to set out and find a man. They always seemed to find her first.An instant erotic jolt coursed through Cindy’s genitals out of nowhere. Tingling down her spine until it crashed against her crotch, Cindy thought longingly of turning the tables and seducing a man rather than the other way around. Cindy imagined what it would be like to be the one on the prowl.There in the heavy humid air of the foggy shower, Cindy Crawford gently eased her long soft fingers into her quickly moistening, completely shaved pussy and lovingly teased it for several minutes.Allowing her legs to part slightly, Cindy leaned back until her shoulders and the back of her head was resting against the slippery back wall of the shower stall.With her hands softly burrowed between the soaked expanse of her crotch, exploring every square inch of her pubic region, Cindy convulsed in a series of rolling, quaking motions as a self made orgasm swept through her body.Letting a litany of low mewing moans groan out of her mouth, Cindy was thankful that the rush of the shower masked the sounds she was making.Drying herself off, Cindy’s mind drifted back to earlier in day once again. This time remembering the hotel’s Jacuzzi on the second floor that overlooked the ocean. Cindy reflected on how relaxing she thought it would be to soak up the soothing bubble jets of a Jacuzzi as she gazed out over the calm cauldron of the ocean.“That’s what I’ll do,” Cindy said out loud to herself as she looked at her lovely, showered body in the hazy full-length bathroom mirror.Slipping on the same two piece blue bathing suit she had worn for the photo shoot earlier in the day, Cindy tossed a light robe over her body and grabbed a bottle of champagne and placed it in a bucket of ice before heading downstairs for a quiet evening of enjoying her post orgasmic glow in the pulsatating waters of the Jacuzzi.Approaching the second floor balcony that held the Jacuzzi, Cindy heart gleamed with relief that no one else was using the facilities. She was going to have the tub completely to herself.Flipping on the switch and watching as the swirling waters came to life, Cindy placed her left hand into the whirlpool to see if the temperature was right. Satisfied it would be comfortable, she dropped the thin robe off her shoulders and gracefully descended into the swirling depths of the tub. Placing her head back against the headrest, Cindy sat back, closed her eyes and began to soak up all the luxurious relaxation she could.Fading in and out of sleep, Cindy didn’t know if the faint voices she heard were coming from inside her head or actually from her surroundings. As the voices grew louder however, she could clearly hear someone say, “”Opening her eyes quickly, Cindy saw that two people were really there.“Ohhh....” Cindy blurted out. “I guess I must have just dozed off.” As her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light of the Jacuzzi deck, two vaguely familiar faces came into view. Looking up from the tub, squinting her eyes to focus on the fuzzy faces above her, Cindy’s gaze traced up the frame of two young black men. Slowly, Cindy recognized them as the two waiters she had seen at the hotel’s cafe earlier in the afternoon.Both men seemed to recognize the beautiful woman as well as they both smiled down at Cindy from the edge of the tub.“ were my waiter from earlier today?” Cindy said, relieved and a little surprised she had remembered his name.“That’s exactly right, “ Stefan replied. “This is my friend and co-worker.... Julius.”“Hello Julius,” Cindy smiled up to Stefan’s buddy. “My name is...”“Cindy,” Stefan answered, showing the attractive 33 year old woman lounging in the tub they had indeed remembered her from the cafe as well.“Do you mind if we join you?” Julius asked, not even waiting for Cindy’s response before he and Stefan began to take their shirts off.As Cindy tried wetting her tongue to answer, she watched as both young dark men peeled down to pair of sleek, skimpy Speedos.“Su…sure...” Cindy stammered. “This is a public tub...isn’t it?”“ is a public tub, Cindy,” Stefan answered seductively.“But it can be made to be private.Cindy looked up at both boys who were smiling as if they were on the inside of a joke that Cindy didn’t have the privilege to be. A moment later, Stefan was walking back to the entrance to the Jacuzzi room and with a simple turn of the key he had fished out of his shorts, he guaranteed that there would be no further interruptions to their evening in the tub.“One of the advantages to working here is to know where they keep all the keys,” Julius said wryly as Stefan returned to rejoin his friend in stripping down. “We come up here every now and then to wind down after a long day at work.”Cindy wanted to add the word, “alone” to finish Julius’s thought, but from looking at the way the two young guys looked, she could figure out the answer on her own.A moment later, both Julius and Stefan began submerging themselves into the bubbling cauldron to each side of Cindy, leaving her sitting nervously between them. As their chiseled bodies dipped under the crest of the bubbles, Cindy couldn’t help but shyly noticing the obvious bulges in both young men’s obscenely tight swim trunks.As Julius and Stefan worked their way into the tub and began to feel just how good the warm rushing water felt , both guys let out a deep long pleasurable sigh.“Feel’s great... doesn’t it?” Julius leaned over and asked Stefan.