Fantasy Girl has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Chaos Men
It’s been along time since my boyfriend Gary and I stayed down the shore together just the two of us, all alone. It seems like an eternity since we last made love on the beach. Gary is one for surprises and loves making all of my fantasies come true. Making love on the beach was one of them but I never expected this. One day Gary came home from work and told me he made...
It was the end of my senior year in college. It was time to pack my things and head back home to Pennsylvania. It has been four years since I’ve seen my sister Clarissa. A couple of years ago my parents passed away and left Clarissa their large colonial home in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t have any desire to go back to my hometown but I missed my sister and didn’t have a set...
I knew I should have waited for the light to turn green before I attempted to beat a yellow signal a block and a half away. I was in a rush to get to work and they said if I was late one more time I would be fired. I guess things happen for a reason. My name is Tom by the way. Needless to say, I had an accident today. They rolled me in to the ER and there were people everywhere...
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