Trinity has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit English Lads
Years ago when I was eighteen and still living at home, my mother and brother were gone one night for some reason. Lying around in the living room with just his jockey and his T-shirt, as he often did, Dad said, "Why don't you stay in my bed tonight? There is certainly no one else around. "Sure," I said, not really thinking anything about it. Even though I had been having sex ...
Years ago when I had just graduated from high school my 2 cousins and my brother and I were driven to the State Fair by my mother and two aunts. Cars were certainly lots bigger then. We had a full day and began the drive back after 10:00 PM. It was pitch black outside and Kansas highways didn't have much traffic. All four of us boys fell fast asleep. I slowly woke...
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