“Umm...hmmm,” Stefan replied. “Great view too,” he added, conspicuously not looking out across the balcony towards the ocean that was barely 100 yards away.Without even thinking, hearing the surf roll against the beach, Cindy replied, looking with passionate appreciation over the balcony, “It is a great view!” Over small talk for the better part of the next 15 minutes, Cindy discovered both Julius and Stefan were 22 and working their way through college on the island. Cindy told them that she was down in Jamaica on business but didn’t want to tell them exactly who she was. She didn’t even want to imagine what would happen in the tabloids if they caught wind of this innocent Jacuzzi conversation.Sitting in between the two hulking studs, Cindy rationalized that sitting in a hot tub with two incredibly well built young stallions for a married woman and a celebrity like herself would certainly make for some hard to explain gossip. “I’m in real estate,” She confidentially fibbed.Growing more and more aware of the butterflies in her stomach, Cindy felt her insides becoming as warm and unstable as the waters seething around the outside of her body as she continued to talk and laugh with the two local young men.“Look,” exclaimed Julius, rising out of the tub slightly. “That’s the Shelton Ferry coming back into the dock for the night.”Turning to Cindy, he continued. “My Father runs the company.... its the biggest ferry on the island.”Seeing the pride in Julius’s face and hearing it in his voice, Cindy felt obliged to rise up out of the tub as well and to take a look.When she did, both Stefan and Julius got a much better view of her as well.What they saw was a tightly toned, golden tanned goddess with shoulder length chestnut brown hair, long smooth legs, pert, firm breasts and an hour glass waistline all held together by a not so modest, blue two piece bikini.Julius and Stefan shared a momentary glance of appreciation with each other as Cindy watched the gorgeous lights of the ferry sparkle as it made its way back into the dock.Both boys had lifted themselves out of the water as well along side Cindy. Now out of the water, both Stefan and Julius could no longer conceal the erect straining ridges that bulged obscenely out in front of their Speedos.With the intent of looking down to make sure she wouldn’t slip on the slick floor of the Jacuzzi, Cindy gasped audibly when she noticed both concealed, snakelike tubes.She blushed realizing just how aroused both young men had become sitting in the tub beside her, still they had been perfect gentleman and hadn’t even hinted at making a move on her even though she was dressed so provocatively. Remembering her philosophical episode back in the shower an hour earlier about the curiosity of being the hunter for a change rather than the prey, a wave of strange carnal energy coursed up and down her spine causing a rash of goosebumps to raise on the skin that wasn’t still bathed in the hot tub.Looking from side to side ,longingly down over each of the black studs beside her, every primal nerve ending in her body wanted them inside of her. Even though she was a happily married, million dollar model who could have any man she wanted, at that moment she craved nothing more than to be the two local boys ‘fuck’ for the night. Thankfully, in the dim light of the Jacuzzi deck, neither kid could see how Cindy blushed from such a lustful thought.Cindy then calmly and decisively made her move.Inching up closer to the young waiter that had served her earlier, Cindy slipped her long, demure arm under Stefan’s and gently began rubbing his washboard abs. Stefan jumped from the surprise when he felt the lady’s soft fingers begin caressing his chiseled ebony flesh. Before he could react, Stefan felt Cindy’s lips softly rest on his muscular shoulder as she gently kissed him. Whispering up to them in a distant yet urgent voice, Cindy sighed, “I need you boys to fuck me.... right here.... right now.”Stefan first looked down at the beautiful woman throwing herself at him then cast an amazed glance over to Julius beside her who had an equally awestruck stare. Trying to determine if what was happening was simply a dream or not, Stefan let his eyes fall back to Cindy and saw that she was steadily lowering her hand down his broad chest to the jutting front of his swim trunks.Cindy Crawford’s long fingers dug into the strained fabric of Stefan’s bathing suit until she could feel the heat from the bestial power of the penis inside of it make her hand feel as if it was on fire.Rotating her wrist upwards, Cindy was able to slip two of her fingers into the tight waistband of the trunks, attempting to reach inside and feel the twitching occupant inside pressing powerfully to get out. As she planted a series of butterfly kisses on Stefan’s ears and thick neck, she suddenly felt the smooth ebony skin of the proud erection fully grown inside Stefan’s shorts. Straining her hand deeper into his trunks, Cindy could feel just how thick and long Stefan’s eager cock was as it pressed against her small white hand.With a deft tug of her wrist, Cindy pulled Stefan’s trunks down far enough for his huge black dick to jump out of its shackles, aiming upwards towards the sky like a shiny black switchblade.