601 Free Gay Erotic Stories in S/M

Gay Erotic Story

Coach's Ass, Part 1


"SHITFUCKFUCKSHIT!!!!" echoed through the empty locker-room along with the crashing noises of a door being slammed open. Tommy was yanked out of his fantasy, jerking his head around to face the clamor. He stood stock-still, the water from the showerhead cascading down his lean, taunt body, both his hands still gripping his large cock. That's coach's voice Tom despondently...

Gay Erotic Story

Nacktputzdates 4

by vorfuehrbar

Die Geschichte ist nicht für Leser unter 18 Jahren geeignet. Die Geschichte ist vollständig frei erfunden, in allen Darstellungen und Praktiken handeln nur volljährige Charaktere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Einmal im Sommer hatte ich einen freien Tag mitten in der Woche und nach dem Mittagessen kam nach sehr warmem Wetter ein...

Gay Erotic Story

Durst II

by palover

Wieder einmal ziehe ich durch die schneebedeckten nächtlichen Straßen. Wie an so vielen Wochenenden zuvor suche ich jemanden, bei dem ich meine Gier stillen kann. Es ist wieder einmal bitterkalt und trotz meiner Bomberjacke fange ich leicht an zu frösteln. Es könnte an meiner knall engen Lederhose und der nicht vorhandenen Unterhose liegen. So sehr ich Jocks und Lycra liebe, ab und an ist das...

Gay Erotic Story

Fantasien eines Sklaven - Teil 1 Geheimnisse

by SklaveTimm

Timm ist Sklave, was heißt, dass er seine Selbstbestimmung in Sachen Sexualität aufgegeben hat. beruflich bedingt ist er viel Unterwegs, so dass es immer mal wieder vorkommt, dass sein bester Freund Sebi Pakete für ihn annimmt. Auch kommt es selten mal vor, das Sebi, wenn er bei der Date-Suche keinen Erfolg hatte, den Arsch von Timm durchfickt. Timm war mal wieder 10 Tage auf einer...

Gay Erotic Story

Die Entwicklung von Timm zum Sklaven - Teil 1

by SklaveTimm

Vorwort: Die hier geschilderten Situationen sind so, oder so ähnlich wirklich passiert. Ich habe mir aber erlaubt, das ein oder andere ein zu ändern. Dialoge wurden für einen besseren Lesefluss angepasst, einige Dinge verkürzt um die Geschichte nicht zu überladen. Die geschilderten Praktiken wurden so erlebt und haben somit zu meiner Entwicklung beigetragen.Alle geschildteren...

Gay Erotic Story

Fehler müssen bezahlt werden

by m231939m

Fehler müssen bezahlt werden PROLOG Da ist es; blitzartig und ohne Vorwarnung: dieses eigenartige, schwer zu beschreibende Gefühl, dass jemand von hinten ganz nah herantritt. Man hat nichts gehört, keinen Schritt, keinen Atemzug und doch richten sich abrupt die Nackenhaare auf, durchfährt einem die Gewissheit, dass es irgendwie zu spät ist. Instinktiv lässt Mark den Karton, den...

Gay Erotic Story

Daddie Spank

by willobeyU

Dad Meeting We first met in a online chat room after he sent an email to me. He had read my profile and know that i was bi and into bdsm. He was a "Daddy" who was into discipline and i was a "sub". A perfect match. A few chats and webcam inspections and it was decided that we would meet for a cup of coffee, nice neutral place, and see where that went. It went very well. He looked the...

Gay Erotic Story

September Fantasy Part 2

by d80k

September Fantasy Part Two: My head was swimming from the poppers and the ecstasy, I had a unsatiable urge for cock, to serve to debase myself and I wanted it more than anything I have ever wanted. My cock was locked in a cage I BOUGHT, and with a metal padlock that he put on, what was I going to do? What was I going to tell my girlfriend when she saw it? I can’t let her see it, but...

Gay Erotic Story

September Fantasy

by d80k

As a Bi male, I have off and on played around with gay hook up apps, this is a story of one of those 'potential' transactions. After going back and forth on Grindr with a guy who seemed nice and normal, he stated he was interested in some role play; I asked him what he meant by that; he simply stated “Master/Sub”. This has been a long standing fantasy of mine so I said “I’d be down to...

Gay Erotic Story

The Right Wing Alpha - Part 1

by teachmedeepthroat

When I had graduated college I thought that the world was my oyster. I was going to be somebody! I had been offered a position at the marketing firm where I had interned during college and was moving to the big city. It was the dream of every privileged kid who grew up in a blue suburb like I had. Five years later my reality looked very different. I had never even been considered...

Gay Erotic Story

Geheime Vorlieben #2

by FreeBird

Zweites Kapitel: Die geklauten Socken und das vergessene Handy Die letzten Wochen gemeinsames Training mit Leon schienen erste Erfolge zu zeigen. Meine Mutter betonte, wann immer sie konnte, dass ich nicht mehr so blass im Gesicht sei. Mein Sportlehrer, Herr Schneider, lobte mich, dass meine Ausdauer nun viel größer war. Vielleicht war beim Schulmarathon ja doch etwas besseres als der...

Gay Erotic Story

Time To Pop Your Cherry

by sissy

In school I was not what you would call masculine. In fact, I was small people would say I was cute like a girl. I hated gym class not so much P.E. itself I was pretty agile but the locker room while changing. I was a freshman and we just got done playing dodge ball and I ran into the locker room and tried to get a shower before most of the boys come in. I just got done...

