Tokyo Speedo Studs Blog Post

Tokyo Speedo Studs Visit Japan Boyz

By Japan Boyz

The studly Asian men of Japanboyz are organizing a swim team, and to get in top condition for their meet they get together in the gym to work out. Fuji, Kaoru, Higaken, Hiroya and Teppei take their places at the various pieces of gym equipment and start training. Hiroya is doing sit ups with Fuji while Higaken performs deep knee bends nearby. Teppei is spotting Kaoru as he does biceps curls. Enough exercise and get to work on those neglected love muscles! They settle to the mats and begin making out. Fuji and Hiroya are groping and nip-licking on one mat while Teppei, Higaken and Kaoru are huddling in a sexy pileup on the other. Kaoru's in the middle getting attention at both ends from his buddies.

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