“Oh.... My.” Cindy gurgled in intense admiration as the full sight of Stefan’s fully erect 9 and half-inch cock angled up directly at her.Opening her hand as far as she could, Cindy clasped her grip around Stefan’s jutting monster, softly flexing her palm and fingers until she had built up a steady up and down rhythm, jacking off the young man’s rock solid cock. “I can’t take my hands off you...” Cindy sighed quietly into Stefan’s pec muscle, signaling her full sexual surrender.As Stefan and Cindy shared a deep, passionate, and sloppy French kiss, Julius had unfurled his tight swim trunks as well, allowing his cock to proudly swing side to side as he moved closer to Cindy.Her white body disappearing between both muscular young black men, Cindy felt as if she was somehow slipping into some dark, lustful alter universe.Grinding harder against Stefan’s granite like body as their tongue’s explored each other’s mouths, Cindy swooned from the collective power of Stefan and Julius’s four hands as they freely roamed over her tanned skin. For the time being, Cindy Crawford was no longer a model, wife and actress, she was simply a desire filled slut on the prowl who had successfully cornered and captured her prey.Firmly grabbing a handful of the blue strings of Cindy’s bikini top from behind, Julius yanked the knot free and let the light-covering fall off her shoulders. With her top pulled completely off, the model’s soft, full breasts mashed against Stefan’s chest, bringing a huge expression of happiness to his dark, youthful face.Quickly discarding the bikini top poolside, Julius immediately bent down and grabbed Cindy’s dark blue wet bikini bottoms and slowly eased them down her trim thighs as well. Rubbing his fingers down Cindy’s long golden legs as he lowered the garment, Julius’s dick hardened even more as he felt just how good Cindy’s white skin felt under his touch.Pushing the panties under the waterline of the tub, Julius smiled broadly when he saw Cindy nimbly step out of them one foot at a time, letting the panties float around the tub under the swirling whims of the water jets. Looking up at her from behind, the 22-year-old Jamaican native couldn’t believe the completely naked beauty that he was gazing up at. Sensing Cindy’s complete nudity and her unwavering surrender, Stefan pulled back and sat on the side of the tub, allowing his throbbing cock to twitch lewdly in the air between him and Cindy.Trying to look into Cindy’s eyes, which were fixated on his bobbing cock, Stefan cockily ordered Cindy down to her knees. “Get down there and suck it...suck my big black dick.... Cindy. Get it nice and wet and then I’ll fuck you with it...that’s what you want...isn’t it?”Cindy’s glazed brown eyes hesitantly rose to Stefan’s and when she nodded ever so slightly, Stefan could see her admission written across her pretty white face.Kneeling down between Stefan’s powerful legs, Cindy once again grabbed Stefan’s glorious black wand by its thick base and dropped her head directly into his crotch, trying wantonly to fit its ice cream scoop sized head into her fully stretched mouth. Looking down into Cindy’s strained face, Stefan’s cock throbbed even harder as he gazed down at the small cute mole just above her lips. Oh, how he dearly wanted to spew his pent up load all over her pretty mouth and cheeks when he finally was ready to empty his bloated black balls.When Cindy had finally jammed a good deal of Stefan’s cock into her gaping mouth, she could feel his muscles tense underneath her as she slowly raised his hips, pushing as much of his black root against the back of her throat as he could.Feeling the white woman’s saliva, slithering tongue and ivory white teeth glide over his nearly 10 inch pride and joy, Stefan let out a low groan of carnal pleasure as he received the best blow job of his life. Momentarily raising his eyes off Cindy going about her duty below, Stefan winked over to Julius, signaling his buddy to grab the bottle of baby oil from his poolside bag and to move in as well.Cindy managed to stuff nearly two thirds of Stefan’s massive organ in her mouth, and felt distinct pride in doing so, it was by the largest cock she had ever had the privilege of seeing face to face.Kneeling between his outstretched legs worshiping Stefan’s uncircumcised manhood, Cindy strained her eyes upwards to look at the black Adonis whose head was tilted backwards as he enjoyed the thorough blow job he was performing.When Stefan tilted his head back down, his gaze locked on Cindy’s. Grinning widely, he nodded his head, urging Cindy to get to her feet, that it was time that she got fucked.Reluctantly, Cindy let Stefan’s saturated, glistening black stalk fall heavily out of her mouth as a spittle of her saliva clung from Stefan’s large bulbous cockhead to her cherry red lips.Straddling her legs to each side of his, Cindy positioned her naked crotch above the powerful young black fucktoy she was preparing to mount. Gracefully easing down, Cindy felt her completely shaved vagina press down on the meaty erection directly underneath it.Seeing this absolutely stunning goddess rise above him, her long stringy brown hair nesting lovingly against her toned shoulders and her eyes filled with determined lust, Stefan realized her was almost ready to slide his dick inside the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.Stefan and his various friends from the island had fucked many women since he got the job at the hotel, too many to count. Married women, tourists, women on business, young and old, fat and thin, many of which in the very whirlpool they were in now. This however was slightly different for Stefan. Through the myriad of curious tourists, unfulfilled wives and long forgotten one-night stands in the past, what he was slowly easing his dick towards now was high-class, prime, grade A pussy.Both Cindy and Ste


