Gay Erotic Stories

Tile Laying Dream

by HotHands

Building a house is both exciting and nerve racking... My partner and I had designed and were building our dream house. My partner, Pete, was a personal trainer and male model, so he was hot and hung, we never had any problems in bed and we were always very satisfied. When we started this project we met with several contractors and got the ball rollng. Pete had to go out of town on a business trip and was going to be gone two to three weeks, the longest we had been apart from each other. As we usually did, we met at the house after his workout, to see the progression and what had been completed, While inspecting the master bathroom, things got hot and romantic and we ended up making love on the newly installed bathroom countertop. As we were really getting into it and nearing our climaxes, I noticed some movement near the bathroom door. Just as I was about to say something to Pete, he started to cum and that then let to my own orgasm. There was no water service yet, so we dressed and went back to our apartment and got cleaned up, before we were meeting friends for dinner. After dinner I mentioned to Pete that I thought someone had seen us making love and he kind of shrugged it off. We went to bed and had sex again, as we did each time before one of us left for an extended period of time. I drove Pete to the airport the next morning and we said our good byes. The rest of the day I ran errands and went back over the previous days love making and was becoming arroused. I decided to drop by the house to check the progress as usual. there was a truck parked out front, but I did not think much of it as the house was under construction. I walked through the house and saw that the tile had been set in entry, guest bath and kitchen, As I walked into the master bedroom I heard work being done in the master bath. I went to the door, but did not see anyone, I was then greeted with a deep sexy 'Hello" in the direction of the shower. As I turned and said 'Hello" I was saw a huge muscular man of color standing in my shower area, wearing only a pair of cotton shorts, knee pads and work boots. He walked over to me and advised that his name was Tyrone Simpson the Tile setter. Tyrone stood about 6' 4", was approximately 290 pounds of well defined solid muscle, He has some hair on his chesk and tight cornrow braids. He extended his hand in greeting and I shook his hand, kind of in awe of his physical beauty. Tyrone apologized for his lack of clothing but it had been a hot day and it was eaiser to work in as few clothes as possible. I asked Tyrone if he had set all the the tile in the house and he said yes, but I should call him Bubba T, thats what all his friends call him. We chatted a bit and then Bubba T said the he wanted to apologize for walking in on me and my partner the day before, but he was scoping out the project before starting and came upon us. I blushed and he asked why, advised that we were totally naked and I had never done anything like that before. Bubba T stated that it was beautiful, the way the each of us saw to the others needs, he wished his girlfriend would do that. I jokingly said, well, maybe he should try a guy instead. Bubba T, had a quizical look on his face and asked where he would be able to find a guy that would be willing to hook up with him. Advised that he was hot and I could give him some names of gay friends. Bubba T thought for a minute, and then said, but he had had problems finding girlfriends because of his size. I advised that his height and weight was nothing, Bubba T smiled a wide bright white smile and said no, it was the size of is cock that scared many away. I advised that was probably just a myth about black men and as i said this, Bubba T dropped his shorts to reveal a limp 8 inch cock, and large balls. My mouth watered and I exclaimed that he did indeed have a nice piece. Bubba T then asked if I would be willing to 'get' with him. Advised that I was in a committed relationship. Bubba T then walked over to me and took me into his massive arms and kissed me. As we were kissing his cock strated to stir, and soon was a massive 15 inches of hot hard throbbing cock. I started to reach for it, but Bubba T stopped me and said that he was dirty and wanted to clean up before he got with me. I gave him my address and he said that he would be about 15 minutes behind me. I drove home and prepared the bed and bath for my soon to be arriving guest. There was a knock at the door, I answered and there stood Bubba T, now dressed in a work shirt and jeans, but sandals. He smiled and entered my apartment. As soon as I closed the door, Bubba T took me into his arms and we passionately kissed. I advised that we better cool it until he was ready as he still needed to shower. We went to the bedroom and he undressed, as he was removing his pants, he asked if I was going to join him in the shower. I had not planned on it, but said yes. We showered and kissed and things got hot and very erect. We got out of the shower and dried off. we went into the bedroom and got in bed. We started kissing and licking, I went down on that massive and veined cock, licking it and making love to it, As I continued, Bubba T moaned loudly. He then said he could not take anymore and pulled me up to kiss him, He then turned me around and went down to my ass, filling it with his hot wet tongue. it felt wonderful. There was a pause, then I felt the head of his hot hard cock part the cheeks of my ass, heading to my puckered hole, He pushed in, and then very gently and with great patience, pushed inch after hot hard inch into me. I pushed back on him an the final few inches filled me and he then started a rythmic humping and continued humping me until he started to grunt and groan in pleasure, i then felt his hot cum fill me....


2 Gay Erotic Stories from HotHands

Best Interview ...... Ever!

I had just graduated from massage therapy school and was sent to a local gym for a job interview. I made sure I was 'dressed for success' and clean from head to toe. I had an interview with the gym manager named Jake. I arrived early and was told by the front desk that Jake was just finishing up his work out and said that I should wait in his office. As I waited in the office, I noticed that

Tile Laying Dream

Building a house is both exciting and nerve racking... My partner and I had designed and were building our dream house. My partner, Pete, was a personal trainer and male model, so he was hot and hung, we never had any problems in bed and we were always very satisfied. When we started this project we met with several contractors and got the ball rollng. Pete had to go out of town on a business


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