Gay Erotic Stories

Horny College Roommate

by Hitchcock

My sophomore year in college my best friend from high school came to the same college I was in and we decided to room together. He was a year younger, and a few inches shorter, but built like a wrestler. Blond, blue eyes, a great smile, and we shared a lot of similar interests. His main fantasy at the time was Victoria Principle, and mine was HIM. I loved watching him. In high school I was the team manager of the soccer team and the basketball team, so I got to watch all the guys get dressed for games, and shower afterwards. I still remember the feeling like lightning that struck me when I saw him naked in the shower for the first time.

So, needless to say I was thrilled we would be rooming together, but also a little nervous that he might notice my attention too much. He wore just a pair of baggy sweats cut off for shorts in the room when he was studying, and, since I had a drawing class, I asked if he'd mind if I sketched him for my class. He didn't mind, so he sat there looking adorable and I drew him over and over. His muscles had a way of looking natural and strong without being over the top; just a naturally well-built guy. But I was in love, I guess.

We had very different schedules, so we rarely got up at the same time. And my work-study job required me to be up at 5:30 a.m. so I was up and in the gang showers down the hall all alone each morning. I would walk down the hall in just my towel, hoping no one else would be there so I could jerk off in the shower without being disturbed; my first year at college I was a little unprepared for the group shower experience. I got so horny in the shower each time I would almost always get a hardon and have to hide it as best I could. I just couldn't stop looking at all the cocks in the showers.

One guy, named Ben, would always walk down the long hall to the bathroom totally naked first thing in the morning, and every day he was hard; some days only semi-hard, but always with his 9-incher bouncing between his soccer-player thighs. He would go to the urinal, drain his bladder, and then stand there in the line waiting for a shower to open up. Naked still and his cock slowly softening a little, but staying long and thick. Guys would chat and scratch themselves and joke around in line at "morning rush hour." After seeing Ben do this I'd be totally turned on and would have to jerk off to start my day.

The shower had three shower heads in one large tiled chamber, all three on the same wall. There was a door from the hall that faced the shower entrance, so you could hear the door squeak as someone was entering; giving you a one second warning before you'd be seen. I usually just turned my back to the door and kept soaping up my balls. Usually that early it was someone needing to pee, and then going back to bed. If the person DID decide to shower, I would have an almost complete boner to hide and discretely finish and leave to finish jerking in the toilet stall, dripping soap and water all over the tiles floors.

I also went to bed a lot earlier than my roommate, so at night when I heard him come into the room, I would pretend to be asleep and watch him undress and get ready for bed. It was so hot watching him take off his clothes and toss them carelessly to the floor. In just his underwear (tighty-whiteys) He would do push-ups and sit-ups on the floor right between our beds. I would be so horny and have such a huge hardon that I'd sometimes jerk off slowly in my bed while watching him, careful not to make any noise. Sometimes after the lights were out I would hear him moving rhythmically under his sheets. I always fantasized he was jerking off too. I'll never know.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Hitchcock

Caught Naked in the Creek

I loved to go to the local swimming hole in the summer. Always lots of local young guys jumping and hot-dogging off the awesome rope swing. I had done it a lot too, and was pretty good at it. The creek was pretty deep, and the tree that the rope was tied to leaned way over the creek about 50 feet up, so the swing "ride" was pretty far out and you could fly out and almost the whole way back, then

Horny College Roommate

My sophomore year in college my best friend from high school came to the same college I was in and we decided to room together. He was a year younger, and a few inches shorter, but built like a wrestler. Blond, blue eyes, a great smile, and we shared a lot of similar interests. His main fantasy at the time was Victoria Principle, and mine was HIM. I loved watching him. In high school I was the

Pool Locker Room

In college I swam laps for exercise every other day. I hated exercise, but at least under water you don't sweat so much, and you can see lots of cock in the showers and locker room. The pool was open ‘til 10 pm, so a lot of times I would swim 9-10 and take my time cleaning up so I could linger and watch the other guys without being rushed to a class. One night a particularly hot guy was also

Skinny Dipping Last Summer

It was really fucking hot, and I had just got finished mowing lawns all day for a landscaping company. I was sweaty and sticky, and my clothes were covered in grass clippings, and I felt like I was burning up. I knew a good swimming hole nearby, so I stopped on my bike at the trail that led from the roadside to the creek. I left my sweat-soaked tank top on the bike and headed down the trail.

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