Gay Erotic Story

My Cute Little Sissy

by johnanail

Well, well, well I finally caught you. I finally caught you in the act and what you didn't know was my best friend was helping me. I suspected you who has tried to pass yourself as a Straight Man was a really a little fag sissy. Ya, that is what even those in the gay community call you. Now, you have 1 of 2 choices and that is to submit to your nature or I plaster the pics...

Gay Erotic Story

Bobby Ryan Gets Captured

by tt815

(As always I don't know the sexuality pefance of go bobby Ryan this is fiction) Its 9 in the evening at Bobby Ryan's off season home in Idaho Bobby was in his basement when he walked up stairs where he see a guy holding a gun bobby puts his hands up his hands are tied behind his back the man leads bobby In to the dining room forcing bobby to sit in a chair and ties bobby to the...

Gay Erotic Story

Nightwing's Torture Part 4

by arthurcomichero

"The Bat," The Joker said. Bane put on a powerful glove with Titanium electric pulses. Batman tried to dodge, but Killer Croc put him in a full Nelson. Batman's ass rubbed against Killer Croc who was horny from the Nightwing ball busting abuse. Bane did a flying kick to Batman's codpiece. His plump balls smashed into the pit of his stomach. Next Bane kneeled and twisted Batman's balls...

Gay Erotic Story

Matt Ryan gets abducted part 2

by tt815

(Disclaimer this is fantasy don't know anyone in thehh story or there sexual pefrence It has been two week since Atlanta Flacons QB Matt Ryan was kidnapped Mr johns and finished matt expdided training end two nights ago and tonight was the auction Mr johns said he would start the bidding at six million it time matt as step on a block OK we have matt Ryan this sexy QB has been trained he did so...

Gay Erotic Story

Candy Ass

by sluttybttm4u

I am a faggot who will do anything to please my man. I have a tramp stamp that boldly says FAGGOT and did that for him. Now I was not always a fag and I looked at them with disdain never would hunt them down or anything like that just would shake my head in disgust when I would see one at the gym. How I became a fag was when I went to prison for a crime I didn't commit. I was...

Gay Erotic Story

Nightwing's Torture Part 3

by arthurcomichero

Nightwing was tied up like a slab of prime beef. His lacerations and bruises were all over his body. His handsome face was bruised and the hero tried to get away. Nightwing's muscles still were in tact. Killer Croc began his assault with his claws and gripped the hero. "don't hurt his genitals," Joker said. Killer Croc looked at Nightwing's compact nuts. Plump and juicy. He couldn't help...

Gay Erotic Story

Zum Homo erpresst Teil 2

by ruedi47

Zum Homo erpresst Copyrights Ruedi by storwrite@gmx.de Erstellungszeitraum August 2007 TEIL 2 Bei dieser Story handelt es sich um ein SM-Märchen ohne jeden Bezug zur Realität. Wir warnen deshalb vor Nachahmungen oder Ausprobieren der beschriebenen Praktiken. Außerdem weisen wir drauf hin dass der größte Teil der Story homoerotischen Inhalts ist. Ungenehmigte Verbreitung in anderen...

Gay Erotic Story

Zum Homo erpresst Teil 1

by ruedi47

Zum Homo erpresst Copyrights Ruedi by storwrite@gmx.de Erstellungszeitraum Juli 2007 – August 2007 TEIL 1 Bei dieser Story handelt es sich um ein SM-Märchen ohne jeden Bezug zur Realität. Wir warnen deshalb vor Nachahmungen oder Ausprobieren der beschriebenen Praktiken. Außerdem weisen wir drauf hin dass der größte Teil der Story homoeroti-schen Inhalts ist. Ungenehmigte Verbreitung...

Gay Erotic Story

Faggot delivery boy

by deliveryboy

This is my first time ever writing a story, and it’s basically all true with name changes. There’s at least one more part to it (I had no idea how easily these things can get so long). If there’s any interest I may release the second part. This happened awhile ago, but this sub’s got me thinking bout one of my old coworkers. Also, I’m sure it’s a fetish but this doesn’t actually have to...

Gay Erotic Story

Dale Earnhardt Jr gets kidnapped by pirates

by tt815

Dale Earnhardt Jr gets kidnapped by pirates note I don't know the sexual prefance of Data Earnhardt Jr this a work of fiction while on a guys weekend Dale Earnhardt Jr boat get sized by pirates and the fun begins one day in the middle of the Atlantic ocean Dale Earnhardt Jr. and a hunch of his friends are enjoying a guys only weekend on a big private ship sunbathing when...

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Opa, der Sexsklave 2

by FreeBird

Mein Opa, der Sexsklave 2Manchmal kommt es mir so vor als wäre es erst Gestern gewesen als ich die geheime Identität meines Opas entdeckt hatte. Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern wie irritierend es für mich war zu erfahren, dass mein Opa ein Sexsklave ist und sich von einem Meister im Internet öffentlich vorführen lies. Dieser Umstand hatte mein Weltbild als naiver, gerade erst 18 Jahre...

Gay Erotic Story

Zwickmühlen - Teil 4

by pppppppppp

Zehn Tage vorher stand Laurenz sehr nervös auf einem großen Platz in seiner Heimatstadt und sah sich um. Er konnte selbst kaum fassen, dass er hier war…er hatte auf diese seltsame Anzeige im Internet geantwortet, irgendjemand suchte Sklaven, junge schwule Jungs, die sich in perverse Zwickmühlen bringen lassen wollten. Auf seine E-Mail war sehr schnell eine Antwort gekommen, und nach einigem Hin...

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