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Guess I Should've Called First by Stardog Champion © "Mendoza is set....Garciaparra comes the 3-2 pitch....fouled off over the 1st base dug out...its still 3 and 2," the voice of Red Sox play by play man Sean McDonough boomed in his thick New England accent as he called the early May Yankees/Red Sox game. I had just gotten the chance to sit down after a long day of

Liberties Taken on Copperhead...

Liberties Taken on Copperhead Road by Stardog Champion ©© Sheriff Benjermin Deane Petitte sat patiently in his squad car outside the rundown trailer that belonged to Debby Sanchez. It was a quarter till 2 in the morning, and Sheriff Petitte was certain Debby had already gone to bed, the entire trailer was awash in darkness. He continued to sit there however in his squad car,

Living in Sin

Living in Sin by Stardog Champion ©© For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20's Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I were both

Living In Sin

LIVING IN SIN By Stardog Champion For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20’s Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I

School's Out

“So Ms. Casey, it seems all your paperwork is in order. I don’t see any reason why you can’t start first thing Monday morning,” the silver haired principal said while he halfheartedly thumbed through the resume in front of him. “Please Mr. Burkett,” the young well dressed woman nervously added, trying to contain her excitement,” Call me Kathy.” “Oh, don’t worry about that Katherine,

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 1

Strange Bedfellows Indeed PART 1 Chapter 1 Struggling once again with insomnia, as a large volume of the “History of New York State” rested heavily on her lap, Hillary sat up in bed doing research. At 2:44 a.m., in actuality, Hillary was trying to find the dullest thing she could that would perhaps help her fall asleep. She had unfortunately built up a tolerance to the

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 2

Strange Bedfellows Indeed Part 2 As Hillary Clinton rushed through her day, from staff meetings, to photo-ops with world leaders, and three separate meetings with her senatorial planning committee in the White House, 200 miles away, in a luxurious 14th floor apartment in Upper Manhattan, Latrell Sprewell was taking a more leisurely approach to the day. For the third time since he

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 3

Part 3 “The freakin’ first lady... what the hell does she want with me?” Latrell whispered to himself as he sat in front of the glowing computer screen. He thought about the strange offer for a few moments then typed in the simple reply, “Sure” without really knowing why, to his agent, then resumed checking his other accumulated mail. As he sat there, Latrell realized an entire

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 4

Strange Bedfellows Indeed (Part 4) Hillary Clinton tweeked her nipples as she lay flat against her hotel bed, her short legs splayed limply to the side as she soaked in several post orgasmic aftershocks. As she flipped her erect nipples, bathed in the blue light coming off the TV in front of her, the siren like pounding in her head slowly subsided, allowing her to attempt some

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part II

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. II by Stardog Champion © ...I started to rub my dick even harder as my eyes did a double take seeing who it was, flat on her back, in the center of the noisy group of men. It was Amanda, the tall natural blonde that I had jacked myself off to while she was throwing herself around the sandy volleyball court. Amanda was spread out on the

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part. I

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. I by Stardog Champion © Like any Father seeing his only Daughter off to college, I was full of a mix of overwhelming pride for how well she had done to get accepted to the University of Florida with a partial band scholarship. At the same time, there was also a real sadness for me because I knew how empty the house was going to feel while she was

There Goes The Neighborhood

THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY Stardog Champion “So here are your two sets of keys, rent is due by the 5th of every month and you have my business card with my phone number if there are any questions,” the fatherly looking landlord said in his most friendly voice to his two newest tenants. “I hope you enjoy your apartment.” “Yeah, I got a question,” a scrufy

What Goes Around ... Part 2

What Goes Around.......Part 2 Stardog Champion As surreal as it felt having two complete strangers sitting to each side of her, fondling and groping at her breasts, thighs and vagina, Sara Rutledge was still able to detach herself from the overwhelming physical sensations and focus more on the pathetic state her husband Len was in. As Marcus continued squeezing

What Goes Around... Part 1

What Goes Around......... Part 1 Stardog Champion At 47 years of age, Len Rutledge had carved out quite a nice life for himself. If anyone was, he was a prime example of the American Dream. Growing up in the blue-collar, bucolic Midwest, Len went to Vietnam when duty called and then proceeded to serve his country in the Army for the next 30 years. With Sara, his

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 1

Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 2

PART 2 Hearing the shower roar to life from the bathroom, it reminded LJ of something rather important he had to do. “Damn, man, I got to take a piss really bad!” he said to Jo Jo. “I saw a row of bathrooms on the way up,” Jo Jo offered, not knowing what LJ really had in mind. “Nah, I think I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there taking a shower, she’ll never know I’m

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster

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